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Imagen de apoyo de  A contextualized booklet to develop critical thinking and argumentative writing

A contextualized booklet to develop critical thinking and argumentative writing

Por: Jenny Alexandra Díaz Granados Sánchez | Fecha: 2018

El objetivo principal de esta investigación acción cualitativa fue analizar la contribución del diseño y la implementación de una cartilla contextualizada, en el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de quinto grado, al escribir textos argumentativos en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera, en un colegio bilingüe privado. Los instrumentos para recolectar la información fueron los materiales de los estudiantes, las notas de campo de la profesora y un cuestionario. Los resultados sugieren que la cartilla contextualizada alcanzó particularidad, sentido práctico y posibilidad impactando positivamente a los estudiantes y motivándolos. Además, los materiales fundamentados en estrategias de aprendizaje promovieron el uso consciente de las mismas en el desarrollo de las actividades propuestas para la implementación. Asimismo, los temas relacionados con el entorno de los estudiantes facilitaron el intercambio de ideas que fomentaron el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento crítico. El ambiente real de los estudiantes generó confianza en los estudiantes para la expresión de puntos de vista organizados, reflexivos y consistentes. Mediante el uso de la cartilla contextualizada los estudiantes recordaron conocimiento previo, comprendieron nuevos conceptos, analizaron información, aplicaron conocimiento en contexto y evaluaron evidencias relevantes para respaldar sus puntos de vista y para crear párrafos argumentativos.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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A contextualized booklet to develop critical thinking and argumentative writing

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Imagen de apoyo de  A critical Analysis on "Purgare": One of Many Colombian Stories on Social Cleansing

A critical Analysis on "Purgare": One of Many Colombian Stories on Social Cleansing

Por: Carlos Manuel Saavedra Parra | Fecha: 2019

Abstract: Every year, thousands are selectively killed and displaced in social cleansing campaigns in Colombia announced in publicly-posted pamphlets. Also known as the “black hand”, the selective killings have become a hallmark of the country’s poorest neighborhoods. Often perpetrated by neighbors, under the auspices of paramilitary groups and with the complicity or even participation of local police, these murders are touted as the necessary procedures of order in places where official justice cannot reach. Drug users, petty criminals, LGBTQ folk and especially trans women, are the preeminent targets of such campaigns. Already largely labeled as deviant or marginal, those whose lives are threatened and who dare make official complaints are dismissed by those institutions tasked with their safety. Purgare invites a consideration of social cleansing not from the perspective of the violence of its perpetrators, but through those who stand in resistance against it. This project accompanies a group of trans women who, faced with the extra-legal and legal dismissal of their lives, take recourse to magic to protect themselves and to reassert a modicum of agency. Bringing together photojournalism, anthropology, and artistic representation, the series and essay inhabits the magically real space created by these women, illuminating the powers they conjure in the worlds they create. Purgare stages the journeys of transformation crafted by these self-styled witches through their manipulations of plants and energies to forge lasting and powerful connections between new peoples and novel worlds. Purgare is imagined between disciplines and knowledges in an effort to expand the bounds of story-telling traditionally produced about violence. It builds a space in which those who struggle against structural violence can meet to create new representations of themselves and together weave novel images of power and possibility. Based on the stories of Stefania Grajales, Paola Caicedo and Catalina Lozano.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Fotografía

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A critical Analysis on "Purgare": One of Many Colombian Stories on Social Cleansing

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Imagen de apoyo de  A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

Por: Juan Pablo Coy Navarro | Fecha: 2003

The main Topic of this dissertation is to critically analyze the obligations of States’ parties to the TRIPS Agreement in relation to the extent of protection that they are bound to confer on first and second medical use patents. In this sense, the Viagra case illustrates the tensions between the national pharmaceutical industries of the States members of the Andean Community and a leading pharmaceutical company like Pfizer. The dissertation pretends to demonstrate that the decisions taken by the authorities in the Andean Region were consistent with the international minimum standards of IPRs as embodied in the TRIPS Agreement. The Viagra case is the most important series of administrative and judicial decisions concerning first and second use patents in the Andean region. It is composed of the administrative rulings of the member States national authorities of the Andean Community, by the administrative rulings of the Andean Community Secretariat and by the judicial decisions of the Andean Tribunal of Justice. This case was elected as the topic of the dissertation because it doesn’t follow the international trend to expand the levels of patent protection, which has occurred in two ways. First, the scope of patentable subject- matter has been given an inclusive interpretation. Secondly, the restrictions on patentability have been narrowly interpreted.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Defense of physician advocacy. Advocating for the health of undocumented immigrants in the United States and Colombia = Una defensa al activismo médico. Incidiendo por la salud de los migrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos y Colombia

