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Imagen de apoyo de  L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

Por: Francisco Barreto Callamand | Fecha: 2012

El rock es un género musical surgido a finales de 1950 en los Estados Unidos y en Gran Bretaña. Tiene sus raíces en el rock 'n' roll, el rhythm and blues, country, así como de folk y jazz. Pero el rock no es sólo un movimiento musical desde mediados de los años 1950. Él todavía está vivo, y está presente en la industria durante más de seis décadas. Poco a poco ha influido en la cultura, por ejemplo en la moda, el cine, la pintura, en la literatura. Pero ¿el rock que está en la actualidad influye en los elementos que constituyen la identidad cultural de las sociedades?Para ello, he elegido las ciudades de Londres y París, dos ciudades que son muy diferentes en lo que respecta a la identidad cultural y también en lo que respecta al rock. De esta manera mi tesis se divide en cuatro capítulos, el primer capítulo está dedicado a recordar la definición y el contexto en el que voy a usar la cultura, la identidad cultural y el rock.En el capítulo segundo y tercer lugar, me referiré a la ciudad de París y la ciudad de Londres para hacer una comparación entre los dos en términos de su situación histórica y de los elementos del rock y de su identidad cultural. El cuarto y último capítulo se responde a la pregunta inicial de si existe influencia del rock en la identidad cultural de París y Londres, de acuerdo con el análisis realizado en el segundo y tercer capítulo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

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Imagen de apoyo de  Contribuições da enfermagem para a detecção precoce do câncer de colo uterino = Contributions of nursing to the early detection of cervix cancer

Contribuições da enfermagem para a detecção precoce do câncer de colo uterino = Contributions of nursing to the early detection of cervix cancer

