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Imagen de apoyo de  Children born as a consequence of wartime sexual violence: subverting structures of discrimination = Niños nacidos como resultado de violencia sexual en tiempos de Guerra: subvirtiendo estructuras de discriminación

Children born as a consequence of wartime sexual violence: subverting structures of discrimination = Niños nacidos como resultado de violencia sexual en tiempos de Guerra: subvirtiendo estructuras de discriminación

Por: Tatiana Sánchez Parra | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Gender-based violence during armed conflicts and under oppressive regimes is a reality. Although governments, NGOs, the international community and civil society have made efforts to address the impact of gender-selective practices on women their magnitude remains underestimated. When sexual violence has been systematically used as a strategy of terror and control, children born as a consequence of it emerge within the society as a generation conceived from violence. Even though these children are part of the narratives of wartime sexual violence survivors, they have neither gained a place in the agenda of human rights concerns nor in the post-violence political agenda. Indeed, in the aftermath of conflict they seem to be invisible subjects of the wounded society and therefore, their role in the process of national reconciliation is denied.Although there is a significant lack of information on these children, empirical evidence shows that their human rights are highly compromised in a number of ways and that their presence cannot be underestimated. In this dissertation I argue that the omission to include these children in the agenda towards reconciliation hinders the project of national reconstruction. By being excluded from this process, they are not just marginalised from the political process towards reconstruction of the society but also from society itself. My analysis is enriched by elements coming from sociology, psychology and international human rights law. I based my research on the review of International Human Rights Instruments; Literature on gender based violence during conflicts; war-affected children; trauma; and reconciliation. In addition, I reviewed literature on the plight of these children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, East Timor, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros

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Children born as a consequence of wartime sexual violence: subverting structures of discrimination = Niños nacidos como resultado de violencia sexual en tiempos de Guerra: subvirtiendo estructuras de discriminación

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Imagen de apoyo de  Sustainability reporting: information complexity = Reportes de sostenibilidad: complejidad en la información

Sustainability reporting: information complexity = Reportes de sostenibilidad: complejidad en la información

Por: Carlos Oliveros | Fecha: 01/01/2010

Abstract:The paper presents a theoretical critical revision of the four mainstream sustainability information encoding processes by arguing that they are insufficiently capable of intelligibly recording, classifying, and summarizing sustainability data for economic prosperity, environmental integrity and social equity decision making (i.e. sustainable development). Utilizing the postulates of General Systems Theory and systems proprieties the problem of information complexity presented by sustainability data is addressed.Resumen:El siguiente trabajo presenta una revisión teórico crítica de los cuatro procesos de codificación de información desde los cuales se reporta actualmente en sostenibilidad. El trabajo sostiene que cada uno de ellos es insuficientemente capaz de registrar, clasificar y resumir información de forma inteligible para la toma de decisiones sobre desarrollo sostenible, es decir, respecto a decisiones sobre prosperidad económica, integridad medioambiental y equidad social. La revisión crítica está basada en los postulados de la Teoría General de Sistemas y en las propiedades sistémicas que permiten abordar el problema de la complejidad en información que presenta la información en sostenibilidad.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Sustainability reporting: information complexity = Reportes de sostenibilidad: complejidad en la información

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Imagen de apoyo de  The prevention of blindness in children in Colombia: The assessment of the service requirement for an ROP programmes in Manizales-Pereira-Armenia cities, and plan for a future screening programme

The prevention of blindness in children in Colombia: The assessment of the service requirement for an ROP programmes in Manizales-Pereira-Armenia cities, and plan for a future screening programme

Por: Claudia Quijano Maya | Fecha: 01/01/2011

BackgroundRetinopathy of prematurity is the major cause of blindness in children in Colombia. This cause of childhood blindness is irreversible when stablished, but 100% preventable with the adequate strategies put in place. This raises important questions concerning strategies to reduce the incidence of blindness as a result of ROP, which should ensure that all infants who are at risk of blinding ROP are examined in screening programmes.AimThe aim was to collect data in the neonatal intensive care units. This was used to evaluate the existing human and material resources for preventing, screening and treating ROP and rehabilitation of children suffering from ROP. The data helped to do an analysis of gaps in the service and allowed to present a proposal for a programme to prevent blindness due to ROP in the cities of Manizales, Pereira and Armenia, Colombia.Methods7 NICUs were visited in the three cities. The study collected quantitative data on neonatal intensive care units, admission and survival of premature babies during 2010, human resources and infrastructure and data on knowledge of the Colombian guidelines on ROP.ResultsThe survival rates vary according to the provider. They are higher in the private sector, and lower in the public sector. Overall, the available data allowed us to estimate that there are approximately 45,000 births per year (2010) in the region (95% occur in hospital) and 1.8% of all the births are less than 2,000g. Therefore, in the region, 810 babies per year weighing less than 2,000g are at risk of developing any type of ROP.The number of places, ventilators and monitors is sufficient. Staffing is adequate in the private NICUs, with a shortage of neonatologists in the public NICUs. The number of nurses monitoring babies is universally adequate, but the lack of knowledge in controlling risk factors of developing ROP such as monitoring oxygen in a constraint.An ROP screening programme is not available in public NICUs and in some of the mixed providers. The Kangaroo Mother programme lack of screening for ROP.ConclusionsThe unstable health system has allowed (i) unsustainable NICUs and programmes for ROP (ii) If available, programmes running without being monitored or evaluated, and, (iii) no screening in public and some mixed NICUs in Manizales, Pereira and Armenia. (iv) no screening for ROP in the Kangaroo Mother ProgrameAs access and survival rates improve in the NICUS of these cities, ROP is likely to continue to be a significant cause of blindness in the region, despite the progress that has been achieved with the 2010 Colombian guidelines for screening and treating ROP.RecommendationsThe results suggest that the prevention of blinding ROP is a complex task in Colombia that requires concomitant strategies to be put in place:Firstly, national policies in screening for ROP and oxygen delivery for the babies in the NICUs are needed.Secondly, as a primary preventive strategy, training nurses in the NICUs to control and monitor the delivery of oxygen; as a secondary preventive strategy, ROP programmes offered to the public, mixed, private NICUs and to the Kangaro Mother Programme; as a tertiary strategy, rehabilitation providing a low vision centre for these childrenThirdly, running ROP programmes need to be monitored and evaluated.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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The prevention of blindness in children in Colombia: The assessment of the service requirement for an ROP programmes in Manizales-Pereira-Armenia cities, and plan for a future screening programme

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Gaceta de Colombia - No. 196

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Gaceta de Colombia - No. 194

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Colombia S.A properties 10

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Colombia S.A properties 22

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Colombia S.A properties 2

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Colombia S.A properties 25

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Colombia S.A properties 17

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