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Imagen de apoyo de  El origen de la novela en Antioquia

El origen de la novela en Antioquia

Por: María Isabel Abad Londoño | Fecha: 01/01/2009

El conflicto y la tradición letrada republicana que en Antioquia no concurrieron sino hasta finales del siglo XIX, permitieron que se diera un debate letrado en el marco del cual la novela sirvió como un arma simbólica propia de esta contradicción. El anverso de este argumento nos dice entonces que ni la sociedad letrada autoreferencial, ni los conflictos son condiciones que tienen per se la capacidad de dar origen a la novela. Como el primer conflicto que se dio dentro de la ciudad letrada republicana fue el de la construcción de la nación no sólo en Antioquia sino en toda Latinoamérica, la novela y nación quedaron asociados en sus orígenes en una relación simbiótica: la nación suponía el conflicto que la novelas reflejaban y las novelas le daban una dimensión a la nación cuando enunciaban las partes que entraban en contradicción.Pero en la Antioquia finisecular, existía además del conflicto propiamente nacional desatado tras el proyecto de la Regeneración que buscaba restarle poder a la región, un conflicto local en el cual los valores y sujetos sociales por cien años vigentes se ponían en cuestión. Y en esta doble contestación la novela inicial definió su carácter: regionalista hacia el exterior y contra hegemónica hacia el interior. Pero el acceso a este debate letrado, en el que Carrasquilla participó por medio de sus novelas y especialmente por medio de Frutos de mi tierra, exigía el seguimiento de unas reglas que iban más allá del hecho de saber leer y escribir.Además del simple alfabetismo exigía demostrar una alineación con el sistema de pensamiento europeo y con las reglas formales del buen decir que los criollos sistematizaron en manuales y códigos, o exigía, al menos, tal como lo hizo nuestro autor, el conocimiento y la capacidad para controvertirlos y poder dialogar con ellos. De todas maneras, y pese a que fue una minoría de antioqueños los que como Carrasquilla pudieron participar en este debate letrado, fueron ellos los que al canalizar sus conflictos en el debate letrado y no en la guerra permitieron hablar de una modernidad potenciada en el marco de la cual tuvo su origen la novela regional.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Historia

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El origen de la novela en Antioquia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Marketing systems effects on the sustainability of agricultural systems in andean hillsides

Marketing systems effects on the sustainability of agricultural systems in andean hillsides

Por: Jairo Castaño Galves | Fecha: 01/01/2001

The need for sustainable agricultural production is generally accepted, and it is increasingly investigated. However, although much has been written about the socio?economic causes of problems with sustainability and the policies needed to overcome them, this has generally been from the viewpoint of the farmer and/or government (FAO, 1991). There has been no assessment of sustainability problems and needs from of the perspective of the marketing system. What is the optimal match between marketing system and sustainability in agriculture ? This study is a first attempt to consider the question of sustainability of agricultural systems from a marketing system perspective. A stable commercial relationship between farmer and enterprise may be an economic incentive for investments in the productive natural resource.AimTo elucidate the contribution of different marketing arrangements on the sustainability of production systems under different conditioning environments. The performance of certain marketing systems may be driven to obtain sustainable effects on the farmer's use of resources.ResearchA conceptual framework is proposed. Different methods are used to assess and validate the stated hypotheses. Firstly, a positive model approach relates sustainability to physical (e.g. land slope), personal (e.g. attitudes), economic (e.g. income), and institutional (e.g. marketing) factors. Secondly, a normative model approach includes sustainability, but also other goals such as profitability, risk avoidance, and income distribution. The simulation optimizes multiple objectives under different marketing scenarios.Preliminary findings confirm that farmers more integrated to the market are adopters of sustainable technology. Conversely, farmers facing market imperfections do not make an appropriate use of the land. Market imperfections such as transport and communications handicaps, high interests of commercial loans, or ambiguity of input and output prices, can result in sub-optiomal managements of the natural resource. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Marketing systems effects on the sustainability of agricultural systems in andean hillsides

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Imagen de apoyo de  Taking a snapshot of the goods on shipment. Which is the safest document? = ¿Documentos de transporte marítimo como prueba de la entrada al transportador. ¿Cuál es el documento más seguro?

Taking a snapshot of the goods on shipment. Which is the safest document? = ¿Documentos de transporte marítimo como prueba de la entrada al transportador. ¿Cuál es el documento más seguro?