Por: María Angélica Arzuaga Salazar | Fecha: 2011

Resumo: Neste estudo analisam-se o câncer de colo uterino como problema social e as contribuições da enfermagem na realização de testes para detectá-lo precocemente. Metodologicamente se fundamenta na epidemiologia descritiva e na revisão sistemática. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de artigos. No primeiro, Câncer de colo do útero: um problema social mundial, é analisado o câncer de colo de útero como problema social. Estudo transversal, com dados populacionais coletados na base de dados Globocan-2008. Foram utilizados dados das Taxas de Incidência e das Taxas de Mortalidade por 100.000 mulheres e percentuais de risco acumulado de incidência e mortalidade antes dos 75 anos pela doença nas regiões desenvolvidas e em desenvolvimento do mundo.Na análise são aplicadas as classificações da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) de desenvolvimento dos países ou regiões com base em projeções sociais e demográficas e os níveis de classificação das Taxas de Incidência e de Mortalidade do International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). O segundo artigo, Câncer de colo do útero: mortalidade em Santa Catarina – Brasil, 2000 a 2009, foi desenvolvido com base nos dados dos óbitos de mulheres por câncer de colo do útero, inclusive os de porção não especificada, ocorridos em Santa Catarina no período de 2000 a 2009, obtidos no Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM) do Ministério da Saúde e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Observou-se que as taxas de mortalidade mais elevadas incidiram em mulheres a partir dos trinta anos e que o câncer de colo uterino ainda não foi controlado.No terceiro artigo, A enfermagem na detecção precoce do câncer de colo uterino: revisão sistemática, são analisadas as contribuições da Enfermagem para a título e resumo foram pré-selecionados 174, os quais foram lidos integralmente, resultando na seleção de 10 artigos. O pessoal de enfermagem atuou como participante em nove pesquisas e como pesquisador em três pesquisas. A maioria dos artigos foi classificada com o nível de evidência 3B segundo a classificação Oxford; somente um obteve nível 4.Há contribuição de Enfermagem na realização de exames para detecção precoce do câncer de colo uterino, apesar do nível de evidência com que foram classificados os artigos. Conclui-se que o impacto da doença nas mulheres, nas suas famílias e nas sociedades demanda modificações no quadro das iniquidades sociais com adoção de estratégias intersetoriais que também facilitem o acesso aos serviços de saúde. O cuidado de enfermagem é uma estratégia para atender a responsabilidade social com as mulheres, as famílias e as sociedades e contribuir na detecção precoce da doença, favorecendo a qualidade de vida de milhares de mulheres. Resumen: En este estudio se analizan el cáncer de cuello uterino como problema social y las contribuciones de la enfermería en la realización de pruebas para detectarlo precozmente. Metodológicamente se fundamenta en la epidemiologia descriptiva y en la revisión sistemática. Los resultados son presentados en la forma de artículos. En el primer, El cáncer de cuello de útero: un problema social mundial, es analizado el cáncer de cuello de útero como problema social. Estudio transversal, con datos poblacionales recolectados en la base de datos Globocan-2008. Fueron utilizados datos de las Tasas de Incidencia y de las Tasas de Mortalidad por 100.000 mujeres y porcentajes de riesgo acumulado de incidencia y mortalidad antes de los 75 años por cáncer de cuello uterino en las regiones desarrolladas y en desarrollo.En el análisis son aplicadas las clasificaciones de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) de desarrollo de los países o regiones con base en proyecciones sociales y demográficas y los niveles de clasificación de las Tasas de Incidencia y de Mortalidad de la International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). El segundo artículo, Cáncer de cuello de útero: mortalidad en Santa Catarina – Brasil, 2000 a 2009, fue desarrollado con base en los datos de las muertes de mujeres por cáncer de cuello de útero, inclusive los de porción no específica, ocurridos en Santa Catarina en el período de 2000 a 2009, obtenidos en el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad (SIM) del Ministerio de Salud y del Instituto Brasileiro de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE).Se observó que las tasas de mortalidad elevadas incidieron en mujeres a partir de los treinta años y que el cáncer de cuello uterino todavía no fue controlado. En el tercer artículo, Contribuciones de la enfermería en la detección precoz del cáncer de cuello de útero: revisión sistemática, son analizadas las contribuciones de la enfermería para la detección precoz de esa neoplasia. Revisión sistemática con artículos recuperados en el año de 2010 en las bases de datos MEDLINE, Cochrane, CINHAHL y LILACS. De los 3091 artículos identificados, después de la lectura del título y resumen fueron preseleccionados 174, los cuales fueron leídos integralmente, resultando en la selección de 10 artículos.El personal de enfermería actuó como participante en nueve investigaciones y como investigador en tres investigaciones. El nivel de evidencia 3B, en la clasificación Oxford, ocurrió en la mayoría de los artículos; solamente uno obtuvo nivel 4. Hay contribuciones de enfermería en la realización de exámenes para detección precoz del cáncer de cuello uterino, a pesar del nivel de evidencia en el que fueron clasificados los artículos. Se concluye que el impacto de la enfermedad en las mujeres, en las familias y en las sociedades demanda modificaciones en el cuadro de las inequidades sociales con adopción de estrategias intersectoriales que también faciliten el acceso a los servicios de salud. El cuidado de enfermería es una estrategia para atender la responsabilidad social con las mujeres, las familias y las sociedades y contribuir en la detección precoz de la enfermad, favoreciendo la calidad de vida de millares de mujeres. Abstract: In this study cervix cancer is analyzed as a social problem and the contribution of nursing in applying screening tests for the early detection of cervical cancer. Methodology is based on descriptive epidemiology and a systematic review. The results were presented like articles. In the first article, Cervical cancer: a social problem, and analyzing cervical cancer as a social problem. Cross sectional Study, with population data collected using the Globocan-2008 databases. Data from incidence and mortality rates per 100.000 women, and accumulated risk rates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality before the age of 75 in developed and developing regions of the world were used.In the analysis, the United Nations Organization classifications of countries or regions development based on social and demographic projections and the levels of classification of the incidence and mortality rates of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) are applied. The second article, Cervical Cancer: Mortality in Santa Catarina – Brazil, 2000 to 2009, obtained from the Information Mortality System (SIM) of the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). It was observed that the Mortality rate was higher in women in their early thirties and in whom the cervical cancer was not yet controlled.In the third article, Contributions of Nursing in the early detection of cervical cancer: systematic review. The contributions of nursing for the early detection of the disease were analyzed. Systematic review with articles recovered in the year of 2010 from MEDLINE, Cochrane, CINAHL and LILACS databases. After reading the titles and abstracts of the articles, from 3091 identified, 174 were pre-selected and read exhaustively resulting in the selection of 10 articles. The nursing staff participated in nine of the researches and in three of them they participated as researchers. Most of the articles had a level of evidence 3B, in the Oxford classification; only one of them had a level 4.There are also nursing contributions in the application of tests for the early detection of cervical cancer despite the level of evidence in which the articles were classified. It is concluded that the impact of the disease in women, their families and the society demand modifications in the role of social inequities with the adoption of inter-sector strategies that also facilitate the access to health services. Nursing care is a strategy to attend the social responsibility with women, their families and the society and contribute in the early detection of diseases, favoring the quality of life of millions of women.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Contribuições da enfermagem para a detecção precoce do câncer de colo uterino = Contributions of nursing to the early detection of cervix cancer

