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Imagen de apoyo de  Zorro #4

Zorro #4

Por: Francesco. Francavilla | Fecha: 2013

Dynamite presents the return of yet another legend as art director, cover artist and writer Matt Wagner unveils the all-new Zorro! Dynamite's "year one" Zorro comic book adventure - similar in tone and scope to Dynamite's acclaimed Lone Ranger series - also features artist Francesco Francavilla who complements Wagner's pulp action writing! Zorro continues to be a thorn in the side of brutal Sgt. Gonzales as he wages his one-man war against the oppressors. While the main story unfolds in the present day, flashbacks feature the formation of the man who would become "the Fox" along with his faithful companion Bernardo as they grow up among the wilds of California and the streets of Spain!
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Cómics
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Zorro #4

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Imagen de apoyo de  Zorro #3

Zorro #3

Por: Francesco. Francavilla | Fecha: 2013

Writer, Art Director and cover artist Matt Wagner is in command of this all-new "year one" Zorro comic book adventure. Similar in tone and scope to Dynamite's acclaimed Lone Ranger series, Zorro also features artist Francesco Francavilla whose art complements Wagner's pulp action writing! As our third issue opens, Zorro comes face-to-face with the tyrannical Gonzales as the "fox" strikes deep into the heart of the corrupt local officials! Plus, more from Diego's childhood as we learn about the places and events which would define the young man and create the great Zorro.
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Cómics
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Zorro #3

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Zorro #20

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Imagen de apoyo de  Zorro #2

Zorro #2

Por: Francesco. Francavilla | Fecha: 2013

Dynamite continues the return of yet another Legend as Matt Wagner unveils the all-new Zorro! Writer, art director, and cover artist Matt Wagner is in command of this all-new "year one" Zorro comic book adventure. Similar in tone and scope to Dynamite's acclaimed Lone Ranger series, Zorro also features artist Francesco Francavilla who complements Wagner's pulp action writing! Issue #2 continues the frantic pace set by issue #1 as we learn more about Diego's past, while in the present, his alter-ego Zorro is making things more and more difficult for the brutal Gonzales as the two come face-to-face!
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Cómics
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Zorro #2

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Zorro #19

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Zorro #18

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Zorro #17

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Imagen de apoyo de  Zorro #16

Zorro #16

Por: Francesco. Francavilla | Fecha: 2013

Artist Francesco Francavilla returns to the pages of Zorro! Under the skillful hand of Eisner nominated writer and cover artist Matt Wagner, Dynamite's Zorro series continues with issue #16 and the explosive second chapter of our third story arc. This time, El Zorro faces a band of merciless pirates and the line continues to blur between the masked avenger and his alter-ego Diego!
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Cómics
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Zorro #16

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Imagen de apoyo de  Zorro #15

Zorro #15

Por: Francesco. Francavilla | Fecha: 2013

Artist Francesco Francavilla returns to the pages of Zorro! Under the skillful hand of Eisner nominated writer and cover artist Matt Wagner, Dynamite's Zorro series continues with issue #15 and the beginning of our third story arc. This time, El Zorro faces a band of merciless pirates and the line continues to blur between the masked avenger and his alter-ego Diego.
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Cómics
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Zorro #15

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Zorro #14

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