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Imagen de apoyo de  Safety of Pedestrians and Cyclists when Interacting with Automated Vehicles – A Case Study of the WEpods = Seguridad de los peatones y ciclistas cuando Interactúan con vehículos autónomos caso de estudio: los WEpods

Safety of Pedestrians and Cyclists when Interacting with Automated Vehicles – A Case Study of the WEpods = Seguridad de los peatones y ciclistas cuando Interactúan con vehículos autónomos caso de estudio: los WEpods

Por: Paola Katherine Rodríguez Cabezas | Fecha: 2017

Current research on automated vehicles focuses mainly on the drivers of automated vehicles, on its potential to improve the efficiency of traffic operations, safety, congestion and societal benefits, public’s acceptance of automated vehicles as a transport system and the willingness to buy automated vehicles. Nevertheless, there is a research gap in an equally important topic of research; the interactions of the automated vehicles with Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), i.e., cyclists and pedestrians. The WEpods (shuttle buses) are the first automated pods on public roads amidst other traffic, for an extended period of time in the province of Gelderland, in the Netherlands. The main research question revolves around the safety perception of vulnerable road users (VRUs) when interacting with automated vehicles, specifically at unsignalised intersections, and their crossing behaviour in comparison with traditional motor vehicles. The data on road users’ perception was gathered through face-to-face interviews (𝑁=22), a focus group (𝑁=8), and an online survey (𝑁=198). The results of this research showed that in terms of perceived safety, in general, VRUs (pedestrians and cyclists) feel significantly safer when sharing the road with the WEpods (max. speed of 15 𝑘𝑚/ℎ) compared to traditional motor vehicles (max. speed of 30 𝑘𝑚/ℎ). However, cyclists reported feeling less safe when interacting at unsignalised intersections with the automated vehicles, while there was not significant effect on pedestrians. Similarly, pedestrians more often opted for crossing facilities in the presence of the WEpods than in the presence of traditional motor vehicles (this can be interpreted as the result of perhaps feeling less safe), while no significant difference was reported for cyclists. Some of the reasons that could explain the trust in the WEpods are its low operational speed and the trust of most (81.1%) of the VRUs in the automated technology. This makes them expect the WEpods will stop in all possible instances, even when other traffic participants violate traffic rules. Surprisingly, a significant proportion (63.2%) of the participants was not aware of the presence of the steward on board of the WEpods. On the other hand, variables such as the awareness of the steward and having interacted with the WEpods increased the perceived safety amongst VRUs. Moreover, eye contact and gestures use as part of the actual interaction with human drivers of traditional motor vehicles particularly when crossing, was reported to be of importance by the respondents and has also been previously reported in the literature. The VRUs who said that they rely on cues given by drivers, more often indicated a preference to cross at dedicated facilities in the presence of the WEpods than those who stated not to depend on this type of communication. In order to substitute this lack of “real” interaction, information about the WEpods’ operations appeared to be desired by most of the participants in the form of visual information or a mix of auditory and visual. Finally, it was found that individual characteristics of the VRUs, such as their gender and other demographic variables could also have an impact on their perceived safety of VRUs interacting with the WEpods. The findings of the current research appear to point at a prudent attitude of cyclists and pedestrians in their interaction with automated vehicles. Nevertheless, this conservative mindset could be balanced by informing other road users about both, the features (e.g., the presence of a steward on board) and the limitations (e.g., the technology unable to respond to unexpected conditions) of the WEpods. It is considered that this information, along with a suitable communication of intentions of the vehicle to its surroundings are adequate tools to achieve a safe interaction between VRUs and automated vehicles.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Safety of Pedestrians and Cyclists when Interacting with Automated Vehicles – A Case Study of the WEpods = Seguridad de los peatones y ciclistas cuando Interactúan con vehículos autónomos caso de estudio: los WEpods

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Imagen de apoyo de  Estudio de prevalencia de polifarmacia en población adulto mayor con diagnóstico de patologías crónicas en una entidad de salud del perímetro urbano de Bogotá durante el periodo comprendido entre el 2013 al 2015

Estudio de prevalencia de polifarmacia en población adulto mayor con diagnóstico de patologías crónicas en una entidad de salud del perímetro urbano de Bogotá durante el periodo comprendido entre el 2013 al 2015