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Imagen de apoyo de  Mining moving flock patterns in large spatio-temporal datasets using a frequent pattern mining approach

Mining moving flock patterns in large spatio-temporal datasets using a frequent pattern mining approach

Por: Andrés Oswaldo Calderón Romero | Fecha: 2011

Modern data acquisition techniques such as Global positioning system (GPS), Radio-frequency identification (RFID) and mobile phones have resulted in the collection of huge amounts of data in the form of trajectories during the past years. Popularity of these technologies and ubiquity of mobile devices seem to indicate that the amount of spatio-temporal data will increase at accelerated rates in the future. Many previous studies have focused on efficient techniques to store and query trajectory databases. Early approaches to recovering information from this kind of data include single predicate range and nearest neighbour queries.However, they are unable to capture collective behaviour and correlations among moving objects. Recently, a new interest for querying patterns capturing ‘group’ or ‘common’ behaviours have emerged. An example of this type of pattern are moving flocks. These are defined as groups of moving objects that move together (within a predefined distance to each other) for a certain continuous period of time. Current algorithms to discover moving flock patterns report problems in scalability and the way the discovered patterns are reported.The field of frequent pattern mining has faced similar problems during the past decade, and has sought to provided efficient and scalable techniques which successfully deal with those issues. This research proposes a framework which integrates techniques for clustering, pattern mining detection, postprocessing and visualization in order to discover and analyse moving flock patterns in large trajectory datasets. The proposed framework was tested and compared with a current method (BFE algorithm). Synthetic datasets simulating trajectories generated by large number of moving objects were used to test the scalability of the framework. Real datasets from different contexts and characteristics were used to assess the performance and analyse the discovered patterns.The framework shows to be efficient, scalable and modular. This research shows that moving flock patterns can be generalized as frequent patterns and state-of-the-art algorithms for frequent pattern mining can be used to detect the moving flock patterns. This research develops preliminary visualization of the most relevant findings. Appropriate interpretation of the results demands further analysis in order to display the most relevant information.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Mining moving flock patterns in large spatio-temporal datasets using a frequent pattern mining approach

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Imagen de apoyo de  Learning to manage environmental ventures and technological innovation: the case of solar energy = Aprendiendo a gestionar emprendimientos ambientales urbanos y su innovación tecnológica: el caso de sistemas de energía solar

Learning to manage environmental ventures and technological innovation: the case of solar energy = Aprendiendo a gestionar emprendimientos ambientales urbanos y su innovación tecnológica: el caso de sistemas de energía solar

