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Imagen de apoyo de  L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

Por: Francisco Barreto Callamand | Fecha: 01/01/2012

El rock es un género musical surgido a finales de 1950 en los Estados Unidos y en Gran Bretaña. Tiene sus raíces en el rock 'n' roll, el rhythm and blues, country, así como de folk y jazz. Pero el rock no es sólo un movimiento musical desde mediados de los años 1950. Él todavía está vivo, y está presente en la industria durante más de seis décadas. Poco a poco ha influido en la cultura, por ejemplo en la moda, el cine, la pintura, en la literatura. Pero ¿el rock que está en la actualidad influye en los elementos que constituyen la identidad cultural de las sociedades?Para ello, he elegido las ciudades de Londres y París, dos ciudades que son muy diferentes en lo que respecta a la identidad cultural y también en lo que respecta al rock. De esta manera mi tesis se divide en cuatro capítulos, el primer capítulo está dedicado a recordar la definición y el contexto en el que voy a usar la cultura, la identidad cultural y el rock.En el capítulo segundo y tercer lugar, me referiré a la ciudad de París y la ciudad de Londres para hacer una comparación entre los dos en términos de su situación histórica y de los elementos del rock y de su identidad cultural. El cuarto y último capítulo se responde a la pregunta inicial de si existe influencia del rock en la identidad cultural de París y Londres, de acuerdo con el análisis realizado en el segundo y tercer capítulo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

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Imagen de apoyo de  Las mentes libres en el derecho penal. Neurociencias y libertad desde una perspectiva funcional de la mente = Free minds in criminal law. Neurosciences and freedom from a functional view of the mind

Las mentes libres en el derecho penal. Neurociencias y libertad desde una perspectiva funcional de la mente = Free minds in criminal law. Neurosciences and freedom from a functional view of the mind

Por: Andrés Felipe Díaz Arana | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Con ocasión de la discusión sobre el alcance de las conclusiones a las que algunos neurocientíficos han arribado tras experimentos relativamente recientes con respecto a temas que, como el de la posibilidad de la libertad individual, son cruciales para la legitimidad de cualquier sistema de atribución de responsabilidad, los juristas suelen afanarse por determinar si el Derecho –y, en particular, el Derecho penal- ha quedado sin un sustento sólido sobre el cual fundar un juicio de reproche. En la ejecución de esta tarea, suelen moverse al vaivén de los avances de las “ciencias duras” sin detenerse a contemplar el trasfondo filosófico que le da sentido y contexto a la discusión.La verdad es que conceptos como voluntad, conciencia y libertad dependen, sin duda, de cómo entendamos la relación entre la mente y el cerebro: para algunos, son una misma cosa; para otros, son tan distintas que los descubrimientos sobre el funcionamiento del uno no alteran las propiedades de la otra. Este escrito reseña el estado actual de la cuestión, al tiempo en que lo evalúa con base en las herramientas que ofrece la Filosofía de la mente y propone una aproximación desde un enfoque funcionalista que permite integrar los aportes de las neurociencias al sistema jurídico-penal, así como ubicarlos adecuadamente y definir sus alcances.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Las mentes libres en el derecho penal. Neurociencias y libertad desde una perspectiva funcional de la mente = Free minds in criminal law. Neurosciences and freedom from a functional view of the mind

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Imagen de apoyo de  Human rigths violations to army members: the rigth to due process = Violaciones a los derechos humanos a los miembros del ejército: el derecho al debido proceso

Human rigths violations to army members: the rigth to due process = Violaciones a los derechos humanos a los miembros del ejército: el derecho al debido proceso

Por: Maritza del Rosario Padilla Bueno | Fecha: 01/01/2014

The purpose of this dissertation is to empirically, analytically, and descriptively, investigate whether or not, and to what extent the fundamental human right to due process of Colombian Army members has been violated by national and international tribunals. The investigation is based on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and analyses cases of Colombian Army members being tried for human rights and IHL abuses by Colombian and international courts. Thus, it argues that due to the “Fuero Militar” (Military Judiciary Jurisdiction) being weakened, the fundamental human right to due process has been violated for military personnel. Accordingly, the paper presents a hypothesis that suggests that political and legal changes of the Military Justice System in Colombia have resulted in due process violations to Colombian Army members.The paper provides analysis of: Firstly (a) the United Kingdom, The United States and the Colombian Armed Forces and Police, in terms of, chain of command, structure, Military Justice, rights and duties; (b) a detailed Colombian Army structure; (c) a comparison between the three countries, illustrating the reasons that made the Colombian context unique; (d) the due process from international legislation to Colombian legislation; (e) the Transitional Justice concept and its interference in the Colombian armed conflict.Secondly, the information collected in the 31 interviews with Colombian Army members being tried for human rights and IHL abuses; together with assessment of three high-profile cases in which Colombian Army members are being tried for human rights and IHL abuses: “Soacha”, “Mapiripan” and “Palacio de Justicia”.  The analysis of the research findings concludes that the weakening of the “Fuero Militar” have increased the number of allegations of human rights violations in the particular case due process to servicemen. Finally, policy changes are suggested and the dissertation recommends that further research be conducted.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Human rigths violations to army members: the rigth to due process = Violaciones a los derechos humanos a los miembros del ejército: el derecho al debido proceso