Por: Andrea del Pilar Patarroyo Tobaría | Fecha: 2017

Introducción. La polimedicación es un problema de salud en los adultos mayores y su impacto es mundial pues su asociación a una alta morbimortalidad se desarrolla por los riesgos de efectos secundarios e interacciones medicamentosas. Objetivo. Conocer la prevalencia de polifarmacia en adultos mayores con patologías crónicas en entidad de salud del perímetro urbano de Bogotá durante el periodo comprendido entre el 2013 al 2015. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, donde se analizan historias clínicas, y se aplica un instrumento de recolección de datos identificando comorbilidades presentes y la medicación utilizada. Las variables cualitativas se describieron con frecuencias relativas y absolutas y las variables cuantitativas mediante porcentajes y desviación estándar. Resultados. Se identificaron 249 pacientes con una edad en promedio de 76.6 años; 144 correspondían al sexo femenino (57.8%), encontrando la hipertensión arterial como la patología más frecuente en este grupo, en 243 pacientes (98%) la mayor parte de ellos controlados; resulto además una clasificación de polifarmacia severa en 111 pacientes (44.6%); como complicación de mayor prevalencia se encontró la arritmia cardiaca en 3 pacientes (1.2%). En general un 80% de la muestra no tiene registro de complicaciones; el 5.6% presentan interacciones medicamentosas y el porcentaje de medicamentos contraindicados estuvo presente en un 8%; la no pertinencia terapéutica se determinó en 169 (68%) de los pacientes. Discusión y conclusiones. Optimizar la terapia farmacológica es parte esencial del cuidado de una persona mayor. Se requieren más estudios para identificar polifarmacia y su impacto en la calidad de vida, evaluándola con muestras más grandes y con menos subregistro.
Fuente: Biblioteca Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Estudio de prevalencia de polifarmacia en población adulto mayor con diagnóstico de patologías crónicas en una entidad de salud del perímetro urbano de Bogotá durante el periodo comprendido entre el 2013 al 2015

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Territorial Approach of the Peace Agreement in Colombia: a possible challenge or a utopia?  = El componente territorial del acuerdo de paz en Colombia: un cambio posible o una utopía?

The Territorial Approach of the Peace Agreement in Colombia: a possible challenge or a utopia? = El componente territorial del acuerdo de paz en Colombia: un cambio posible o una utopía?

Por: Diana Luz Ortiz Rodríguez | Fecha: 2017

Abstract: This thesis lies in the opportunities and challenges opened to the land use planning in Colombia, once the Congress endorsed the Peace Agreement, the past 2016, since one of its components is the Comprehensive Rural Reform. It aims to analyze the possibilities to articulate those compromises acquired regarding land, with the Colombian land use planning system and its legislation in pursuit of lasting peacebuilding. The thesis suggests this link as definitive and efficient along the way to switch the relation with the land in Colombia, from the historical alliance land-conflict to one contemporaneous, of land-peace. Resumen: Esta tesis radica en las oportunidades y retos abiertos al ordenamiento territorial en Colombia, una vez el Congreso aprobó el Acuerdo de Paz, el pasado 2016, ya que uno de sus componentes es la Reforma Rural Integral. Se trata de analizar las posibilidades para articular esos compromisos adquiridos con relación a la tierra, con el sistema de ordenamiento territorial colombiano y su legislación en búsqueda de una paz duradera. La tesis sugiere este vínculo como definitivo y eficiente en el camino para cambiar la relación con la tierra en Colombia, de la histórica relación de la tierra y el conflicto armado, a una relación contemporánea de tierra y paz.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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The Territorial Approach of the Peace Agreement in Colombia: a possible challenge or a utopia? = El componente territorial del acuerdo de paz en Colombia: un cambio posible o una utopía?