Por: Alex Ricardo Jiménez Cruz | Fecha: 2003

Green technology developments bring public managers to the table with entrepreneurs who want to promote new technologies and share regard for the public good. The introduction of green technologies to the general public evidences that the challenge of technological change spans to a sphere of social interactions that operate in the breakthrough. This phase is best characterized as an inter-organizational process and my research explores the patterns that emerge through it. My research focuses on the development of a solar energy venture, the Solar-to-market initiative based in Massachusetts. By treating the creation of this venture as a dynamic system, I will highlight the role of public-private and third sector partnerships in shaping policies and technology innovation. The core question of the research is addressed by mapping out the networks that emerge throughout the process from project design to implementation.I urge public managers and entrepreneurs to consider the following aspects when managing green technological environmental ventures: (1) Design a framework for setting goals, policies, responsibilities and negotiation terms during the technological development and implementation phase, from design to commercialization. (2) Because of the complexity involved in green technological innovation, organizations demand a high degree of interdependence to share knowledge, complementary operational capabilities and joint action; thus creating the mechanisms to maintain these interactions is crucial. (3) A shift from traditional energy systems requires a change of social structures and institutional settings that demand the participation of the various stakeholders to co-produce and adopt the technological developments.(4) The societal change that technology demands, can be reached by mobilizing civic groups and social structures without threatening public institutions. (5) Green technological environmental ventures can be managed through an experimental and learning-oriented approach that enables a strategic niche management. Learning from small systems provides basis for policy innovations that are necessary for paving the way to sustainability as practices, such as energy consumption demand not incremental changes but a system transformation. In brief, I consider that a system of adaptive technology developments based on smaller operating parts within larger systems, which have acquired valuable knowledge and experience while working cooperatively, can contribute to a more equal and sustainable development.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Learning to manage environmental ventures and technological innovation: the case of solar energy = Aprendiendo a gestionar emprendimientos ambientales urbanos y su innovación tecnológica: el caso de sistemas de energía solar

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Imagen de apoyo de  Art Therapy To Reduce PTSD Symptoms Of Displaced Colombian Women = Arte terapia para reducir los sintomas del desorden de estrés postraumatico en mujeres desplazadas en Colombia

Art Therapy To Reduce PTSD Symptoms Of Displaced Colombian Women = Arte terapia para reducir los sintomas del desorden de estrés postraumatico en mujeres desplazadas en Colombia

Por: Natalia Loboguerrero Correa | Fecha: 2013

This study aims to find out if a structured art therapy intervention can reduce PTSD symptoms in a group of displaced Colombian women, using an art-based and a quantitative methodology. Throughout eight art therapy sessions provided once a week, participants created a story narrating their displacement journey.At the end of the program, participants bound the images to create a book. Before and after the 8-week art therapy intervention, the participants were presented with the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index, administered as an interview in order to monitor the symptom reduction. Results indicate that art therapy may be a promising treatment to reduce PTSD symptoms in Colombian women displaced by the current war on drugs.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Art Therapy To Reduce PTSD Symptoms Of Displaced Colombian Women = Arte terapia para reducir los sintomas del desorden de estrés postraumatico en mujeres desplazadas en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Perception and production of the vowel schwa /?/ by Colombian Spanish speakers of L2 English = Percepción y producción de la vocal schwa /?/ por hablantes de español colombiano aprendices de inglés como L2

Perception and production of the vowel schwa /?/ by Colombian Spanish speakers of L2 English = Percepción y producción de la vocal schwa /?/ por hablantes de español colombiano aprendices de inglés como L2

