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Damsels: Giant Killer

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Green Hornet #40

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Dark Shadows: Year One #5

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Battlestar Galactica: Classic #5

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Imagen de apoyo de  Amanda Hocking's The Hollows: Chapter #7

Amanda Hocking's The Hollows: Chapter #7

Por: Amanda. Hocking | Fecha: 2013

Caught by Maurauders on the streets of a ghost town, Remy and her companions must decide whether to accept the help of a stranger - but will they accept before one of them dies? As the zombies get closer, so do Remy and Lazlo... as we continue through this enhanced adaptation of Amanda Hocking's best selling novel HOLLOWLAND by #1 New York Times bestseller Tony Lee (X-Men Unlimited, Doctor Who), and Steve Uy (Avengers Initiative, JSA Classified)! Dynamite Entertainment proudly presents Amanda Hocking's The Hollows: A Hollowland graphic novel.
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Otros
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  • Literatura

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Amanda Hocking's The Hollows: Chapter #7

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Jennifer Blood #29

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Imagen de apoyo de  Jennifer Blood: First Blood #6

Jennifer Blood: First Blood #6

Por: Igor. Vitorino | Fecha: 2013

Jen has taken her first solid steps on the road to revenge, and she knows that if she's to survive, she has to see this through to the end. And that means finally dealing with Wendell Cortland, a man she's known since she was five years old. There's no going back now... She must set aside her old life and fully embrace what she knows she must become: Jennifer Blood.
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
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  • Literatura
  • Superhéroes

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Jennifer Blood: First Blood #6

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Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #7

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Imagen de apoyo de  Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #15

Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #15

Por: , Chuck Dixon. | Fecha: 2013

We step back a moment to detail the appearances of two key characters in the WHEEL OF TIME saga: The Peddler and The Gleeman. Edmond's Field, while preparing for the annual Bel Tine Festival, receives two more very important guests. One is Padan Fain, the peddler who travels from town to town in his wagon, bringing goods to trade as well as news and rumors from abroad, including one of war and a false Dragon. The other is gleeman Thom Merrilin, arriving in his patchwork cloak, ready to entertain and thrill the crowds with his song and dance. Both are not as they appear, and soon will be swept up into events neither could foresee...
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Otros
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  • Literatura

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Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #15

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Imagen de apoyo de  Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #8

Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #8

Por: Chuck. Dixon | Fecha: 2013

On the road to Baerlon, Egwene learns something about herself that she had never suspected, and Lan begins to teach the boys about their weapons. With the Draghkar seemingly off their trail, Mat and Perrin grow idle and prompt Moiraine to reveal just how far she will go to keep the boys from the Dark One. Discover these revelations in CHANGES, the next chapter to this graphic telling of Robert Jordan's WHEEL OF TIME!
Fuente: Comics Plus Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Literatura

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Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #8

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