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Imagen de apoyo de  The multimodal transport regime of the Andean Community: Towards the mandatory application of the limitation of liability provided by the Hague-Visby Rules and the Hamburg Rules in Colombia = El régimen de transporte multimodal de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones: Hacia la aplicación obligatoria de los límites de responsabilidad contenidos en las Reglas de La Haya-Visby y las Reglas de Hamburgo en Colombia

The multimodal transport regime of the Andean Community: Towards the mandatory application of the limitation of liability provided by the Hague-Visby Rules and the Hamburg Rules in Colombia = El régimen de transporte multimodal de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones: Hacia la aplicación obligatoria de los límites de responsabilidad contenidos en las Reglas de La Haya-Visby y las Reglas de Hamburgo en Colombia

Por: Mauricio García Arboleda | Fecha: 2017

Colombia is not a Member State of the Maritime Carriage Conventions currently in force (Hague-Visby Rules and Hamburg Rules) and it is uncertain whether it will ratify the Rotterdam Rules in the upcoming future. Pursuant to the foregoing, the regulation of the contracts of carriage of goods by sea is governed by the Colombian Code of Commerce. Accordingly, the Colombian Code of Commerce provides certain provisions which particularly regulate the carriage of goods by sea under bill of lading. Amongst those provisions, Article 1644 is of paramount significance for the liability of the carrier, considering that it allows in situations where there is no declaration of the value of the goods in the bill of lading, the possibility to apply the limitation of liability agreed by the parties in the carriage contract. However, the case law in Colombia has never concerned the limitation of the carrier’s liability in the context of an international multimodal carriage contract that includes a sea leg. In that respect, Article 16 of Decision 331 of 1993 of the Andean Community sets forth that when a damage or loss to the goods carried occurs in a stage of an international multimodal carriage contract where an international convention applicable or a mandatory national law provides a higher limit of liability for the carrier that the one agreed by the parties in the carriage contract, the limit of liability sets forth either by the international conventions or mandatory national law shall prevail upon the one agreed in the contract. According to the foregoing legal framework, the aim of this master thesis is to determine whether in accordance with Article 16 of Decision 331 of 1993 of the Andean Community and Article 1644 of the Colombian Code of Commerce the limitation of liability provided either in the Hague-Visby Rules or the Hamburg Rules shall apply compulsory in the Colombian jurisdiction in a situation of localized loss or damage to the goods sustained during the sea leg of an international multimodal carriage contract, in order to adjust Colombian jurisdiction with international standards on this subject matter.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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The multimodal transport regime of the Andean Community: Towards the mandatory application of the limitation of liability provided by the Hague-Visby Rules and the Hamburg Rules in Colombia = El régimen de transporte multimodal de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones: Hacia la aplicación obligatoria de los límites de responsabilidad contenidos en las Reglas de La Haya-Visby y las Reglas de Hamburgo en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Non Modelling and quantification of joint scour and earthquake induced failures on bridges = Modelación y cuantificación de las fallas inducidas en puentes por la combinación de socavación y terremoto

Non Modelling and quantification of joint scour and earthquake induced failures on bridges = Modelación y cuantificación de las fallas inducidas en puentes por la combinación de socavación y terremoto

Por: Jorge Andrés Bernal Montes | Fecha: 2017

As it has been proved in several researches carried out by different authors, riverine floods and the scour induced by these are one of the main causes of bridge collapse. More specifically, local scour causes a loss in the lateral resistance of bridge foundation, thus potentially increasing the seismic vulnerability of a bridge system. The present study assesses the combination of scour and earthquake effects for a bridge located in a road network crossing valleys in the Pyrenees Mountain range (France). The bridge spans over a river stream of trapezoidal cross-section, which is more able to capture actual physical behaviours than the rectangular section generally used for similar studies. The bridge consists in a continuous RC deck supported by two multi-column piers. Making use of the OpenSees software, a 3D finite-element model of the bridge is built and subjected to a suite of 312 ground motions (i.e., non-linear time history analyses). Fragility curves are developed for this multi-hazard case study, considering specific levels of damage that might be of interest, as well a comparison between fragility characteristics obtained in the absence and presence of scour. In order to fully study the potentially detrimental effects of scour on the dynamic behavior of the considered bridge, it is considered different scour combinations in the non-linear time-history analyses, such as: • Equal scour depth in all columns. • Same scour depth in the columns of the same pier. • Same scour depth in columns of different piers. • Scour depth concentrated in just one column of the bridge This study demonstrates the ability of a given numerical model to account for various hazard loadings and failure mechanisms, thus providing support to decision making regarding bridge management and monitoring.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Non Modelling and quantification of joint scour and earthquake induced failures on bridges = Modelación y cuantificación de las fallas inducidas en puentes por la combinación de socavación y terremoto

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Imagen de apoyo de  Disaster Risks and (Re)insurance in Latin America

