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Imagen de apoyo de  Ambiento S.A.S. : espacios internos funcionales

Ambiento S.A.S. : espacios internos funcionales

Por: Felipe Flórez Amaya | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Proposal of a business model that responds to issues addressed form three main axes: Social, enviroment and funcionality in th spaces. Regarding the Local development the rural and artisanal communities of the North Boyaca have reduced their economic activities due to the decrease of tourists in this region. In Enviromental sustainability: people's priorities change, one that takes great importance is the need to use productswith low enviromental impact in buildings: Bioclimatic Architecture. Finally Isolated enviroments; the cities grow and with it the rapidity of the routine, reason form which arises the need to isolate acoustically and thermally the architectural spaces. In this way, Ambiento, Is based on the design, production and marketing of functional products for architectural spaces through the employment linkage of rural communities and the use of biodegradable raw materials. "The creation of functional internal spaces with the use of biodegradable materials linking rural communities for the generation of work opportunities
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Ambiento S.A.S. : espacios internos funcionales

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Imagen de apoyo de  Tantrum, empresa consultora en innovación

Tantrum, empresa consultora en innovación

Por: Alejandra Montenegro | Fecha: 01/01/2017

A process of innovation in a micro and small business requires, as in any company, to have its strategic management model established with which to guide the phases and activities to be undertaken and their interrelation, resources to be allocated, the objects to be achieved, structure of support, action plans to achieve it, measurement and evaluation of the process. When we refer to the strategic management model of the company, it is necessary for top management to declare or already have their policy statement, objectives, which may be qualitative or quantitative but that reflect what the company expects to obtain, and principles regarding innovation. The consulting firm TANTRUM offers services focused on the development of strategy, culture and development of innovation projects, creating technological tools tailored to the needs of its customers, including the entire research process of trends at the national level and international, in matters of consulting in innovation with the use of technological innovations in particular the virtual reality, to work models of systems of innovation in micro and small companies, that allow to validate the viability and scope of its projects, based on knowledge management with the aim of seeking new alternatives for business models, new products or services, new production systems, with the aim of expanding their participation in the market or being pioneers in the economic sector to which they belong.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Administración
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  • Tecnología

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Tantrum, empresa consultora en innovación

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Imagen de apoyo de  Una visión local de la participación de las empresas en la Iniciativa para la Transparencia de las Industrias Extractivas (EITI) en Colombia

Una visión local de la participación de las empresas en la Iniciativa para la Transparencia de las Industrias Extractivas (EITI) en Colombia

Por: Eduardo José Lozano Mestre | Fecha: 01/01/2017

This paper addresses the issue of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), which promotes transparency, good governance and accountability for the use of oil, gas and mining revenues in countries rich in natural resources. This initiative emerges within the framework of the World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002; Colombia, on its behalf, completed its candidacy process in 2014. In this way, this study establishes how EITI has been appropriated and implemented in Colombia and the impact it has had on local and regional communities from the perspective of accuracy, quality and usage of the information derived from it. In order to do this, it aims to establish how has been its applicability in the Department of La Guajira, particularly in the area of influence of the company Carbones del Cerrejon, by means of interviews and conversations with key players (public and private), documental research and analysis.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
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  • Administración
  • Tecnología

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Una visión local de la participación de las empresas en la Iniciativa para la Transparencia de las Industrias Extractivas (EITI) en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Capital social y desarrollo humano en Bogotá, D.C.: Una aproximación desde las localidades

Capital social y desarrollo humano en Bogotá, D.C.: Una aproximación desde las localidades

Por: Manuel Fernando Cabrera Jiménez | Fecha: 01/01/2017

The doctoral thesis, “SOCIAL CAPITAL AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN BOGOTÁ, D.C.: AN APPROXIMATION FROM THE LOCALITIES”, addresses the study of social capital in the context of the city of Bogotá, as a social field analyzed according to its impact on human development and its influence in the economic and social development of the community. To address the analysis of this relationship of incidence, we took into account the socio-economic characteristics of each one of the twenty localities that shape the city, as well as its level of perception against the cognitive dimension, structural and social representation of social capital, from the perspective of four actors considered a source of social capital such as households, NGO, JAL Local Administrative Boards and JAC Boards of Communal Action. The main findings of the work carried out, validate the hypothesis proposed where it is proposed that, in the endogenous context of the city of Bogotá, the trend of social capital generation tends to be low, not only by the poor levels of associativity registered, but also because of the incidence of factors such as inequality, distrust, low level of internalized reciprocity on the part of the citizens, among others, which implies, to manifest disinterest in the public administration and its management; favoring the search for the individual benefit over the collective, factor that affects the capacity as a society of generating social fabric, based on associativity and the recognition of social values that articulate institutions, organizations and people depending on the collective interest of the population.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
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  • Administración

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Capital social y desarrollo humano en Bogotá, D.C.: Una aproximación desde las localidades

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Imagen de apoyo de  Retos y desafíos de las alianzas público - privadas como  estrategia de desarrollo territorial : una mirada analítica al caso de REFICAR y su impacto laboral

Retos y desafíos de las alianzas público - privadas como estrategia de desarrollo territorial : una mirada analítica al caso de REFICAR y su impacto laboral