Por: Kelly Johanna Vera Diettes | Fecha: 2010

This study assessed the performances of a group of speakers of English as a second language (L2) when perceiving and producing the English vowel Schwa. In addition, it also aimed to evaluate the hypotheses proposed by the Speech Learning Model (SML), developed by Flege and colleagues (1988, 1992, 1995, 1999, and 2002) which suggest that L2 speakers are capable of creating new phonetic categories for new L2 sounds. Ten L2 speakers, who were living in England, and whose first language was Spanish (Colombian), as well as a group of five English native speakers participated as informants.As it had not been studied before, the effect of orthography was chosen as an important variable that could be affecting the L2 speakers’ perceptual and productive abilities. The study was carried out in three stages. The first stage, evaluated the initial L2 speakers’ perceptual and productive abilities. The second stage consisted of three sessions of pronunciation training. Finally, the third stage aimed to evaluate whether the learners improved in a post-training context. Perception was evaluated by having L2 informants judge several English words that included correct and incorrect pronunciations.Percentages of correct answers were contrasted to the results obtained from the native speakers. Regarding production, acoustic measurements of the quality and duration of the vowels were taken in order to be compared to the native speakers’ productions. Results suggest that most of the L2 speakers were influenced by the orthography of the words; therefore, they perceived and produced the English Schwas as instances of their native vowels. In consequence, as predicted by the SML, a blocking effect in the creation of new L2 phonetic categories took place and no improvement was seen after the training in terms of quality.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Perception and production of the vowel schwa /?/ by Colombian Spanish speakers of L2 English = Percepción y producción de la vocal schwa /?/ por hablantes de español colombiano aprendices de inglés como L2

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Imagen de apoyo de  Music: from a cultural good to an object of consumption

Music: from a cultural good to an object of consumption

Por: Laura Bermúdez Espinosa | Fecha: 2012

The illegal downloading of music issue has been studied during the last decade due to the negative impact that it has had into the music industry. However most of these studies have focused on analyzing the consequences of this act in legal and economic terms. This study focuses on analyzing the cultural, social, psychological and ethical factors influencing UK students´ music consumption of nowadays.Overall, the findings suggested that although technological advances have brought great benefits to both consumers and companies, it has also brought bad habits of consumption, contributing in the transformation of music from a cultural good to an object of consumption. This work analyze the current consumer behavior about music, the extent to which the internet affects individual's ethical and moral values within the consumption of music and finally the effects this issue has brought to the production of culture.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Music: from a cultural good to an object of consumption

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Imagen de apoyo de  Network selection games: simulation tool development and performance evaluation = Selección de redes mediante juegos: desarrollo de herramienta de simulación y evaluación de rendimiento

Network selection games: simulation tool development and performance evaluation = Selección de redes mediante juegos: desarrollo de herramienta de simulación y evaluación de rendimiento

Por: Camilo Javier Pineda Sopó | Fecha: 2010

The present thesis work is motivated in the recent developments of wireless access technologies, which have given noticeable changes on both operator and end-user side. From the operator side, the wireless access networks have evolved from 1st generation technologies (1G) up to 3rd generation technologies (3G) during the last three decades. Additionally, 4th generation networks (4G) based in advanced radio technologies are already in development phases. The proliferation of wireless access networks yields opportunities to the end-user, however it can also induce a additional problematic due to the complexity of the network to be operated. Therefore, the end-user has the possibility to choose dynamically which access technology (access network) to connect to, in order to obtain the required service.From the moment the decisions from the users occur in a distributed, non-coordinated and generally opportunistic way, the access to wireless networks process dynamics are in a need to be studied. The present thesis work, analyses the competitive access problem by means of game theory. In particular, non-cooperative game models in which the users tend to maximize their individual utility from the access problem are considered.The thesis work presents the development and implementation of a software instrument capable of simulating game dynamics individualizing equilibria conditions and measuring the transition length to reach such equilibria (convergence time). The second part of the thesis work includes the analysis of different realistic wireless access networks considering different access strategies which are selected by the end-users and different utility function formulations with which the players “play” the game.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Network selection games: simulation tool development and performance evaluation = Selección de redes mediante juegos: desarrollo de herramienta de simulación y evaluación de rendimiento