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Imagen de apoyo de  Inclusive growth, inequality and the role of land in rural development in Brazil = Crecimiento inclusivo, inequidad y el rol de la tierra en el desarrollo rural de Brasil

Inclusive growth, inequality and the role of land in rural development in Brazil = Crecimiento inclusivo, inequidad y el rol de la tierra en el desarrollo rural de Brasil

Por: Luisa Fernanda Mendoza Berrío | Fecha: 01/01/2015

This paper explores the relationship between land inequality and inclusive growth in light of land policies for growth and poverty reduction. Contrasting traditional redistribution with inclusive rural growth shows the importance of land as an economic, social and political asset for achieving sustainable development.Analysing the Brazilian case, the paper suggests that inclusive growth strategies do not effectively counteract structural conditions of inequality and rather than attacking exclusionary growth patterns merely address immediate exigencies. Hence, returning to redistribution is fundamental for including the rural poor in modern economies, not just in terms of economic efficiency but for constructing equitable and approachable markets that enable the expansion of individual freedom. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Inclusive growth, inequality and the role of land in rural development in Brazil = Crecimiento inclusivo, inequidad y el rol de la tierra en el desarrollo rural de Brasil

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Imagen de apoyo de  The inclusion of a social paradigm in health justice = La inclusión de un paradigma social en justicia en salud

The inclusion of a social paradigm in health justice = La inclusión de un paradigma social en justicia en salud

Por: Sebastián Felipe Fonseca Chaparro | Fecha: 01/01/2015

The actual realization of health justice is rooted on the causes and effects of ill-health, or health ontology as it’s been framed. A recent paradigm shift in health has been the raise of the social determinants of health, which gave substantial weight to perceiving health as more than absence of disease. It follows that justice in contemporary liberal societies must enact coherently with these social accounts through the inclusion of other strategies and actors. Nevertheless, predominant views of health are still based on individualistic causes of ill-health and healthcare-based solutions. The current dissertation explores the implications of excluding and including the social paradigm in health from the scope of social justice theories. Particularly, it clarifies what the role of civil society is in realizing health justice. It will cover this topic in three ways:1. Evaluation of the predominant view in determinants of ill-health, particularly biologic endowments, behavioral risks and environmental exposure. This yields a better comprehension displacing social factors from health justice.2. Analyses of contemporary political accounts of egalitarianism and its critiques. It will support and further deepen the arguments against displacing social factors, while guiding the scope of research towards the central role of civil society.3. Once civil society and social factors are considered within health justice, I will explore related issues including social structures, social groups and identity.In sum, the incorporation of social factors in the ontology of health is fundamental to realize health justice. The social paradigm here envisioned refers to relationships in civil society that defines the preconditions for the flourishing of individuals. This is done through social positioning of entities, whether individuals or social groups. As such, integrating the social paradigm within justice implies a central role civil society; particularly, by shaping individual identity through social groups.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The inclusion of a social paradigm in health justice = La inclusión de un paradigma social en justicia en salud

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Imagen de apoyo de  The origin of the large-scale structure in the Universe: theoretical and statistical aspects = El origen de la estructura a gran escala en el Universo: aspectos teóricos y estadísticos

The origin of the large-scale structure in the Universe: theoretical and statistical aspects = El origen de la estructura a gran escala en el Universo: aspectos teóricos y estadísticos

