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Imagen de apoyo de  Economic optimization of drone structure for industrial indoor use by additive manufacturing = Optimización económica de la estructura de drones para uso industrial en interiores mediante fabricación aditiva

Economic optimization of drone structure for industrial indoor use by additive manufacturing = Optimización económica de la estructura de drones para uso industrial en interiores mediante fabricación aditiva

Por: Jorge Luis Regino Prado | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: The forthcoming industrial environments will require a high level of automation to be flexible. In this sense, Industry 4.0 encourages the integration of new autonomous systems digitally interconnected that can interact with humans. This thesis is developed at CIM 4.0 in the frame of the FIXIT project aiming to produce an autonomous system integrated by a UAV and a UGV. As a result, a combined system that complies with the Industry 4.0 requirements is created and mainly serves an operator by performing inspection tasks. This work is focused on redesigning the UAV airframe. Normally these structures are manufactured with some conventional techniques like molding which limits building complex structures and presents high costs in most cases. In this sense, the scope is to create a personalized structure at a lower price than the standard airframes by implementing one of the industry 4.0 pillars: additive manufacturing. The topology optimization method is integrated into the design process to create a mass-customized structure with optimum structural properties. The role of Additive manufacturing in this work is crucial to obtain an innovative, customized system with an optimum cost considering the prices on the market. The thesis is performed in different phases, starting from the definition of the UAV configuration and the propulsion system. Then a multi-material comparison and the analysis of different airframe designs are performed considering the cost and structural performance. Following this is the detailed design, in which other necessary features like the landing system, devices’ supports, and protection structures are designed. Finally, is performed the manufacturing phase in which a functional prototype is printed through FDM technology. The result is a lightweight customized airframe with good mechanical properties and optimum cost that is well integrated with the electronic components and landing system, enabling its autonomous performance characterized by repeatability and effectiveness. Esta tesis se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto FIXIT en el Centro de Manufactura Integrada (CIM) 4.0 con el objetivo de crear un sistema autónomo integrado por un Vehículo Aéreo No Tripulado (UAV) y un Vehículo Terrestre No Tripulado (UGV). Resultado: Como resultado, se crea un sistema combinado que cumple con los requisitos de la Industria 4.0 y que principalmente sirve a un operador para realizar tareas de inspección. En este sentido, el objetivo de este proyecto de tesis es crear una estructura personalizada a un precio inferior al de las estructuras estándar mediante la implementación de uno de los pilares de la Industria 4.0: la fabricación aditiva. El método de optimización de la topología se integra en el proceso de diseño para crear una estructura personalizada con propiedades estructurales óptimas. El papel de la fabricación aditiva en este trabajo es crucial para obtener un sistema innovador y personalizado con un costo óptimo, teniendo en cuenta los precios del mercado. La tesis se realiza en diferentes fases, comenzando desde la definición de la configuración del UAV y el sistema de propulsión. Luego se realiza una comparación de materiales múltiples y se analizan diferentes diseños de la estructura del UAV teniendo en cuenta el costo y el rendimiento estructural. A continuación, se lleva a cabo el diseño detallado, en el que se diseñan otras características necesarias como el sistema de aterrizaje, los soportes de dispositivos y las estructuras de protección. Finalmente, se realiza la fase de fabricación en la que se imprime un prototipo funcional mediante la tecnología de Fabricación por Deposición Fundida (FDM). El resultado es una estructura personalizada y ligera con buenas propiedades mecánicas y un costo óptimo que se integra bien con los componentes electrónicos y el sistema de aterrizaje, lo que permite su funcionamiento autónomo caracterizado por la repetibilidad y la efectividad.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Economic optimization of drone structure for industrial indoor use by additive manufacturing = Optimización económica de la estructura de drones para uso industrial en interiores mediante fabricación aditiva

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Imagen de apoyo de  Sepsis-3 in pregnant women in labour