Disaster Risks and (Re)insurance in Latin America

Por: Andrés Felipe Parra Salazar | Fecha: 2017

Disaster Risks are the cause of many economic losses and fatalities all over the world. Insurance and reinsurance industry has had a close eye on the catastrophic risks in Latin America, as it is a mechanism for disaster risk management and an incentive of mitigation in the region. Catastrophe insurance is the market in charge of covering losses caused by catastrophic events and a growing market worldwide. Imperfections and different reasons for underinsurance have made the region a hub of vulnerability. Due to its geographical location, social and economic situation, Latin America has a high exposure to disasters that have created many monetary consequences and mortalities over its history. However, there is still a gap in insurance coverage and a lack of information. There is evidence that insurance as an ex-ante financing tool has many benefits for developing regions as the case of the Latin American countries. Insurance is an incentive of mitigation through risk-based price signals, and measures taken by insurance companies themselves. Though, this study intends to present a clear lack of cooperation within the region in terms of regulatory frameworks and international collaboration that is reflected in the lack of information for the insured and insurers. Therefore, the research of disaster risks and (re)insurance in Latin America provides evidence of the high risk that the region presents and the deficiencies that the catastrophic insurance market has in the region, and highlights the necessity for mechanisms for enhancing the market, to develop new insurance solutions and create a region base collaboration in order to promote the disaster risk management using insurance as a tool.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Disaster Risks and (Re)insurance in Latin America

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Imagen de apoyo de  Benefits and challenges of implementing a voluntary carbon market for agriculture in Colombia = Beneficios y retos de implementar un mercado de carbono voluntario para la agricultura en Colombia

Benefits and challenges of implementing a voluntary carbon market for agriculture in Colombia = Beneficios y retos de implementar un mercado de carbono voluntario para la agricultura en Colombia

Por: Alejandro Betancourt Nieto | Fecha: 2017

Abstract: This thesis is divided in five sections: Chapter 1 defines climate change and other related concepts, as well as describes how the international agreements tackle climate change. Chapter 2 explains which GHG are emitted in agriculture and how, and describes how different carbon markets work around the world; agricultural methods Australian farmers carry out to produce carbon credits are also presented in chapter two. Chapter 3 presents the GHG reduction commitment Colombia has taken under the Paris Agreement and discusses the benefits and challenges of implementing the proposed voluntary carbon market for agriculture. Chapter 4 studies GHG reduction or sequestration projects in Colombia. Chapter 5 contains the conclusions. Resumen: La tesis se compone de cinco secciones: El capítulo 1 define el cambio climático y otros conceptos relacionados, así como describe cómo los acuerdos internacionales abordan el cambio climático. El capítulo 2 explica las fuentes de emisión de gases efecto invernadero del sector agrícola y explica cómo funcionan en otras partes del mundo los mercados de carbón que han incluido este sector. El capítulo 3 presenta el compromiso de emisión presentado por Colombia en el Acuerdo de París y discute los retos de implementar un mercado de carbono para la agricultura en Colombia. El capítulo 4 estudia diferentes proyectos agrícolas de reducción de carbono en Colombia. El capítulo 5 contiene las conclusiones.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Benefits and challenges of implementing a voluntary carbon market for agriculture in Colombia = Beneficios y retos de implementar un mercado de carbono voluntario para la agricultura en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Decision analysis in contract type selection for an offshore field development = Análisis de decisión para la selección del tipo de contrato para un desarrollo offshore

Decision analysis in contract type selection for an offshore field development = Análisis de decisión para la selección del tipo de contrato para un desarrollo offshore