Por: Yeinzon Rodríguez García | Fecha: 01/01/2005

We review some theoretical and statistical aspects of the origin of the large-scale structure in the Universe, in view of the two most widely known and accepted scenarios: the inflaton and the curvaton scenarios. Among the theoretical aspects, we point out the impossibility of having a low inflationary energy scale in the simplest curvaton model. A couple of modifications to the simplest setup are explored, corresponding to the implementation of a second (thermal) inflationary period whose end makes the curvaton field `heavy', triggering either its oscillations or immediate decay.Low scale inflation is then possible to attain with H_\ast being as low as 1 TeV. Among the statistical aspects, we study the bispectrum B_\zeta(k_1,k_2,k_3) of the primordial curvature perturbation \zeta whose normalisation \fnl gives information about the level of non-gaussianity in \zeta. In connection with \fnl, several conserved and/or gauge invariant quantities described as the second-order curvature perturbation have been given in the literature. We review each of these quantities showing how to interpret one in terms of the others, and analyze the respective expected \fnl in both the inflaton and the curvaton scenarios as well as in other less known models for the generation of primordial perturbations and/or non-gaussianities.The \delta N formalism turns out to be a powerful technique to compute \fnl in multi-component slow-roll inflation, as the knowledge of the evolution of some family of unperturbed universes is the only requirement. We present for the first time this formalism and apply it to selected examples.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The origin of the large-scale structure in the Universe: theoretical and statistical aspects = El origen de la estructura a gran escala en el Universo: aspectos teóricos y estadísticos

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Imagen de apoyo de  ¿Qué modelo de certificación para los MOOCs puede implementar la AUF en sus Campus numéricos francófonos? = Quel(s) modèle(s) de certification pour les MOOCs l’AUF peut-elle mettre en œuvre à travers ses Campus numériques francophones?

¿Qué modelo de certificación para los MOOCs puede implementar la AUF en sus Campus numéricos francófonos? = Quel(s) modèle(s) de certification pour les MOOCs l’AUF peut-elle mettre en œuvre à travers ses Campus numériques francophones?

Por: Silvia Consuelo Morales Mariño | Fecha: 01/01/2014

En los últimos años, los MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) han obtenido un éxito inesperado. Uno de sus principales objetivos es la democratización del conocimiento por medio de la oferta gratuita de cursos en línea realizados por las mejores universidades del mundo. Los participantes, provenientes de diversos lugares, no deben cumplir ningún requisito salvo el de tener acceso frecuente a un computador con internet. No obstante, el sostenimiento del proyecto implica diseñar, por ejemplo, un modelo de certificación y evaluación para su financiación.Así, la organización de evaluaciones sumativas y formativas se realiza generalmente a cambio de una participación monetaria con el fin de obtener un certificado. En este estudio se analizarán los parámetros que se deben tener en cuenta para la puesta en marcha de estas certificaciones haciendo énfasis en los países en vía de desarrollo, los dispositivos de monitoreo digitales y manuales, el tipo de preguntas, los métodos de corrección diseñados para pruebas masivas de bajo costo, entre otros aspectos prácticos.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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¿Qué modelo de certificación para los MOOCs puede implementar la AUF en sus Campus numéricos francófonos? = Quel(s) modèle(s) de certification pour les MOOCs l’AUF peut-elle mettre en œuvre à travers ses Campus numériques francophones?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Developing and protecting intellectual property in virtual projects : trade secret protection in telecommunications = Desarrollo y protección de propiedad intelectual en proyectos virtuales : protección de secretos comerciales en telecomunicaciones

Developing and protecting intellectual property in virtual projects : trade secret protection in telecommunications = Desarrollo y protección de propiedad intelectual en proyectos virtuales : protección de secretos comerciales en telecomunicaciones

Por: Diego Hernán González Ruíz | Fecha: 01/01/2012

This thesis analyzes how trade secrets can be used as a means to protect knowledge developed through projects conducted in the telecommunications sector. At the same time, the study explores which mechanisms should be employed to regulate access and utilization of trade secrets when their disclosure is inevitable to accomplish project requirements. Telecommunications firms are large and globally distributed organizations whose business operations rely upon interoperability and close collaboration with different parties. This suggests that conducting virtual projects crossing national and cultural boundaries, and sharing information for future survival and development, are common practices within this industry.The purpose of the investigation is to contribute to a certain degree with new knowledge as a basis for future studies in the field given that research around intellectual property issues in the area of project management has been poorly developed. At the same time, studies have been conducted towards patenting as a means to protect technological knowledge in telecommunications whilst trade secrets have not been contemplated by the academia. The study follows a qualitative approach encompassing an extensive literature review and empirical data analysis gathered through interviews.The results from the literature analysis are synthesized in a proposed model covering factors influencing the protection of trade secrets before, during and after project execution. This model also examines the extent to which trade secrets can be used as instruments to secure technological knowledge developed in virtual project setting. The theoretical model is improved with the empirical data collected resulting in an enhanced model which is illustrated in the discussion chapter. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research are addressed in the last section of this thesis,
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Developing and protecting intellectual property in virtual projects : trade secret protection in telecommunications = Desarrollo y protección de propiedad intelectual en proyectos virtuales : protección de secretos comerciales en telecomunicaciones

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Energy Union and the implications for UK: A broad view in political, economical and infrastructure issues = La política de Energy Union, un punto de vista de temas políticos, económicos y de infraestructura para el Reino Unido