Sepsis-3 in pregnant women in labour

Por: Eliana Paola Rodríguez Sierra | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: SEPSIS-3 IN PREGNANT WOMEN IN LABOUR Abstract Introduction: Maternal sepsis represents 10.7% of maternal deaths worldwide, ranking as the third cause of mortality after haemorrhage and hypertensive disorders. Despite its high incidence, it still lacks a gold standard diagnosis. The latest update that proposed new sepsis criteria and scores, Sepsis-3, did not mention pregnancy as part of the study population. This study aims to evaluate the inclusion or exclusion of Sepsis- 3 pregnancy. Methods: This is a literature review of the Sepsis-3 database looking for the inclusion or exclusion of pregnancy from the latest update in sepsis and the basis of current definitions and guidelines. In addition, I reported the retrospective measurement of qSOFA and SOFA scores in 100 pregnant patients in labour from the EPIFEVER-2 cohort at the Royal London Hospital compared to their infection status. Results: Sepsis-3 investigators evaluated the predictive validity of the SOFA and qSOFA score for mortality in sepsis among nearly 1 million patients, however, pregnant women were not included. The SOFA and qSOFA score overlap with the normal physiological changes of pregnancy and labour, in the EPIFEVER-2 cohort 16% of uninfected pregnant patients during labour scored 1 point on qSOFA and 17% 1 point on SOFA score. The highest SOFA score of 3 points was obtained in a patient with bleeding rather than infection. Conclusion: Pregnant patients were not included in the Sepsis-3 databases. Therefore, qSOFA and SOFA score have not been validated for use in this population. Furthermore, as they are not modified for the normal physiological changes of pregnancy, detection of patients without infection has been reported. Further validation of qSOFA or modified SOFA scores as sepsis-specific maternal warning scores is expected in future research.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Sepsis-3 in pregnant women in labour

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Imagen de apoyo de  Towards a sustainable progress: a business report exploring how the use of hemp (cannabis textile) by local smes would contribute to the development of the slow fashion market in the colombian fashion industry

Towards a sustainable progress: a business report exploring how the use of hemp (cannabis textile) by local smes would contribute to the development of the slow fashion market in the colombian fashion industry

Por: María Carolina Rodríguez García | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: The development of sustainability is nowadays visible in every industry. For the fashion industry, it is the foundation of the slow fashion movement, which strives for a balance between production, consumption, and impact on an economic, environmental, and social level, better understood as the triple bottom line (Fletcher,2010). This balance is reached through sustainable practices involving the community, the conscious use of natural resources, or the transition to materials less destructive to the future of fashion and the ecosystem, among others. This report will address the possibility of using fibre derived from the Cannabis plant, hemp, in the Colombian fashion market and how this would help reinforce the slow fashion movement and the market's sustainability. Following the interpretive paradigm, this research project followed a qualitative approach aimed at understanding the reality of the environment in the fashion sector in depth through semi-structured interviews with members of the local fashion industry who are knowledgeable about hemp, its characteristics and potential (Cresswell, 2018). By understanding the context of the Colombian fashion industry and sizing the current role of local sustainable brands, the potential and innovation of these emerging brands were pinpointed. However, there is a gap in education, government assistance and innovative supply that would allow for the immediate production, commercialisation, and use of hemp in Colombia. Nevertheless, due to the conditions, tools and knowledge that brands already possess today, a phased implementation can happen in the long term. This report will outline key strategies for hemp implementation considering the timeframe and the stakeholders involved, as well as bearing in mind the barriers and opportunities identified throughout the research. These recommendations were based on four key aspects: the immediate actions a local brand could take, the need for education, creating assertive marketing and establishing the government's role. Hence, this project will provide an overview of the actual status and requirements for the Colombian fashion industry to achieve a more sustainable and conscious market.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Towards a sustainable progress: a business report exploring how the use of hemp (cannabis textile) by local smes would contribute to the development of the slow fashion market in the colombian fashion industry

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Imagen de apoyo de  Geothermal Conceptual and Numerical Modelling of a Gas-Condensate Field in the Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia = Modelación geotérmica conceptual y numérica de un campo de gas condensado en la cuenca de los Llanos Orientales, Colombia

Geothermal Conceptual and Numerical Modelling of a Gas-Condensate Field in the Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia = Modelación geotérmica conceptual y numérica de un campo de gas condensado en la cuenca de los Llanos Orientales, Colombia