Por: Andrés Felipe Medina Ñáñez | Fecha: 2017

Abstract: Different contract types means different incentives, burdens and relationships. The contract type responsibilities and price should be in accordance with the project needs and organization capacities, not knowing this could entail less project profitability and chances of success. It is necessary to understand the alternatives and how they behave, in order to develop the right strategies to avoid overruns and improve the project quality. The goal of this thesis is to develop a decision analysis model for contract type selection. This model will become a useful tool for contractor and client preferences in an easy and effective way. Decision analysis is a powerful tool that will help us to bring clarity of thought in this process; during this thesis it is described what is a project, its phases, activities and the components that understand it, in the same way it is presented the contract management life cycle. This model attempts to link and evaluate the contract types, differentiators, and the client and contractor preferences in order to quantify the costs and benefits of each type, which could be the best option. One priority of this thesis is to understand the synergetic relationship between contract type, contract management, project management and contract price, in order to take the best decision, increasing the probability to achieve a successful project execution. As application example, a contract type selection for the EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Installation) of a topside for a semisubmersible platform is presented.Resumen: Diferentes tipos de contrato significa diferentes incentivos, cargas y relaciones. Las responsabilidades y el precio del tipo de contrato deben estar de acuerdo con las necesidades del proyecto y las capacidades de la organización, sin saber que esto podría implicar una menor rentabilidad del proyecto y posibilidades de éxito. Es necesario comprender las alternativas y la forma en que se comportan, a fin de desarrollar las estrategias correctas para evitar los excesos y mejorar la calidad del proyecto. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar un modelo de análisis de decisión para la selección del tipo de contrato. Este modelo se convertirá en una herramienta útil para las preferencias de los contratistas y clientes de una manera fácil y efectiva. El análisis de decisiones es una herramienta poderosa que nos ayudará a tener claridad de pensamiento en este proceso; Durante esta tesis se describe qué es un proyecto, sus fases, actividades y los componentes que lo comprenden, de la misma manera que se presenta el ciclo de vida de gestión de contratos. Este modelo intenta vincular y evaluar los tipos de contrato, los diferenciadores y las preferencias del cliente y del contratista para cuantificar los costos y beneficios de cada tipo, lo que podría ser la mejor opción. Una de las prioridades de esta tesis es comprender la relación sinérgica entre el tipo de contrato, la gestión de contratos, la gestión de proyectos y el precio del contrato, para tomar la mejor decisión, aumentando la probabilidad de lograr una ejecución exitosa del proyecto. Como ejemplo de aplicación, se presenta una selección de tipo de contrato para el EPCI (Ingeniería, Aprovisionamiento, Construcción e Instalación) de un topside para una plataforma semisumergible.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Decision analysis in contract type selection for an offshore field development = Análisis de decisión para la selección del tipo de contrato para un desarrollo offshore

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Imagen de apoyo de  A practical approach in glycerol oxidation for the development of a glycerol fuel cell = Enfoque práctico en oxidación de glicerol para el desarrollo de la celda de combustible de glicerol

A practical approach in glycerol oxidation for the development of a glycerol fuel cell = Enfoque práctico en oxidación de glicerol para el desarrollo de la celda de combustible de glicerol

Por: Diego Fernando; Ten Kortenaar Quintero Pulido | Fecha: 2017

The research on electrochemical carbon molecule oxidation started in the past years as new electrochemistries were researched for new fuel cells systems and batteries that may line up as backup energy supply and storage systems in off-grid and on-grid microgrids, as modeled by our group at the University of Twente [1-3]. By lining up these two disciplines we hope to support the bridge between new electrochemical systems on one side, (pilot) production with partner companies, prediction, and validation of systems upon implementation in microgrids by our group. The electrochemical oxidation of glycerol in alkaline aqueous solution has been studied on gold and gold coated metals (Zn-Au and Cu-Au) by voltammetry and EIS (Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) for possible use in a new fuel cell as an outlet for the excess glycerol that is produced in the biodiesel industry. The observations show that the gold surface may change upon cycling by cyclic voltammetry. Besides, the current density shows non-linear behavior with the square root of the scan rate, implying that the reaction is not totally controlled by diffusion. EIS analysis using the EQUIVCRT software revealed that one out of twenty tested equivalent circuits fitted the data well at potentials of -0.05 V,- 0.15 V and -0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl, identifying resistors and a Warburg element in parallel with the double layer capacitance, the elements are possibly related to the presence of double layers associated with hydroxypyrovate and oxalate ions. The results are consistent with the low-frequency error fitting analysis (10-4), AC Simulink-Matlab fitting responds and the Kronig-Kramers transform test. The tested Zn-Au and Cu-Au electrodes show similar voltammetry behavior as the gold electrode, as witnessed by the results of cycle analysis and the scan rate analysis. The discharge chronoamperometry test further shows that the Zn-Au electrode and Cu-Au have higher current densities than the gold electrode at a potential of -0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl (5 mA cm-2, 4.5 mA cm-2, and 3 mA cm-2 respectively).
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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A practical approach in glycerol oxidation for the development of a glycerol fuel cell = Enfoque práctico en oxidación de glicerol para el desarrollo de la celda de combustible de glicerol