A Defense of physician advocacy. Advocating for the health of undocumented immigrants in the United States and Colombia = Una defensa al activismo médico. Incidiendo por la salud de los migrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos y Colombia

Por: Natalia Acevedo Guerrero | Fecha: 2021

Abstract: Undocumented immigrants face different difficulties and barriers in order to access the health care system. Even when they get to access medical care, they face situations of xenophobia, discrimination and the fear towards their legal status can affect their experience and can have an impact in the continuity and success of their treatments. In a context of migration emergencies in both the United States and Colombia, immigration measures and policies have directly impacted the health outcomes of undocumented immigrants, creating a situation of a structural health injustice. This thesis argues that advocacy is a way in which physicians can successfully contribute to document, address and tackle this injustice and improve the lives and health of undocumented immigrants. This thesis defends physician advocacy by arguing that: i) Advocacy actions are connected and grounded in the legitimate goals of medicine and their contemporary reinterpretation. In this line, advocacy can be an effective way to promote health justice and contribute to restore the trust that undocumented immigrants have lost in doctors; ii) advocacy actions are an effective way in which physicians can take advantage of their unique position based on their historical social privilege and the access they have to undocumented immigrants ́ health. Furthermore, to show how physicians can advocate for the health of undocumented immigrants, using their knowledge and expertise, this work analyses the case of: i) Sanctuary Doctoring, ii) Physicians for Human Rights and iii) Profamilia-Colombia. Resumen: Los migrantes indocumentados enfrentan diferentes dificultades y barreras para acceder al sistema de salud. Incluso cuando llegan a acceder a la atención médica, se enfrentan a situaciones de xenofobia, discriminación y el miedo a su estatus legal puede afectar su experiencia y puede repercutir en la continuidad y el éxito de sus tratamientos. En un contexto de emergencias migratorias tanto en Estados Unidos como en Colombia, las medidas y políticas migratorias han impactado directamente los resultados de salud de los migrantes indocumentados, creando una situación de injusticia estructural en salud. Esta tesis sostiene que la incidencia o el activismo por parte de los médicos es una forma en la que estos pueden contribuir con éxito a documentar, abordar y retar esta injusticia y mejorar la vida y la salud de esta población. Esta tesis defiende la incidencia y el activismo por parte de los médicos argumentando que: i) Las acciones de incidencia están conectadas y basadas en los objetivos legítimos de la medicina y su reinterpretación contemporánea. En esta línea, la incidencia puede ser una forma eficaz de promover la justicia en salud y contribuir a restablecer la confianza que los migrantes indocumentados han perdido en los médicos; ii) las acciones de incidencia son una forma efectiva en la que los médicos pueden aprovechar su posición única en función de su privilegio social histórico y el acceso que tienen a la salud de los migrantes. Además, para mostrar cómo los médicos pueden abogar por la salud de los inmigrantes indocumentados, utilizando sus conocimientos y experiencia, este trabajo analiza el caso de: i) el modelo santuario de la medicina, ii) la organización Médicos por los Derechos Humanos y iii) Profamilia-Colombia.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Defense of physician advocacy. Advocating for the health of undocumented immigrants in the United States and Colombia = Una defensa al activismo médico. Incidiendo por la salud de los migrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos y Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Dos Music Project A Report of the First National Music Education Tour in Colombia

A Dos Music Project A Report of the First National Music Education Tour in Colombia