Por: Andrés Felipe Laverde Martínez | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: This project presents three-dimensional conceptual and numerical flow models of a gascondensate field in the foothills region of the Eastern Llanos Basin in Colombia. The Eastern Llanos Basin has been the subject of diverse studies for hydrocarbon exploitation. Over the past decade, this region has been assessed for its geothermal potential in currently exploited oil & gas fields. A gas-condensate field located in the foothills of the basin represents a promising opportunity to produce geothermal energy. The conceptual and numerical models integrate geological, geophysical, geochemical and well data to enhance the understanding of the geothermal system in a sedimentary environment. The Leapfrog Geothermal model shows that the gas-condensate field presents a structurally complex architecture, where hydrocarbons and water accumulate in an relatively permeable reservoir. Well data exhibit a constant geothermal gradient, indicating conductive heat transfer. Based on geochemical data and hydrological analyses, it is identified that meteoric recharge occurs in the Andean orogenic belt and fluid flows from NW to SE. TOUGH2 numerical simulations are developed to generate a natural state model and geothermal production scenarios, which give an estimation of water extraction in the field. The thermal and hydraulic parameters were extracted from published experimental and well data. In order to simplify this first geotermal model, and reduce the number of parameters, it is assumed that the field is completely saturated with water. The natural state model temperature field is concordant with measured well data and simulated mass flow direction confirm expected patterns. Production scenarios demonstrate that it is possible to extract water at more than 90 °C without termal breakthrough during the 30 years simulation. Thermal power calculations yield two optimistic scenarios with more than 30 MWth of heat production, and a conservative scenario with approximately 6 MWth. The conservative scenario provides a better approach to reality with current water production. Thus, this project presents the basis for further studies on geothermal development in actively exploited hydrocarbon fields.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Geothermal Conceptual and Numerical Modelling of a Gas-Condensate Field in the Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia = Modelación geotérmica conceptual y numérica de un campo de gas condensado en la cuenca de los Llanos Orientales, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Economic impact of different fertiliser practices on maize production for Ghanaian farmers

Economic impact of different fertiliser practices on maize production for Ghanaian farmers

Por: Indira Marcela Awad Pérez | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: Agriculture plays a crucial role in food security as it increases the food production, employment, and income of a country. Agriculture provides 54% of Ghana’s GDP. Inorganic fertiliser is commonly used to increase production. However, this is costly and can deplete the soil in the absence of other land husbandry techniques, affecting soil health and yield. There is an environmental benefit derived from using organic fertiliser, as it improves soil structure, but there is a need to understand the socioeconomic implications of introducing sustainable practices in farm production. This study develops a financial model to assess the effect of different fertiliser practices (fully organic, fully inorganic, and integrated organic and inorganic) on farmers’ net revenue over time and compares them to the opportunity cost of holding capital in a bank. The analysis identifies increasing yields for all practices over 19 years, but the fully organic yields grow faster than the others. Additionally, all practices show a positive net present value, implying that maize production generates better revenue than returns provided by local banks. Over time, the integrated practice produces the highest yields and net profit. The research further shows that farmers are willing to include organic fertiliser in their land management, but there is limited availability of raw materials to produce it, which represents a major barrier to adoption. Additional research on fertiliser environmental impacts in the area and changes in other capital and labour inputs caused by the different fertiliser practices is recommended. Resumen: La agricultura juega un papel fundamental en la seguridad alimentaria, debido a que contribuye a la producción de alimentos, el empleo, y los ingresos de un país. La agricultura en Ghana aporta el 54% del PIB. Los fertilizantes orgánicos son usados comúnmente para aumentar la producción. Sin embargo, aplicar fertilizantes es costoso y puede erosionar el suelo si se hace sin acompañarse de otras técnicas agrícolas, afectando la salud del suelo y el cultivo. Hay un beneficio ambiental derivado del uso de fertilizantes orgánicos, pues se mejora la estructura del suelo, pero es necesario entender las implicaciones socioeconómicas de introducir prácticas sostenibles en el campo. Este estudio desarrolla un modelo financiero para evaluar el efecto que tienen diferentes prácticas de fertilizante (completamente orgánico, integrado y completamente inorgánico) en la utilidad neta de un campesino a lo largo del tiempo, y las compara con el costo de oportunidad de invertir en un banco. El análisis identifica un incremento en las cosechas bajo todas las prácticas de fertilizante durante 19 años, y señala que la práctica completamente orgánica crece más aceleradamente que las demás. Adicionalmente, todas las prácticas demuestran un valor presente neto positivo, lo cual implica que cultivar maíz genera mayores utilidades que invertir en un banco local. Una práctica integrada produce más cosecha y mejores ganancias a lo largo del tiempo. El estudio además muestra que los campesinos están dispuestos a incluir fertilizante orgánico en su programa de administración de tierras, pero hay una disponibilidad limitada de materia prima para producirlo, lo cual representa una barrera importante para la adopción de esta práctica. Es recomendable realizar estudios adicionales para estimar el impacto ambiental que generan los fertilizantes en el área que son aplicados, y los cambios en capital y mano de obra ocasionados por un cambio en la práctica de fertilizante.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Economic impact of different fertiliser practices on maize production for Ghanaian farmers

