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Imagen de apoyo de  Estimating Child’s Health Demand in Colombia: Is mother’s education and important input?

Estimating Child’s Health Demand in Colombia: Is mother’s education and important input?

Por: Juan Andrés Cabal Jaramillo | Fecha: 01/01/2010

The importance of child’s health relies on its economic significance, given that is a key indicator of the quality of life in developing countries and a measure of their economic development. Its main role is to help policy makers take into account the importance of education as a relevant factor of productivity and intergenerational mobility.Child health is not only related with adult health, educational attainment, productivity, and income, but is also a development indicator all by itself. Among the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2000 by the United Nations (UN) and adopted by the 193 members and 23 international organizations, at least four are directly related to child health or nutritional status.Many papers have been written about the relationship between child’s health and mother’s education; however, so far only one study has aimed to evaluate the importance of such factor in Colombia3. By using different estimation methods, this investigation will attempt to establish the importance of mother’s education on child’s health by analyzing a sample of 15,038 women with children between 0 and 35/59 months in Colombia.A positive association has important policy implications. For instance, if more educated mothers do in fact tend to have healthier boys/girls, then policy makers should focus on better education policies (such as school and class size, school selection, privatizing education, advanced teacher training and teaching methods, graduation requirements, and investing in infrastructure development, amongst others) to improve the health level of the next generation.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Estimating Child’s Health Demand in Colombia: Is mother’s education and important input?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Capacity Building for development in Tertiary Education: The Dutch-Colombian partnership 2010-2015. From aid to trade: Implications, benefits and challenges

Capacity Building for development in Tertiary Education: The Dutch-Colombian partnership 2010-2015. From aid to trade: Implications, benefits and challenges

Por: Ángela Patricia Jiménez Gómez | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Abstract:The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the Dutch-Colombian development cooperation projects in capacity building for higher education during the last five years. The implications, benefits and challenges of Colombia’s transition from recipient to a partner country for the Netherlands will be explored. The Netherlands has been a traditional donor country for Colombia since the 1960s, with a focus on water management, environment, food security, gender, good governance, and human priority sectors of bilateral collaboration programs. However, due to changing patterns of the Dutch foreign public policy for development cooperation since 2010 and also from the Colombian government since 2011, different sectors affirm that there is a shift in the way of doing partnerships with Latin American countries, especially with Colombia. There is a big debate between those who assume that capacity building programs for development in tertiary education are going to be replaced by business alliances and others who affirm that it will be a win-win partnership model between Colombia and the Netherlands.For this reason, in times of transformation development patterns questions arise such as how does the transition ‘from aid to trade’ between North-South countries, affects development effectiveness in Capacity Building programmes for tertiary education? What are the implications of the transition phase of the Dutch-Colombian partnership in the capacity building framework for Higher Education?Through semi-structured interviews with the main actors of 6 case studies from the Dutch-Colombian cooperation for capacity development in higher education (2010-2015) and a literature review of policy papers, institutional studies, reports, lectures and meetings, the present analysis will give a qualitative perspective to complement the existing literature and enrich the debate about upcoming challenges facing all the actors involved.Resumen:El propósito de la presente tesis es analizar los proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo Colombo-Holandesa en el fortalecimiento de capacidades en Educación Superior durante los últimos cinco años. Se examinarán las implicaciones, beneficios y desafíos de la transición de Colombia de ser un país receptor de ayuda a un país aliado para los Países Bajos. Tradicionalmente los Países Bajos han sido donantes de cooperación bilateral al desarrollo para Colombia desde la década de 1960, centrándose en la gestión del agua, el medio ambiente, la seguridad alimentaria, el género, la buena gobernanza y los derechos humanos.Sin embargo, debido a cambios en materia de política exterior holandesa para la cooperación al desarrollo desde 2010 y a su vez los cambios de política exterior del gobierno colombiano desde 2011, diferentes sectores afirman que hay un cambio en la forma de hacer alianzas con países latinoamericanos, especialmente con Colombia. Hay un gran debate entre los que asumen que los programas de desarrollo de capacidades en educación terciaria van a ser reemplazados por alianzas comerciales y otros que afirman que será un modelo de asociación gana-gana entre Colombia y los Países Bajos.Por esta razón, en tiempos de transformación se plantean cuestionamientos tales ¿ Cómo la transición "de la ayuda al comercio" entre los países Norte-Sur, afecta la eficacia de los programas de fortalecimiento de capacidades para la educación terciaria?¿Cuáles son las implicaciones de la transición de la cooperación Colombo-Holandesa en el marco de fortalecimiento de capacidades en Educación Superior?A través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los principales actores de 6 casos de estudio de la cooperación Colombo-holandesa para el desarrollo de capacidades en educación superior (2010-2015) y una revisión de literatura comprendida por documentos de políticas públicas, estudios institucionales, informes, conferencias y reuniones, el presente análisis brinda una perspectiva cualitativa para complementar la literatura existente y enriquecer el debate sobre los próximos desafíos que enfrentan todos los actores involucrados.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Capacity Building for development in Tertiary Education: The Dutch-Colombian partnership 2010-2015. From aid to trade: Implications, benefits and challenges