Por: Luz Elena Sarmiento Lozada | Fecha: 2018

Abstract: The A Dos Music Project is a Latin American music clarinet duet founded by professional clarinetists Ivan Valbuena and Luz Sarmiento, a Colombian couple who have been expanding the horizons of Latin music by performing traditional music with a nonconventional instrumentation and demanding arrangements. By combining the technical and artistic possibilities of the clarinet with the fresh and unique sound of Latin rhythms, A Dos Music Project displays a virtuosic, improvisatory, and innovative manner of performance that reaches all kinds of audiences. The ensemble’s mission is educational development and the promotion of music and art as a means of social transformation. This clarinet duet strives to engage new generations of audiences through interactive concerts and workshops designed to inspire young musicians in disadvantaged areas of the world, including refugee camps in Sweden and Germany and El Sistema1 -inspired programs in the US and Latin America. This initiative was inspired by the important role of the clarinet in Colombian folk music and the deep influence that this music had on the artistic development of the musicians of the ensemble. The virtuosic features and flexibility of the clarinet allow the players to perform Colombian and Latin American music with a reduced instrumentation of just two clarinets. The complexity of the rhythms and colors of the Latin Music are explored in advanced and demanding arrangements and compositions, featuring the technical and musical capabilities of the instrument. As teaching artists, the members of A Dos Music Project (ADMP) look to integrate their art and skills into a wide range of settings while engaging their audiences in learning experiences. This purpose led them to develop a workshop designed to provide young musicians with the opportunity to interact with a piece of music by using their body. By creating muscular sensations and allowing an interior perception of the sound, rhythm, and form, young musicians can improve their hearing and consequently their playing. The use of body percussion plays an important role in the development of the ADMP workshop since it makes a direct connection between the particular characteristics of Latin music and the learning experience. The A Dos Music Project National Tour was an innovative and ambitious community outreach music initiative undertaken by the clarinet duet A Dos Music Project during the month of July 2017. The tour sought to achieve the following objectives: - To introduce isolated communities to the benefits of the artistic education and music making as a transformative experience through the performances and life testimony of the members of A Dos Music Project. - To provide under-served music programs with musical knowledge and performances skills at a high level. - To improve self-esteem and self-perception to help the students to achieve their full potential. - To stimulate physical, mental, and socioaffective areas in the human being through the use of bodily exercises in the classroom. -To facilitate musical knowing and the development of rhythmic skills through the practice of body percussion. - To promote the performance of Colombian traditional music in nonconventional settings with advanced technical resources. The A Dos Music Project visited 12 cities in the Andean, Pacific, Amazonian, and Caribbean regions of Colombia, offering workshops, masterclasses, private lessons, lectures, and interactive concerts to communities of local music programs with social missions. The main activity offered by ADMP was a workshop designed to combine traditional music arranged for two clarinets and body percussion patterns specifically designed to emulate the percussion section of the traditional genres of the porro and the pasillo. The tour took place from July 6 to 29, 2017, and reached around 450 children and youth from 14 different music programs with great needs.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Dos Music Project A Report of the First National Music Education Tour in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

Por: Andrés Guillermo Chaur Romero | Fecha: 2014

This work constitutes an inquiry into the field of memory studies. Through the presentation and the analysis of a particular case study I will provide an insight to some approaches to address the field. To begin with a general background of the case study will be presented to fully understand its social, historical and cultural connotation, and then I introduce the dynamic of how this work will be developed from this point. Finally this research concludes with some recommendations about the concepts previously developed.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Framework For The Managemente Of The Biodegradable Waste In Bogotá-Colombia = Un Marco Para El Manejo De La Basura Biodegradable En Bogotá-Colombia

A Framework For The Managemente Of The Biodegradable Waste In Bogotá-Colombia = Un Marco Para El Manejo De La Basura Biodegradable En Bogotá-Colombia