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Visual Renegade: A phenomenological and aesthetical examination of pixel art = Un Renegado Visual: Estudio fenomenológico y estético del pixel art

A Visual Renegade: A phenomenological and aesthetical examination of pixel art = Un Renegado Visual: Estudio fenomenológico y estético del pixel art

Por: Sergio Andrés Paez Villarreal | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: Pixel art has been the constitutive visual language in video games for almost five decades. Despite being relegated to a 'retro' or 'vintage' style with the 3D arrival, pixel art has been increasingly relevant again since the rise of independent game development in the 2010s. Moreover, the video game industry's dominant trades aim for a continuous invigoration of hyper-realistic representations. In these circumstances, What is the cultural value that pixel art experience offers within the contemporary aesthetical conditions of the video game industry? This research intends to answer this question in two moments. First, determine the phenomenological experience that occurs when individuals get in contact with pixel art imagery. Secondly, evaluate the features of the phenomenological experience under philosophical terms to estimate its cultural relevance. Due to the intrinsic conditions of information disunity and unconventionality of the images, imagination appears as the fundamental driver that guides the comprehension of pixel art. The cognitive process is active and subjective, requiring the participation of the player’s imaginary mental referents. Furthermore, the qualities of this experience are congruent with philosophical aesthetical values such as the state of play, harmfulness and anaesthetization. Therefore, pixel art could be depicted as a limited, abstract and challenging proposition that needs to be expanded through the player’s productive thinking. In this way, pixel art stands as a medium that offers a distinctive and potent experience fueled by our imagination. Resumen: El pixel art ha sido el lenguaje visual constitutivo de los videojuegos durante casi cinco décadas. A pesar de quedar relegado a un estilo 'retro' o 'vintage' con la llegada del 3D, el pixel art ha vuelto a ser cada vez más relevante desde el surgimiento del desarrollo de juegos independientes en la década de 2010. Además, las producciones dominantes de la industria de los videojuegos apuntan a un fortalecimiento continuo de las representaciones hiperrealistas. En estas circunstancias, ¿cuál es el valor cultural que ofrece la experiencia del pixel art dentro de las condiciones estéticas contemporáneas? Esta investigación pretende responder a esta pregunta en dos momentos. Primero, determinar la experiencia fenomenológica que ocurre cuando las personas entran en contacto con imágenes de pixel art. Y en segundo lugar, evaluar las características de la experiencia fenomenológica en términos filosóficos para estimar su relevancia cultural. Debido a las condiciones intrínsecas de desunión de la información y la no convencionalidad de las imágenes; la imaginación aparece como el motor fundamental que guía la comprensión del pixel art. El proceso cognitivo es activo y subjetivo, requiriendo la participación de los referentes mentales imaginarios del jugador. Además, las cualidades de esta experiencia son congruentes con valores estéticos filosóficos como el estado de juego, la nocividad y la anestesia. Por lo tanto, el pixel art podría representarse como una propuesta limitada, abstracta y desafiante que debe expandirse a través del pensamiento productivo del jugador. De esta manera, el pixel art se erige como un medio que ofrece una experiencia distintiva y potente, alimentada por nuestra imaginación.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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A Visual Renegade: A phenomenological and aesthetical examination of pixel art = Un Renegado Visual: Estudio fenomenológico y estético del pixel art