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Imagen de apoyo de  Conformación de la esfera pública en Antioquia

Conformación de la esfera pública en Antioquia

Por: María Isabel Abad Londoño | Fecha: 01/01/2010

La aparición de Frutos de mi tierra de Tomás Carrasquilla, la primera novela en Antioquia en 1896 y la aparición de varias revistas culturales en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX son el punto de partida de esta investigación. ¿Qué razones explican la proliferación repentina de revistas culturales, tertulias literarias y la aparición de la novela? ¿Qué fuerzas estimulan el debate y el pensamiento crítico en una región en la cual la publicidad –entendida como el conjunto de textos públicos o Öffentlichkeit de Habermas— no pasaba de ser oficial o se restringía a la lucha partidista? ¿Qué condiciones políticas, antropológicas y estéticas, no existían hasta esta fecha y empiezan a aparecer?Para responder estas preguntas, la investigación indaga por los hitos históricos que fueron perfilando a la sociedad “paisa”: la implantación de las políticas borbonas con el oidor Mon y Velarde a finales del siglo XVIII que definieron el discurso de la región: conservador en el ámbito religioso y liberal en el económico; la expedición de la Constitución del Estado de Antioquia en 1812 y la llegada de la imprenta el mismo año, la cohesión social interna en las primeras seis décadas de vida republicana y la defensa a ultranza del Estado confesional que llevó a la región a varias guerras durante el siglo XIX.Una de ellas, la 1876 tendría una incidencia definitiva en el discurso regional: tras vivir la derrota, el discurso religioso y auto adulatorio comenzaría a enervarse. Lo anterior, sumado a Estado central que se impuso con la Constitución de 1886 desde Bogotá, generaría las condiciones para que los “paisas” comenzaran a preguntarse críticamente por su identidad cultural y a compararla, lo cual daría origen a estos nuevos espacios de sociabilidad y a la novela como uno de los productos culturales fundacionales que surgirían de este ambiente deliberativo y crítico.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Historia

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Conformación de la esfera pública en Antioquia

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Imagen de apoyo de  The liquidity consequences of China’s socioeconomic environment in multinational companies = Las consecuencias del sistema socioeconómico chino sobre la liquidez de la empresas multinacionales

The liquidity consequences of China’s socioeconomic environment in multinational companies = Las consecuencias del sistema socioeconómico chino sobre la liquidez de la empresas multinacionales

Por: Hans Christian Bock Mosquera | Fecha: 01/01/2012

China is a successful destination for companies that are looking to receive a good return on their investment and make part of the most outstanding economy in the world. The adverse condition promoted by the state, impact directly the performance of multinational companies, one of these consequences is the Trapped Cash caused by the regulated environment in which the corporation is developing the business.The specific problem of the trapped cash will be analyzed in three different levels; the first one is China in order to familiarize corporations with the environment, generating greater understanding of the basic concepts and concerns that the organization would face. Second, the current theoretical solutions to the problem that will offer and a handful of solutions; third and finally, the case of Alcatel Lucent, a multinational company that has a long background in the Chinese environment, and is struggling because of the trapped cash in China, however, is implementing a solution to solve the liquidity problems of the organization.Concluding the study is possible to highlight the various approaches to increase the liquidity of the company by improving the management practices for the trapped cash situations. Nonetheless, while the roots of the trapped cash remain, a significant amount of cash will be freed.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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The liquidity consequences of China’s socioeconomic environment in multinational companies = Las consecuencias del sistema socioeconómico chino sobre la liquidez de la empresas multinacionales

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Imagen de apoyo de  Brain-machine interface for decoding imaginary limb movements = Interface cerebro computador para la decodificación de movimientos imaginarios

Brain-machine interface for decoding imaginary limb movements = Interface cerebro computador para la decodificación de movimientos imaginarios

Por: Anderson Mora Cortés | Fecha: 01/01/2009

In this thesis two different studies are presented separately because each study has a different purpose even though the two studies are complementary. For the first study an available dataset for BCI is used. This dataset is consistent with the aim of the first study because it allows the implementation and development of the proposed technique for BCI based on imaginary limb movement with a small amount of electrodes. The technique I implemented trough this study is a reliable option to be used for a BCI-based on imaginary movements.In the second study a different dataset is used because the requirements for the technique to be implemented are different. Training and testing dataset are necessary to describe a practical computational technique that is applied for a single trial classification based on a Common Spatial Pattern and complemented with a linear discriminator. The training data is used to build a classifier and the testing data allows measuring the performance of the classifier implemented. After testing the classifier the good performance obtained makes this technique of great interest for any imaginary movement based-BCI.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Brain-machine interface for decoding imaginary limb movements = Interface cerebro computador para la decodificación de movimientos imaginarios