Por: Mauricio Carvajal García | Fecha: 01/01/2011

Los documentos de transporte marítimo son pieza fundamental en las relaciones contractuales que surgen entre las partes intervinientes en este tipo de contrato. Si bien estos documentos pueden cumplir varias funciones tales como:1. Ser prueba del contrato de transporte.2. Ser títulos representativos de mercaderías.3. Servir de evidencia de la entrega de los bienes al transportador y del estado de los mismos; este trabajo se centra en la última función señalada y en identificar en que variaría un posible escenario de pérdida o avería de mercancía dependiendo del tipo de documento de transporte utilizado.La intención de este escrito es estudiar el verdadero alcance que esta función cumple en los distintos documentos de transporte que se usan en el comercio marítimo y revisar, como las partes dependiendo de sus intereses, pueden reducir o amplificar dicha función.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Taking a snapshot of the goods on shipment. Which is the safest document? = ¿Documentos de transporte marítimo como prueba de la entrada al transportador. ¿Cuál es el documento más seguro?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Efficiency implementation in the construction of active portfolios: an assessment through the fundamental law of active management

Efficiency implementation in the construction of active portfolios: an assessment through the fundamental law of active management

Por: Fredy Alexánder Pulga Vivas | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Active portfolio management aims to deliver superior returns through using an extensive analysis of securities in order to identify mispriced stocks and estimate alphas. Moreover, an active strategy relies on the capability of the active manager to transform his/her forecasting skills into an active portfolio. This thesis assesses the effects of investment constraints in the ex ante capabilities of an active manager to construct portfolios through the fundamental law of active management, and provides evidence on the efficiency loss of the manager in presence of such constraints through a Monte Carlo simulation. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Efficiency implementation in the construction of active portfolios: an assessment through the fundamental law of active management

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Failure of U.S. policies in Latin America: From The War on Drugs to The War on Terror = El fracaso de las políticas de los Estados Unidos en América Latina:de la guerra contra las drogas a la guerra contra el terrorismo

The Failure of U.S. policies in Latin America: From The War on Drugs to The War on Terror = El fracaso de las políticas de los Estados Unidos en América Latina:de la guerra contra las drogas a la guerra contra el terrorismo

Por: Luz Andrea Granados Castillo | Fecha: 01/01/2009

Since the 70s when cocaine consumption first took off in the US, this country has been fighting in Latin America the supply-side ‘war on drugs’ which was placed mainly in Colombia since the 90s, the only country in the region that has an additional component to the drugs problem, guerrillas and paramilitaries, both who use the drug trade to fuel a protracted conflict.The US fashioned under Clinton’s administration the controversial anti-drug strategy known as 'Plan Colombia' a policy that made Colombia the 3rd largest recipient of military aid in the world after Israel and Egypt until the Afghanistan and Iraq era; however after 9/11 the strategy took a different course from a war against drugs to a war against terrorism, significantly increasing the military counter-insurgency component of Plan Colombia, deepening the US dependence in the country and isolating it from the rest of Latin America.The results after 40 decades of US investment and intervention are questionable since the policies have proven to be a failure as they have not reached the expected results and have worsened the problems they tried to tackle. In a nutshell, the US anti-narcotics policy in Latin America has been a failure since after 40 decades and billions of dollars invested, it has not helped to curb production, trafficking and demand; but it has undermined the democracy and triggered conflict in countries where drugs are produced; the case of Colombia exemplifies this ‘war system’ where the ‘war on drugs’ shifted to ‘war on terrorism’ under the framework of the US strategy.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The Failure of U.S. policies in Latin America: From The War on Drugs to The War on Terror = El fracaso de las políticas de los Estados Unidos en América Latina:de la guerra contra las drogas a la guerra contra el terrorismo

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Imagen de apoyo de  The incidence of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin American economic growth: An econometric analysis = La incidencia de la Inversión extranjera directa en el crecimiento económico Latinoamericano: Un análisis econométrico

The incidence of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin American economic growth: An econometric analysis = La incidencia de la Inversión extranjera directa en el crecimiento económico Latinoamericano: Un análisis econométrico

Por: Mario Alexander Reina Carrillo | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Does Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) have a positive effect on economic growth in recipient countries? The debate about the positive impact of FDI on economic growth remains open, and therefore the formulation of economic policy in developing regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean is still a dilemma between to adopting policies that support economic openness or implementing policies aimed at promoting the protection of domestic markets.However, in recent years Latin America has been leaning towards policies that promote FDI inflows so as to stimulate market growth and to increase the competitiveness in different branches of economic activity. From this argument, the following thesis investigates the impact of FDI on the growth of Latin American developing economies by presenting an econometric analysis through the application of an OLS pooled panel data analysis for 19 Latin American countries between 1980 and 2010.The result of the research aims to test the hypothesis that establishes a positive relation between FDI inflows and economic growth. To do so, the relation FDI-growth is examined by the use of different control variables related with macroeconomic stability, trade openness, political stability, per capita GDP, and secondary schooling. The results of this research reveal a positive effect of FDI on the economic growth rate of the countries taken in the sample of the study.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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The incidence of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin American economic growth: An econometric analysis = La incidencia de la Inversión extranjera directa en el crecimiento económico Latinoamericano: Un análisis econométrico