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Imagen de apoyo de  From Pastrana to Uribe: counterinsurgency in Colombia = De Pastrana a Uribe: contrainsurgencia en Colombia

From Pastrana to Uribe: counterinsurgency in Colombia = De Pastrana a Uribe: contrainsurgencia en Colombia

Por: Luis Felipe Rojas Dueñas | Fecha: 2012

Colombian citizens and the government have faced a harsh and violent threat for more than 40 years. The guerrillas and specifically FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) have plunged the whole nation into violence, terror and death from generation to generation. Having the civil population under menace, the Colombian government has to act prudently but also quickly to avoid terrorism to take the control of the forces. The state has had to deal with this complex and difficult trouble by combating FARC through the counterinsurgency (COIN), which implies allocating sufficient resources to success and developing policies to assure the supremacy of the government over all groups outside the law.This study investigates the history of FARC’s insurgency in Colombia, the qualitative essence of this insurgency’s transitional phases and the Colombian government’s strategy towards opposing FARC. The foremost idea, the validity of which is being explored throughout the course of this study’s entirety, as that it is specifically by continuing to adhere to the methodological provisions of an integrative counterinsurgency campaign that the government will continue to score successes in its struggle against this notorious organization. This change towards a better integrative strategy is represented by the shift from the Pastrana government to the Uribe government.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencia política

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From Pastrana to Uribe: counterinsurgency in Colombia = De Pastrana a Uribe: contrainsurgencia en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Energy management of a hybrid electric vehicle: an approach based on type-2 fuzzy logic

Energy management of a hybrid electric vehicle: an approach based on type-2 fuzzy logic

Por: Javier Solano Martínez | Fecha: 2012

One of the effects of the globalisation of our society is that people travel more covering longer distances, live far from their work place and consume goods from all around the world. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the transport of people and goods represents more than 25\% of the energy consumption and is one of the principal sources of pollution worldwide. Several efforts must be done to reduce the oil dependence, the energy consumption and the environmental impact of transport systems.In this perspective, the French Army (DGA) has designed and constructed the Electrical Chain Components Evaluation vehicle (ECCE). It is a mobile laboratory to evaluate under real conditions the electric components of Hybrid Electrical Vehicles (HEVs) that reduce the energy consumption and the pollution emission of conventional vehicles. ECCE permits evaluating different energy sources such as batteries, fuel cells, internal combustion engines, ultracapacitors or flywheels. The ECCE project, nowadays in a second phase\footnote{The first phase of the ECCE project is explained in Chapter 1} is developed in joint cooperation with the FEMTO-ST laboratory of the University of Franche-Comté and two industrial partners, HELION and PANHARD General Defense. It aims to study the implementation, control and energy management of different hybrid sources.As a research developed along the second phase of the ECCE project, the principal objective of this thesis is to design, to implement and to evaluate an energy management supervision system in the ECCE HEV. This thesis proposes an original energy management strategy based on expert knowledge and type-2 fuzzy logic. The design of the fuzzy logic controller is done by using knowledge engineering. This technique allows extracting knowledge from several experts using surveys. The consideration of type-2 fuzzy logic systems enables modelling the uncertainty in the answers of the experts. This thesis presents a second application of type-2 fuzzy logic: the voltage regulation of a DC/DC power converter.The principal motivation for developing this application is that it is easier to implement in laboratory at a relatively low cost and it permits a viability evaluation of type-2 fuzzy logic before an implementation in the ECCE mobile laboratory. This is useful because one of the main challenges of this thesis is to reduce the time to experimentally validate the energy management system. This is required to respect the time schedule constraints and to reduce the costs associated to gather the partners of the project at PANHARD locations in Saint-Germain Laval.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Energy management of a hybrid electric vehicle: an approach based on type-2 fuzzy logic

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