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Life of Human Rights: An Everyday Approach to Understanding Human Rights in an Australian Parliamentary Enquiry on the Involuntary Sterilisation of People with Disabilities

The Life of Human Rights: An Everyday Approach to Understanding Human Rights in an Australian Parliamentary Enquiry on the Involuntary Sterilisation of People with Disabilities

Por: María Paula Hernández Ruiz | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: This research questions how ‘human rights’ are used in a parliamentary inquiry on the coercive or involuntary sterilisation of people with disabilities in Australia. Throughout three chapters, the thesis breaks down ‘human rights’ as a concept and as a practical approach in development programming. Chapter two delves into the multiple understandings of rights in the development literature and incorporates contributions from legal anthropology and the field of the social studies of science and technology to understand human rights in the development context. Chapter three proposes an “ethnography in the archives” as a methodological design that pushes disciplinary boundaries to understand the value of documents and arguments in how different stakeholders inside and outside of the development field engage with issues such as the coercive sterilisation of people with disabilities. Finally, chapter four offers an analysis derived from 82 documents presented in the parliamentary inquiry in Australia. This chapter shows this thesis’s main argument: That human rights differ from what this research calls ‘everyday rights’, which are the claims articulated by people drawing upon their lived experiences rather than human rights treaties or arguments. This argument sheds light on how development practice often faces a gap between what the stated outcomes are in terms of Human Rights-Based Approaches and the practical realities of rights claims. Resumen: Esta investigación cuestiona cómo se utilizan los 'derechos humanos' en una investigación parlamentaria sobre la esterilización coercitiva o involuntaria de personas con discapacidad en Australia. A lo largo de tres capítulos, la tesis desglosa los 'derechos humanos' como concepto y como enfoque práctico en el mundo del desarrollo. El capítulo dos profundiza en las múltiples interpretaciones de los derechos en la literatura sobre desarrollo e incorpora contribuciones de la antropología jurídica y el campo de los estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología para comprender los derechos humanos en el contexto del desarrollo. El capítulo tres propone una “etnografía en los archivos” como un diseño metodológico que traspasa los límites disciplinarios para comprender el valor de los documentos y argumentos sobre cómo diferentes actores dentro y fuera del campo del desarrollo se involucran con temas como la esterilización forzada de personas con discapacidad. Finalmente, el capítulo cuatro ofrece un análisis derivado de 82 documentos presentados en la investigación parlamentaria en Australia. Este capítulo muestra el argumento principal de esta tesis: que los derechos humanos difieren de lo que esta investigación llama “derechos cotidianos”, que son los reclamos articulados por personas basándose en sus experiencias vividas en lugar de tratados o argumentos de derechos humanos. Este argumento arroja luz sobre cómo la práctica del desarrollo a menudo enfrenta una brecha entre los resultados esperados de los enfoques basados en los derechos humanos y las realidades prácticas de los reclamos de derechos.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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The Life of Human Rights: An Everyday Approach to Understanding Human Rights in an Australian Parliamentary Enquiry on the Involuntary Sterilisation of People with Disabilities

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Imagen de apoyo de  A study on the role of the Architect as a Design Manager through the function of coordination to deliver social value across the project life cycle: A case study of High Speed 2’s Euston and Old Oak Common Stations = Un estudio del rol del arquitecto como gestor de diseño, a través de la función de coordinación para conseguir valor social en el ciclo de vida de los proyectos: un caso de estudio de las estaciones de HS2 Euston y Old Oak Common

A study on the role of the Architect as a Design Manager through the function of coordination to deliver social value across the project life cycle: A case study of High Speed 2’s Euston and Old Oak Common Stations = Un estudio del rol del arquitecto como gestor de diseño, a través de la función de coordinación para conseguir valor social en el ciclo de vida de los proyectos: un caso de estudio de las estaciones de HS2 Euston y Old Oak Common