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Imagen de apoyo de  Design for Service in Elderly and Children Lives = Diseño de Servicio en las vidas de los adultos mayores y de los niños

Design for Service in Elderly and Children Lives = Diseño de Servicio en las vidas de los adultos mayores y de los niños

Por: Gina María Acevedo C. | Fecha: 01/01/2013

If we know how to apply a good communication and understand the roll of technology in our society, we can help elders become more useful and feel active helping them prevent depressions and applying their time to the new media technologies being also part of what’s going on and how fast technology changes and society has to evolve with it and take it part of their lives. The elderly have lots to offer, experience, education, wisdom and even money; we can´t leave all these on a side we need to act and change our perception of older people in our society. Kids should benefit from all of this that in one way or another is going to be useful for their learning.Some kids believe in what their grandpa´s says, in what their parents teach them and off course in what they learn in school. Kids are more capable to adapt to new environments and new languages but still its very fast and too much things that are happening at the same time and each time kids meets technology faster and younger that you get impressed of how fast they learn with this new media, or this new opportunity, if we could see it like that. What we need to understand is even if kids learn faster doesn't mean that adults and especially senior’s can’t learn. You just have to always have in mind that you’re never too old to learn. We need virtual connections to bring people, families together that for one reason life has separate them. Technology can add an enormous value to human relationships and permit or let you express your emotions beyond others even not having them present or standing towards or beside you.It can also help to have a better communication and improve your relationship getting closer. Communication progress, new technologies and a better living, leads to more and more new solutions in the field of design. The increasing diversity between developed end developing countries give designers a very important role today. Design and technology is a powerful medium to reach and to give new possibilities not only to people with easy access to Internet and digital devices. It is necessary to provide new opportunities for next generation in poorer countries, because only in this way they have a chance for a better future. Service design is made for people. The social reality is created as a result of the sum of all individual actions and communication between each other.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Design for Service in Elderly and Children Lives = Diseño de Servicio en las vidas de los adultos mayores y de los niños

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Imagen de apoyo de  Determinants of households expenditure in basic education in Colombia = Determinantes del gastos de los hogares en educación básica en Colombia

Determinants of households expenditure in basic education in Colombia = Determinantes del gastos de los hogares en educación básica en Colombia

Por: Ana María Rojas Villamil | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The importance of early childhood education is indisputable. In the last decades developing countries have prioritized their budget towards education but despite those efforts, institutional investment in education still does not translate in higher enrollment rates in early education. Public investment can provide educational facilities, quality, and other institutional measures but only household’s investment will enable its utilization.This study pursued to identify poor household’s constraints to investment in basic education in Colombia, to understand how educational policy actions should be focalized. The OLS and fixed effects analysis for 2008 and 2003 estimates evidence the gap between urban and rural households, suggesting that the educational attainment of the parents is the most robust determinant of expenditure in early education and that data for single-mothers as the most vulnerable group is not conclusive enough.Policy targeting this population should be revised and resources prioritized towards specific programs to improve educational attainment of parents and decentralization measures. This kind of research provides empirical evidence for Colombia and would be useful for policy makers who seek a general understanding of educational regulatory policy and its implications to national development.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Determinants of households expenditure in basic education in Colombia = Determinantes del gastos de los hogares en educación básica en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  “We wait…always…” The experience of Syrian exiles in Gaziantep and Istanbul = “Esperamos…siempre…” La experiencia de exiliados Sirios en Gaziantep y Estambul

“We wait…always…” The experience of Syrian exiles in Gaziantep and Istanbul = “Esperamos…siempre…” La experiencia de exiliados Sirios en Gaziantep y Estambul

Por: Erika Alejandra Cortés Ibáñez | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This research project focuses on the experiences and narratives of Syrian exiles living in Turkey. The emphasis of this research was placed on the perceptions of each person about their new environment, and the way they rebuilt their lives in exile while the conflict intensified in Syria. The research question is: how do Syrian exiles configure their social worlds in exile and how do they narrate their experiences? By social worlds I refer to the participants’ relation with their new life in displacement, to the space and the people around them, and to the way their memories and expectations influence this relation. I conducted my research with Syrians from different social backgrounds, different ages, and different dreams for the future.Their experiences, varied as they were, shared many similarities and exemplified the anguish and hardship that forced displacement causes to people. Some participants tried to center their everyday lives in remembering past times in Syria, during the beginning of the revolution and before it began. These memories were brought back to life by sharing them with others, by spending days following the news of the destruction of their cities, and talking to their loved ones that remained in Syria. Their life was interrupted when the conflict intensified and they were forced to relocate in Turkey, thus, most participants did not have the opportunity to regard this as the past, but as an interrupted present. While living in exile, most participants lived day by day without making further plans, hoping for something to change. The fact that the conflict in Syria is not showing any signs of arriving to a peaceful solution soon, people’s uncertain condition perpetuates.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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“We wait…always…” The experience of Syrian exiles in Gaziantep and Istanbul = “Esperamos…siempre…” La experiencia de exiliados Sirios en Gaziantep y Estambul