Por: Laura Patricia Villanueva Arévalo | Fecha: 01/01/2017

The concept of public - prívate partnerships (PPP) for the development is configured from cooperation agreements throuqh which individuals, groups or organizations agree to work together to fulfill an obligation or undertake a specific initiative. These associations have been understood in Colombia as a genuine new form of linkage between the public and prívate sector that will enable a more sophisticated use of the experience of the latter. In this regard and on the basis of the difference in the interest of each sector, one of the majar challenges facing the PPP is the mapping schema and mitigation of risks in the territorial entities where these associations occur and have an impact. Therefore, the participation of a third party in these associations is essential as a guarantor of the technical knowledge to warn about the possible risks and impact on these territories, and to empower societies with competencies to decide on their endogenic processes. The actor called to strengthen PPP as a development strategy is the Academy.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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  • Sociedad

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Retos y desafíos de las alianzas público - privadas como estrategia de desarrollo territorial : una mirada analítica al caso de REFICAR y su impacto laboral

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Imagen de apoyo de  Comportamiento del consumidor frente a la decisión de compra en artículos deportivos relacionados con el uso de bicicleta en la ciudad de Bogotá.

Comportamiento del consumidor frente a la decisión de compra en artículos deportivos relacionados con el uso de bicicleta en la ciudad de Bogotá.

Por: Heiber Alfredo Blanco Ramirez | Fecha: 01/01/2017

El presente trabajo mediante la aplicación de la escala diseñada por Slama y Taschian (1985, p. 73), tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento del cosumidor de artículos de bicicleta, a partir del concepto de involucramiento de compra. Para ello se hace una revisión de literatura para explicar los principales conceptos y luego se hace un análisis empírico exploratorio aplicando la escala mencionanda anteriormente que consta de 33 preguntas tipo Likert bajo un conjunto de características sociodemográficas definidas como variables explicativas del comportamiento e involucramiento.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Comportamiento del consumidor frente a la decisión de compra en artículos deportivos relacionados con el uso de bicicleta en la ciudad de Bogotá.

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Relación entre top of mind de las marcas y reputación corporativa de las empresas

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Imagen de apoyo de  Medición del involucramiento de los individuos en las decisiones de compra con herramientas tecnológicas en mercados B2C

Medición del involucramiento de los individuos en las decisiones de compra con herramientas tecnológicas en mercados B2C

Por: Néstor Andrés Santos Vidales | Fecha: 01/01/2017

La mayoría de investigaciones de involucramiento de los consumidores se desarrollan cuando ya se ha hecho la compra. Estos datos pueden tener errores por la satisfacción de los consumidores con el producto adquirido. En el presente documento se da una posibilidad de medición en el mismo instante de la compra usando aplicaciones móviles con respuesta rápida aplicado a la compra de prendas de vestir, obteniendo resultados adicionales como ubicación de compra del consumidor e información técnica del dispositivo móvil. Para ello, se usa la escala de Mittal (1989) llamada medición del involucramiento en la decisión de compra, que da una diferencia entre el involucramiento del producto y el involucramiento en la decisión de compra, asunto en el que se inscribe el aporte de esta investigación para el campo del mercadeo.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Medición del involucramiento de los individuos en las decisiones de compra con herramientas tecnológicas en mercados B2C

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Imagen de apoyo de  Informe de Pasantía de Investigación Un Brochazo de historia colombiana: El Conflicto

Informe de Pasantía de Investigación Un Brochazo de historia colombiana: El Conflicto

Por: Ruby Astrith Bonilla Hernández | Fecha: 01/01/2017

This document is a summary abcut Colornbia's conflict, since independence age to last decade. lt presents how our country was born in conflict and how to evolution in the history. This internship report present three stage when the conflict begins, the first is when Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was murdered, when the country was evidenced the creation of the war groups with severa! ideologies. The second stage was communist with the Cuba revolution influence, and the war groups was firm up the military and the political strategic was growth. The third made a reference when the country lived the most terrible confrontation with illegal groups and the army. Almost, this report presents a small summary about differents groups that participated in the conflict at Colombia, and sorne laws about the progress to national negotiations to search the peace in Colombia. In the las! part, the reader could find sorne ideas why is importan\ that the territories planners would recognize the local history and identity when the tourism activity arrive as support to economic, social, cultural and environmental developed on communities who live many years in conflict and have differents solutions to the war problems in towns who open its territories to tourism.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Historia

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Informe de Pasantía de Investigación Un Brochazo de historia colombiana: El Conflicto

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Imagen de apoyo de  Estudio de caso sobre el programa por el derecho a la educación de calidad en los municipios de  Florida, Pradera y Zarzal

Estudio de caso sobre el programa por el derecho a la educación de calidad en los municipios de Florida, Pradera y Zarzal

Por: Andrea Yaneth González Cachay | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Document and evaluate the results of the case study research on the "For the right to quality education" program, implemented by the Caicedo Gonzalez Riopaila Castilla Foundation, in the municipalities of Florida, Pradera and Zarzal (Valle del Cauca). The program was carried out in the area of influence of the company Riopaila Castilla S.A. The process was developed between private enterprise, municipal administration, civil society and the educational community. The transformations related to participation in the formulation of solutions to educational problems were established, all based on establishing relationships in spaces of dialogue, where the educational aspect was included in the public agenda, which allowed the strengthening of social capital, the capacity for analysis And management of social actors, with whom common objectives were worked, with the purpose of closing social gaps of illiteracy, school dropout, educational quality mainly. For the educational community and municipal government, the leadership of the Foundation motivated the communities to participate in the construction of public educational policy. The sources of information used were interviews, direct observations and unpublished and specialized documents. The case study was conducted between February and November 2015.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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  • Otros

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Estudio de caso sobre el programa por el derecho a la educación de calidad en los municipios de Florida, Pradera y Zarzal

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