Por: David Mauricio Becerra Mantilla | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: The research studies the role of Architects performing as Design Managers in construction projects. It reflects on the industry’s shifting environment, where architects, once central members in project delivery, are increasingly being displaced by new disciplines, technicians and suppliers. The dissertation identifies Design Management, a function of Project Management, as a strategic position from which architects can improve projects’ value. As Design Managers, architects can integrate their knowledge in space creation with Project Management skills to improve project performance in terms of budget, schedule, and spatial, social and environmental qualities. The role was studied through two case studies; two stations for UK’s High-Speed 2 (HS2) programme: The redevelopment of Euston Station in London, and the new station development at Old Oak Common. Data was collected from nine semi-structured interviews with Design Managers and design team members working on one of these projects. The research findings indicated that projects as large and complex as these require Design Managers from multiple backgrounds, among which architects have significant opportunities to increase value capture. Although the role is mostly concerned with Project Management tasks, the Design Manager’s background -in this case, architecture- enables them to increase value capture beyond projects’ basic requirements. Architects as Design Managers can integrate multidisciplinary designs considering how they can improve users’ experience and the project’s connection to their communities and environment to create more human and inviting projects with a long-term value perspective. Resumen: La investigación estudia el rol de los arquitectos desempeñándose como gestores de diseño en proyectos de construcción. Es una reflexión en el entorno cambiante de la industria en donde los arquitectos, alguna vez actores centrales del desarrollo de proyectos, han sido gradualmente desplazados por otras disciplinas, técnicos y proveedores. Esta tesis identifica la Gestión de Diseño, una función de Gestión de proyectos, como una posición estratégica dese la que los arquitectos pueden mejorar el valor de los proyectos. Como Gestores de Diseño, los arquitectos pueden integrar su conocimiento en creación de espacio con habilidades de Gestión de Proyectos para mejorar el desempeño de los proyectos en términos de presupuesto, cronograma y calidad espacial, social y ambiental. El rol se estudió a través de dos casos de estudio; dos estaciones para el programa de El tren de alta velocidad HS2 en Reino Unido: El desarrollo de la estación de Euston en Londres y el nuevo desarrollo de la estación Old Oak Common. Los datos se recolectaron a partir de nueve entrevistas semi-estructuradas con gestores de diseño y otros profesionales participando en estos proyectos. Los hallazgos indicaron que los proyectos de esta escala y complejidad requieren gestores de diseño con múltiples trayectorias profesionales, entre los cuales, los arquitectos tienen una oportunidad significativa de capturar valor. Aunque el rol está en gran parte asociado a tareas de Gestión de Proyectos, la experiencia del profesional desempeñándolo -en este caso, arquitectura- permite la captura de valor por encima de los requerimientos básicos del proyecto. Los arquitectos como gestores de diseño pueden integrar diseños multidisciplinarios, considerando como mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios, y la integración del proyecto con sus comunidades y su entorno para generar proyectos más humanos, acogedores y con una perspectiva de valor a largo plazo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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A study on the role of the Architect as a Design Manager through the function of coordination to deliver social value across the project life cycle: A case study of High Speed 2’s Euston and Old Oak Common Stations = Un estudio del rol del arquitecto como gestor de diseño, a través de la función de coordinación para conseguir valor social en el ciclo de vida de los proyectos: un caso de estudio de las estaciones de HS2 Euston y Old Oak Common

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Imagen de apoyo de  Stairway To Heaven: Changing a Violent Neighborhood in Medellín Through Urban Renovation. A Mixed Methods Evaluation

Stairway To Heaven: Changing a Violent Neighborhood in Medellín Through Urban Renovation. A Mixed Methods Evaluation