Por: Adriana Lizette Gutiérrez Bayona | Fecha: 2014

Waste management is one of the growing problems in many highly populated cities around the world, and the amount of strategies designed to solve it has changed during the last decade. It passed from land filing to incineration and mechanical biotechnology; this quick change was partially induced by the threat that garbage is for the environment, and later on by the acceleration of climate change, since the public services industry was bound to comply with the emissions reduction targets. The newest technologies are being applied in Europe and North America, giving them a new way to face their waste issues. However, the industrialized States are not the only ones with these concerns, in the developing countries, it is a matter that is becoming an structural problem, because of the population growth and the dynamics of the capitalist practice; moreover, it is difficult to solve due to low budget or lack of knowledge on the topic. In Bogotá D.C, waste management became one of the most controversial topics due to the many problems presented during the implementation of the Zero-Waste program and the past administrative issues with the Landfill Doña Juana that led to many health and land predicaments for the population. As a consequence, this dissertation seeks to create a new strategy to fix the gaps of the original policy, by designing five time-limited specific objectives, a reform to the segregation strategy and proposing the construction Anaerobic Digestion plant as the best solution for the sustainable control of bio-waste. Therefore, this work will show throughout all the chapters the background of the waste management system, the new strategies to be taken into account by the local administration, the advantages of the AD technology and the possible financing channels for the renovation of the Basuras- Cero Policy. All the information above will be use to conclude, that for the case of Bogotá D.C, the use of bio-waste as a new energy source will strengthen the recycling industry (with the establishment of a better segregation system and the construction of and AD plant) reduce the amount of waste sent to Landfill and decrease GHG emissions; and even though it is a small step, it can become the foundation for fixing some weaknesses of the economic system and some social mores.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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A Framework For The Managemente Of The Biodegradable Waste In Bogotá-Colombia = Un Marco Para El Manejo De La Basura Biodegradable En Bogotá-Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A game-like module using bim, virtual reality and external software for a feasible application as a pile training method = Un módulo game-like usando BIM, realidad virtual y software externo para desarrollar una aplicación viable sobre entrenamiento en métodos de pilotajes

A game-like module using bim, virtual reality and external software for a feasible application as a pile training method = Un módulo game-like usando BIM, realidad virtual y software externo para desarrollar una aplicación viable sobre entrenamiento en métodos de pilotajes

Por: Juán Sebastian Garzón Romero | Fecha: 2021

Abstract: BIM and Virtual Reality (VR) are technologies that aim to revolutionise the AEC industry, minimizing variations, replicating complex tasks, enhancing visualisation of objects, better coordination with stakeholders, and as an alternative training tool. However, they have multiple limitations that deter a successful implementation in the AEC sector, requiring high technical skills to be developed, complex processes, and expensive resources that do not satisfy their current needs. Therefore, this research aims to create a game-like simulation between BIM and VR to train people in pile construction activities, addressing the limitations about industry adoption to implement it as a feasible product. The objectives of this thesis are: I. Develop a methodological framework to replicate similar prototypes like the one developed, II. Create a BIM and VR application using decision tree scenarios to train people around piling procedures, III. Validate the prototype through online surveys to verify its usability, feasibility, and improvements. A complex simulation using multiple software was created to teach about the required elements for piling construction, being supported through cinematics to show different construction stages of the survey, logistics, site camp, drilling excavation, and concrete & rebar activities. Participants agreed that the Pile Training Module (PTM) delivers an enhanced training experience about complex concepts, highlighting its potential of replicating variable conditions of a real site. With this module, it was demonstrated that high levels of expertise and costs are no longer limitations for a meaningful VR and BIM application, representing a starting point for future prototypes that aim to become a real application for the AEC industry and academy.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A game-like module using bim, virtual reality and external software for a feasible application as a pile training method = Un módulo game-like usando BIM, realidad virtual y software externo para desarrollar una aplicación viable sobre entrenamiento en métodos de pilotajes

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Imagen de apoyo de  A mile in the referee’s shoes: Challenges and opportunities in the implementation of Formative Assessment practices at undergraduate theatre programs. A study of a course from its participants’ perceptions = Una milla en los zapatos del árbitro: Retos y oportunidades en la implementación de prácticas de Evaluación Formativa en programas de teatro de pregrado. Estudio de un curso desde las percepciones de sus participantes

A mile in the referee’s shoes: Challenges and opportunities in the implementation of Formative Assessment practices at undergraduate theatre programs. A study of a course from its participants’ perceptions = Una milla en los zapatos del árbitro: Retos y oportunidades en la implementación de prácticas de Evaluación Formativa en programas de teatro de pregrado. Estudio de un curso desde las percepciones de sus participantes