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Imagen de apoyo de  The efficiency of education expenditure in Latin America and lessons for Colombia = Eficiencia del gasto público en educación en Latinoamérica y lecciones para Colombia

The efficiency of education expenditure in Latin America and lessons for Colombia = Eficiencia del gasto público en educación en Latinoamérica y lecciones para Colombia

Por: Andrés Felipe Salazar | Fecha: 01/01/2011

This paper appraises quantitatively the efficiency of public expenditure of 15 Latin American countries using cross-country data for averages between 2000 to 2009. For this purpose two non-parametric methods are used: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposal Hull (FDH). Selected output indicators in primary and secondary school are evaluated respect to public spending in education per student. As a study case, Colombia´s efficiency scores are compared with the most efficient peers in each of the educational levels to identify best practices and achieve better results.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The efficiency of education expenditure in Latin America and lessons for Colombia = Eficiencia del gasto público en educación en Latinoamérica y lecciones para Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Consumers Mind: Luxury Desire. Analysis of the social context and behavior in the luxury fashion market = En la mente del consumidor: Deseo de opulencia. Análisis del contexto social y el comportamiento del consumidor en la industria de la moda de lujo

A Consumers Mind: Luxury Desire. Analysis of the social context and behavior in the luxury fashion market = En la mente del consumidor: Deseo de opulencia. Análisis del contexto social y el comportamiento del consumidor en la industria de la moda de lujo

Por: Lina Lorena Clavijo Rodríguez | Fecha: 01/01/2015

The purpose of this research is to present an analysis about the psychology of the luxury fashion consumer, to understand the different kinds of motivations that influence behaviour towards the purchase of luxury items. Through the exploration of theoretical approaches from both, the consumer psychology and the social culture theory, it will be explained how consumers face different kinds of needs and how they try to satisfy them in the luxury marketplace.Some of these needs will have an origin in intrinsic desires, while others will respond to affiliation needs for fitting into a certain social environment. Among the study of the cultural motivations, it will be shown how advertising plays a fundamental role of perception of luxury fashion. A selection of two case of studies of two of the most important luxury brands in the world, will illustrate how the industry uses the media communicate to the consumer the values of luxury brands, while associates to cultural representations of social success.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Consumers Mind: Luxury Desire. Analysis of the social context and behavior in the luxury fashion market = En la mente del consumidor: Deseo de opulencia. Análisis del contexto social y el comportamiento del consumidor en la industria de la moda de lujo

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Imagen de apoyo de  A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

Por: Andrés Guillermo Chaur Romero | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This work constitutes an inquiry into the field of memory studies. Through the presentation and the analysis of a particular case study I will provide an insight to some approaches to address the field. To begin with a general background of the case study will be presented to fully understand its social, historical and cultural connotation, and then I introduce the dynamic of how this work will be developed from this point. Finally this research concludes with some recommendations about the concepts previously developed.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  When titles do not become loans: property rights and slums upgrading in Bogota, Colombia

When titles do not become loans: property rights and slums upgrading in Bogota, Colombia

Por: Alexander Niño Ruiz | Fecha: 01/01/2006

Contrary to the conventional orthodoxy of the World Bank, lack of formalized or secured property rights is not the main reason why titles do not become loans in Colombia. My research shows that the institutional barriers that prevent poor people from leveraging their assets are rooted in the Colombian constitution, and in the lack of private financial institutions willing to lend to the poor. Low and middle income populations cannot use their houses as collateral to obtain loans aimed to finance business because the Colombian constitution mandates families to secure a share of their assets as Family Wealth. As a result, families have to protect their estate from being impounded by lenders. When the law allows the use of the house as collateral— for financing the purchase, improvement or enlargement of housing — there are few formal financial institutions lending to the poor. Despite of the importance of this for land-titling programs, it passed unnoticed by the World Bank, who approved a US$100 million loan for the Bogotá Urban Service Project in 2003. This thesis reveals the assumptions made by the Bank regarding the importance of property formalization as a mechanism to create massive equity out of the improved real estate in the informal sector. It contrasts the Bank’s assumptions with the actual process of upgrading in Bogotá. Leveraging poor people’s assets would be critical to the well-functioning of upgrading program, but these policies should rely on a mechanism other than the willingness of formal institutions to lend to the poor.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Ciencias sociales

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When titles do not become loans: property rights and slums upgrading in Bogota, Colombia

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