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Imagen de apoyo de  Azole resistant aspergillus fumigatus in domestic (and wild) avian species= Aspergillus fumigatus resistente a azoles en especies de aves domésticas (y silvestres)

Azole resistant aspergillus fumigatus in domestic (and wild) avian species= Aspergillus fumigatus resistente a azoles en especies de aves domésticas (y silvestres)

Por: Natalia Elisa Vásquez Urbina | Fecha: 2017

Abstract: Aspergillus fumigatus is a fungus very well known in medicine because is responsible of invasive aspergillosis (IA) in immunocompromised patients. The use of antifungals for this disease, in particular azoles, had given a good result until the appearance of the first azole-resistant aspergillosis in 1997. Since then more cases with different mechanisms of acquiring the resistance have appeared and have been studied. The pan-azole cases also exist and represent a challenge for them to be successfully treated without mortality involved. It has always been thought is the cycle only included the environment and the human being. But one important question remains, is if animals play a role in the cycle of transmission. This thesis is a beginning step, in the research of isolates of Azole-Resistant A. fumigatus present in the respiratory tissue of the most affected species in Veterinary Medicine, birds. Respiratory tissues from poultry (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) obtained in a slaughter house in the Utrecht province and a common seagull (Larus Canus) from the North-Holland province in the Netherlands were macroscopically analysed, manipulated in three diverse ways and then cultured at several temperatures. 19 A. fumigatus isolates were obtained from poultry and 1 from the seagull. All isolates were put through a resistant experiment. Along with resistant and susceptible strains obtained by Jianhua Zhang, all isolates were cultivated in Malt Agar, Malt Agar with itraconazole at 4 mg/ml and Malt Agar with Tebuconazole at 4mg/ml. The diameter of the colony was measured several days later, with at least three consecutive measurements done. They all presented a higher response to Tebuconazole than to Itraconazole, being none of them fully resistant. Further research can address molecular mechanisms involved in this kind of response. Resumen: Aspergillus fumigatus es un hongo muy conocido en la medicina porque es responsable de la aspergilosis invasiva (AI) en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. El uso de antifúngicos para esta enfermedad, en particular los azoles, había dado un buen resultado hasta la aparición de la primera aspergilosis resistente a azol en 1997. Desde entonces, han aparecido y se han estudiado más casos con diferentes mecanismos de adquisición de la resistencia. Los casos de resistencia a varios azoles también existen y representan un desafío para que puedan ser tratados con éxito sin la mortalidad involucrada. Siempre se ha pensado que el ciclo solo incluía el medio ambiente y el ser humano. Pero una pregunta importante que queda es si los animales juegan un papel en el ciclo de transmisión. Esta tesis es un paso inicial, en la investigación de aislamientos de A. fumigatus resistentes a Azoles presentes en el tejido respiratorio de las especies más afectadas en Medicina Veterinaria, las aves. Los tejidos respiratorios des aves de corral (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) obtenidos en un matadero en la provincia de Utrecht y una gaviota común (Larus Canus) de la provincia de Holanda Septentrional en los Países Bajos se analizaron macroscópicamente, se manipularon de tres maneras diferentes y luego se cultivaron a varias temperaturas. En total 19 aislamientos de A. fumigatus se obtuvieron de aves de corral y 1 de la gaviota. Todos los aislamientos se sometieron a un experimento resistente. Junto con las cepas resistentes y susceptibles obtenidas por Jianhua Zhang, todos los aislamientos se cultivaron en agar de malta, agar de malta con itraconazol a 4 mg / ml y agar de malta con tebuconazol a 4 mg / ml. El diámetro de la colonia se midió varios días después, con al menos tres mediciones consecutivas. Todos presentaron una respuesta más alta al tebuconazol que al itraconazol, ninguno de ellos era totalmente resistente. Investigación adicional puede abordar los mecanismos moleculares implicados en este tipo de respuesta.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Azole resistant aspergillus fumigatus in domestic (and wild) avian species= Aspergillus fumigatus resistente a azoles en especies de aves domésticas (y silvestres)

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