Por: Juan Sebastián Cruz Prieto | Fecha: 2019

Abstract: This research was conducted to analyse undercover narratives of the participants of an undergraduate theatre program in Colombia and their impact on assessment practices. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were held with professors and students, and the analysis contrasted the data with debates between the utilitarian and the humanist approaches to theatre education and pedagogic debates between modernist and postmodernist approaches. The results showed that those debates are present in the participants’ narratives and arise paradoxes to the issue. This research proposes that further curriculum research development must acknowledge them and aim to create an Intersubjective Curriculum. Resumen: Esta investigación fue llevada a cabo con el objetivo de analizar las narrativas ocultas de los participantes de un programa de teatro de pregrado en Colombia y su impacto en las prácticas evaluativas. Para recolectar datos, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semi-estructuradas con docentes y estudiantes, y en la etapa de análisis se contrastaron los mismos con los debates entre las perspectivas humanitaria y utilitarista de la educación teatral y con los debates pedagógicos entre las perspectivas modernista y postmodernista. Los resultados mostraron que estos debates están presentes en las narrativas de los participantes y hacen surgir paradojas a la cuestión. Esta investigación propone que las posteriores investigaciones sobre desarrollo curricular deben tomar en cuenta estas narrativas y perspectivas y aspirar a construir un Currículo Intersubjetivo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A mile in the referee’s shoes: Challenges and opportunities in the implementation of Formative Assessment practices at undergraduate theatre programs. A study of a course from its participants’ perceptions = Una milla en los zapatos del árbitro: Retos y oportunidades en la implementación de prácticas de Evaluación Formativa en programas de teatro de pregrado. Estudio de un curso desde las percepciones de sus participantes

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Modelling Approach to Estimate the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in the Upper Catchment of the Cauca River, Colombia

A Modelling Approach to Estimate the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in the Upper Catchment of the Cauca River, Colombia

Por: Juan Felipe Hernández Arredondo | Fecha: 2023

Abstract: Pharmaceutical Compounds (PCs), are synthetic substances intensively consumed by humans and continuously released into the urban wastewater. Often, the removal of PCs from wastewater is found to be insufficient, or even absent if population is not connected to the sewage system and wastewater is directly emitted into the environment. In the last decades, the PCs have aroused special attention because they have been found in surface water at concentrations that can cause negative effects on the aquatic biota and environment. Studies employing PCs monitoring and modelling techniques on surface waters have been mainly conducted in developed countries, while studies in developing countries are still scarce. Attempting to fill this gap, this work focused specifically in Colombia, where the occurrence of PCs has not been thoroughly studied and monitoring plans are barely done due to high costs. This work employed the Exposure to Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (ePiE), a spatially distributed model only implemented and used in Europe, to predict concentrations of PCs in rivers and lakes by considering their consumption, fate and transport. So, it aimed to create a new ePiE model network taking as a case of study the prediction of Naproxen and Paracetamol in the Upper Catchment of the Cauca River, Colombia, an area with a different socio-economic and climatic conditions with respect to the European continent. The methodological approach included: a) data collection on PCs’ consumption, physicochemical properties and removal in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs); b) consolidation of geodata of the study area such as hydrology, hydrography, urban agglomeration and WWTPs location; c) model building by using the open-source software environment R; d) analysis of the model sensitivity to input parameters; e) model validation. The results showed that all concentration predictions deviate within a range of only one order of magnitude from measurements which is a remarkable result when dealing with such high uncertainties. In terms of magnitude prediction, for the worst-case scenario, Naproxen and Paracetamol were found to exceed the environmental standards thresholds in 9% and 1% of the model river network nodes respectively. Overall, this research aimed to assess the applicability of the ePiE model in estimating the presence of PCs in a subregion of Colombia, demonstrating that it is feasible to expand ePiE to other areas and giving insights about the spatial distribution of pharmaceuticals substances so hotspots can be identified and several scenarios can be built in future works.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Modelling Approach to Estimate the Presence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in the Upper Catchment of the Cauca River, Colombia

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