The Energy Union and the implications for UK: A broad view in political, economical and infrastructure issues = La política de Energy Union, un punto de vista de temas políticos, económicos y de infraestructura para el Reino Unido

Por: María Yodaly Sierra Rubio | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Energy Union (En Un) is a program released by the European Commission intended to create a single energy market between the European Union in order to have secure, affordable and sustainable energy. This way the imports will be reduced and the final price should be lower (theoretically) increasing the energy security for all the countries. The first communication was in February 2015 and is a very new topic for all the energy stakeholders in the EU. This is why a dissertation for the implications of this policy in UK was developed as part of the Master in Energy, Environmental Technology & Technology from City University London.UK is currently catalogued as an Energy Island (less than 10% of cross-border interconnection), with 30% of the generation based in coal, 30% in gas and 20% renewable, a liberalised market that varies with changes in gas or wind availability and the third highest kWh price from the EU. More than 20 energy policies and Conservative government with a constraint view against renewables’ subsidies. The implication for the UK and the En Un are divided into three: Infrastructural, Political and Economical. In the middle a map of the new cross-border grids proposed by this policy some of the findings are.The Energy Union in the UK will happen even if there’s no political wiliness or if they decide to not be part of the EU, mainly because the new infrastructure is already being developed (UK-Belgium) additional to the four current cross-border interconnectors. The wholesale market in UK is already liberalized and some cross border trades are being done with clean and cheap electricity from France and Holland; the key development is UK-Ireland, because UK, instead of being a 100% exporter to Ireland, will flip the coin with an import-export relationship with 8 interconnectors, electricity generated in Euros and close distance.Now it will not really matter if you generate electricity from Fossil Fuels, Nuclear or Renewable; the country will purchase from where is cheapest and available, independently from the source. Shale Gas, Nuclear, Gas and coal with CCS will be the important investment in the next years, not only in PPP (private public partnership) schemes but with R&D. New Universities courses will be develop (energy traders / brokers, cross border trade supervisors, etc) and more women should get involved. The £/ kWh for domestic and small companies will not be significantly reduced (albeit the low cost of it), those companies more engaged with the market will have very good deals and low £/ kWh.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The Energy Union and the implications for UK: A broad view in political, economical and infrastructure issues = La política de Energy Union, un punto de vista de temas políticos, económicos y de infraestructura para el Reino Unido

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Imagen de apoyo de  Considerations on perception and reality: understanding the discrepancy between subjective feelings of (in) security and objective crime rates in Bogotá, Colombia. A social capital perspective

Considerations on perception and reality: understanding the discrepancy between subjective feelings of (in) security and objective crime rates in Bogotá, Colombia. A social capital perspective

Por: Juan Sebastián Barreto Barreto | Fecha: 01/01/2015

This thesis analyzes the possible influence of social capital on the levels of fear of crime perceived by residents of Bogotá. The thesis focuses on the potential role of social networks and the individual perception of collective efficacy of neighborhoods in the metropolitan area of the Colombian capital. According to current theoretical developments, people who belong to social networks and actively participate in them expect reciprocity from their peers in case of a criminal event. Thus, they will benefit from an inhibiting effect on their individual levels of fear of crime.Following the statistics, the security situation in the city of Bogotá has improved during the last years. For example, the homicide rates have ostensibly dropped in the last 20 years and other crimes, such as robberies and burglaries, have stabilized within normal occurrence rates compared to the historical average. Nevertheless, citizens of Bogotá feel more insecure and perceive higher risks of being a victim of crime than 10 years ago. This seemingly paradoxical situation suggests a gap between the subjective feelings of citizens and objective criminal rates registered by different authorities.As most of the theoretical and empirical research has focused on the study of facilitators of fear of crime, using quantitative methodologies, this thesis will focus on the study of inhibitors of fear. To understand levels of fear of crime in neighborhoods of Bogotá it adopts a qualitative methodology. In addition, it inquires for the most relevant factors that produce fear of crime and suggests policy recommendations to make people feel safer in the city. The results show that the role of social networks in inhibiting individual levels of fear of crime depends on the quantity and quality of pooled resources that a community has.Neighborhoods with more social, economic and institutional resources provide environments and milieus where people feel safer. This perception of collective efficacy to advance communal goals plays a pivotal role in the inhibition of fear of crime and is stronger in more cohesive and organized neighborhoods. Finally, high levels of fear of crime lead to less participation in neighborhoods where illegal armed groups exert de facto control of the territory, hampering the already low levels of social capital in these communities.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Considerations on perception and reality: understanding the discrepancy between subjective feelings of (in) security and objective crime rates in Bogotá, Colombia. A social capital perspective

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