Por: Estefania Ramírez Castillo | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: Interventions of the built environment at the neighborhood level allow for evaluating the effects of these changes on sociodemographic variables of the residents. In 2011, the local mayor's office of Medellín-Colombia began the construction of outdoor escalators in Las Independencias neighborhood to improve transportation times for its residents. This study assesses the effect of urban renewal on the violence and average income of Las Independencias. Mixed methods are used, employing a quasi-experimental design in which the synthetic control method is utilized to estimate the causal effect and a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews is applied to identify mechanisms of change. To assess the impact on the homicides per km2, 14 neighborhoods are used in the donor pool and 10 neighborhoods for the average household income. Regarding the qualitative methods, 10 semi-structured interviews were analyzed with an average of 24 minutes. It was not possible to draw causal effect conclusions of the effect of the change in built environment over homicides due to a poor fit of the pre-intervention trends. However, one year before the intervention, Las Independencias had a homicide rate of .118 per km2 (way above synthetic Las Independencias 0.0981) and one year after the intervention this rate was (.0157373) below the synthetic control (0.049). The residents of the neighborhood perceive that crime has decreased in recent years and attribute the change to the investment in the escalators, which has generated a chain of events that over time had a positive impact on security. The mechanisms through which the escalators produced this impact are identified in the interviews: the strengthening of social efficacy, greater police and State presence, greater job opportunities, reduction of relative depravity and the interest of the Combos in maintaining security. Regarding the average household income, the quantitative results estimate that in the period immediately after the construction of the stairs, the income of Las Independencias decreased more than that of the synthetic control, indicating a negative effect. From 2013 to 2016 there is evidence of a positive trend, but it is still below the synthetic control and only in 2017 is there a positive effect compared to the synthetic Las Independencias. In 2019, a significant drop in income is observed compared to the synthetic control. The qualitative results indicate that the impact of the escalators was consolidated until 2016 with a greater influx of tourists. Residents believe that economic opportunities have improved, the quality of life has increased, and the neighborhood has become an ""economic paradise."" The dependence on tourism meant that in 2019 COVID strongly affected the finances of the neighborhood, which is reflected in the quantitative results. The results of this study show that in the context of low and middle-income countries, low-cost structural interventions can be conducted that impact people's quality of life, their possibilities to generate income, and their security.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Stairway To Heaven: Changing a Violent Neighborhood in Medellín Through Urban Renovation. A Mixed Methods Evaluation

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Impact of Education Policies Implemented During Covid-19 on Inequalities: A Comparative Analysis Of Chile and Colombia

The Impact of Education Policies Implemented During Covid-19 on Inequalities: A Comparative Analysis Of Chile and Colombia

Por: Laura Lizeth Cancino Joya | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: The promotion of education as a human right became part of the discourse of international aid agencies and banks since the end of WWII. Consequently, studies of development have examined the conditions under which education becomes a driver of socio-economic progress under three theories: “modernization”, “human capital”, and “dependency”. Previous research has not agreed on the impact of education on inequalities and mainly adopted a quantitative approach. This dissertation implements a mixed-methods approach to examine context-specific variables in comparative education with the “dependency” theory. The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 generated great losses in human capital accumulation. In Latin America, one of the most unequal regions in the world, the impact of school disruption increased drop-out rates and forced governments to generate measures to mitigate learning losses. This dissertation examines through a comparative analysis to what extent remote learning policies implemented during COVID-19 reduced inequality gaps in Chile and Colombia, with a particular focus on secondary education. Moreover, as intervening variables, it selects two neoliberal characteristics: privatization and government intervention. Colombia and Chile implemented multimodal education policies during COVID-19. However, in Colombia, school closures lasted longer than in Chile. The PISA exam forecast of the World Bank also suggests that education inequality gaps in secondary education increased after the pandemic, with greater inequalities in Colombia. Moreover, the Gini coefficient shows that Colombia has been more unequal than Chile before and after COVID-19. Lastly, the analysis of the intervening variables shows that remote learning policies were unable to reduce inequalities and mainly favoured private institutions and urban areas. Finally, as part of the lessons, this research suggests that the neo-liberal characteristics of both countries marked a difference in the implementation of policies. Moreover, the lack of information incentivised the adoption of good practices that become suitable policy alternatives when adapted to local needs. Lastly, this research evidences the need for LAC to include technological tools in their education systems to respond to future crises.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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The Impact of Education Policies Implemented During Covid-19 on Inequalities: A Comparative Analysis Of Chile and Colombia

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