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Imagen de apoyo de  Enhancing public employee motivation in the colombian ministry of foreign affairs = fomentando la motivación de los empleados del ministerio de relaciones exteriores de Colombia

Enhancing public employee motivation in the colombian ministry of foreign affairs = fomentando la motivación de los empleados del ministerio de relaciones exteriores de Colombia

Por: Juan Cuéllar Torres | Fecha: 01/01/2015

How can public employees be motivated to pursue important public purposes with intelligence and energy? When employees are motivated to work, a greater State capacity and a better public provision can be achieved. Motivation concerns how behavior starts, energizes, sustains and directs people to attain goals with drive and persistence and the kind of subjective reaction present in the organism while all this is going on. Current literature in public administration, human resource management and psychology argue that motivation fosters employee work performance and, even more, that it affects the degree to which an employee can contribute to an organization’s success.This paper explains the importance of employee motivation, specifically in the public sector, and explores how this concept affects different factors of human resource management such as goal setting, training and development, organizational climate and culture, team-building, appreciation, feedback, rewards and fairness. This analysis is then contrasted with the reality of a specific organization belonging to a specific context: the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.For this, the Colombian public sector background – and the Ministry’s in particular – in regards to public employee motivation is illustrated. Through a qualitative research approach, the Human Resources Direction, 4 other top-level management and 34 employees are asked to indicate the main motivators of the staff and the factors that most affect their motivation to work.The results show that, due to the particularities of the Colombian context, there are certain factors that deeply affect the staff´s motivation. Such factors, nonetheless, validate what has been concluded by motivation, psychology and HRM literature and research. Employees in the Ministry, just as any other human being, seek to carry out interesting and purposeful tasks; want to grow and achieve goals; and long for an environment whose climate and culture provides appreciation, feedback and fairness.In this regard, 8 recommendations are provided to help the MFA improve its employees’ motivation and thus productivity, performance and – equally important – happinness (for high motivation is a sign of happier people). Although the recommendations are specific for the MFA, considering that the findings confirm motivation literature and are in accordance with the problems portrayed of the Colombian public sector context, it is also plausible to take them into account for other public sector agencies in Colombia and abroad.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Enhancing public employee motivation in the colombian ministry of foreign affairs = fomentando la motivación de los empleados del ministerio de relaciones exteriores de Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Assessing the potential of eco-cultural tourism and community participation: Case study in Cartagena - Colombia = Evaluando el potencial de turismo ecológico- Cultural y participación comunitaria: Caso de estudio en Cartagena – Colombia

Assessing the potential of eco-cultural tourism and community participation: Case study in Cartagena - Colombia = Evaluando el potencial de turismo ecológico- Cultural y participación comunitaria: Caso de estudio en Cartagena – Colombia

Por: Juan Diego Rueda Madrid | Fecha: 01/01/2010

As a response to the negative impacts of tourism a new sustainable tourism has arisen, specifically eco-cultural tourism. This new tourism preserves and strengthens the cultural components of local communities together with the natural environment surrounding their settlements. Utilize both as touristic attractions generating job opportunities and environmental conscience among locals and tourists. Implementing Eco-cultural tourism through community participation allows creating win-win situations among the stakeholders involved, especially the less advantaged ones.This study focus on a case study of the communities La Boquilla, Marlinda and Villa Gloria settled in the northern area of Cartagena-Colombia. Their settlements are surrounded by a very biodiversity-rich area, considered one of the greenest spots of the metropolitan area of the city, the Juan Polo Marsh. The aim of this study is to examine the stakeholder’s perceptions in regard to utilize the community participation approach for developing eco-cultural tourism as a holistic strategy for taking advantage of the economic, social and environmental assets enclosed in the study area’s natural system. It was found that there are very positive conditions for developing an eco-cultural project in the study area and tremendous assets that would enhance very interesting project results. Theoretically the initiative is supported by the stakeholders interviewed and the legislation. However, several obstacles must be overtaken in order to even start the negotiations for the preliminary planning. To proceed with more complex project phases it is highly needed that the governmental sector guarantees the recognition of basic human rights to the local communities. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Assessing the potential of eco-cultural tourism and community participation: Case study in Cartagena - Colombia = Evaluando el potencial de turismo ecológico- Cultural y participación comunitaria: Caso de estudio en Cartagena – Colombia

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