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Imagen de apoyo de  Valuing children at school: Case Study of two primary school classrooms in a West London school = Valorando a los niños en el colegio: estudio de caso en dos salones de clase de una escuela primaria en Londres

Valuing children at school: Case Study of two primary school classrooms in a West London school = Valorando a los niños en el colegio: estudio de caso en dos salones de clase de una escuela primaria en Londres

Por: Luz Adriana Chávez Villegas | Fecha: 01/01/2006

The study will be based on an anthropological view of learning in which the central idea is to find out how people become to be who they are. On that account, it will be interested in the social influences of the environment people are settled in, as well as the individual’s agency in their process of making sense of their experience. The discovery of the common practices individuals execute at a particular setting –as it is the school- will be one of the aims of this study that is to contribute to the revelation of the social relations structured within the community. Studying deeper these social relations structured in practice (Lave & Wegner, 1991) and in the material dispositions, will bring us to an understanding of how people are valued in the specific situations inside a particular society.On that account, I am concerned with the idea of what it means to be a child and how children come, in particular contexts, like educational institutions, to be valued in historically specific ways. Taking two primary school classrooms in a West London school as my case study, I analyse how value is created as the outcome of socially structured processes of interaction between teachers and children and between children themselves. Comparing and contrasting the teachers’ ideas of what makes children valued at school, I describe how the structuring influence exerted by the teachers in the classroom infringe on the formation of friendship relations among the children. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros

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Valuing children at school: Case Study of two primary school classrooms in a West London school = Valorando a los niños en el colegio: estudio de caso en dos salones de clase de una escuela primaria en Londres

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Imagen de apoyo de  Value Chain Investigations on Four Colombian Palm Species = Investigaciones de las Cadenas de Valor de Cuatro Especies de Palmas Colombianas

Value Chain Investigations on Four Colombian Palm Species = Investigaciones de las Cadenas de Valor de Cuatro Especies de Palmas Colombianas

Por: Natalia Valderrama | Fecha: 01/01/2011

In many cultures palms offer a vast number of products, especially Non-Timber-Forest Products (NTFPs), which have been traditionally used by indigenous and mestizo groups in Latin America. Some species have gone beyond the domestic use and their commercialization has reached local, national and international markets. Among the palm products that are widely commercialized in South America are palm heart (Euterpe oleracea), extracted from the young unfolded spear leaves of the palms, and the handicraft woven from fibers (Astrocaryum chambira, A. malybo and A. standleyanum), all extracted from the leaflets. In Colombia, these four palm species are economically important for the harvesting communities as well as for wholesalers and retailers.However, commercialization has been based on the extraction of raw material from wild palm stands up to the point that several palm species are threatened by developing markets for their products, and the need of income for the harvest communities and industry. The general objective of this thesis is to describe the value chains of palm products from E. oleracea, A. chambira, A. malybo and A. standleyanum in different Colombian regional markets, as well as national and international markets, and to analyze the economic importance, potentials and implications of this trade.Data on the four value chains was gathered through interviewing all actors of the value chain and revising the literature about the commercialization of these palm products. This study assesses the main actors or organizations in the commercialization chains, their specific activities, different routes to trade products, and how well the chains currently work by conducting a qualitative and quantitative value chain analysis.Major results involve particular dynamics and distributions of the profits along each value chain, as well as common aspects: the value chains are short, simple, the commercialization channels need to be strengthened, the scarcity of the raw material is a crucial constraint for the commercialization of the products.Unsustainable harvest practices are common. Moreover, the marketing potential of each group of palm products as well as promised target markets are characterized. The principal contribution of this thesis consists in shedding light on the current status of the value chains of these four palm species in Colombia, and proposing possible routes of development to strive for sustainability in each of the value chains analysed. Moreover, this study provides information about the economic importance of the palm products to the local communities and the need to upgrade the commercialization channels, products and communal incentives to assign equitable incomes along the chain.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Value Chain Investigations on Four Colombian Palm Species = Investigaciones de las Cadenas de Valor de Cuatro Especies de Palmas Colombianas

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Imagen de apoyo de  Valoración de un intangible: el Balanced Scorecard, un activo a recuperar en proyectos de inversión

Valoración de un intangible: el Balanced Scorecard, un activo a recuperar en proyectos de inversión

Por: Elmer Adrián Camacho Zabala | Fecha: 01/01/2018

The objective of this study is to propose a methodology for assigning financially recoverable value to the BSC Balanced Scorecard as an intangible formed internally by the companies in the various investment projects. In this way, throughout the study we seek to answer the question of how to quantify the value generated by the use of the BSC Balanced Scorecard and how to recover it financially in investment projects. As a reference, the financial information generated by Luxfer and Ricoh companies will be used.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Administración
  • Otros

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Valoración de un intangible: el Balanced Scorecard, un activo a recuperar en proyectos de inversión

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Imagen de apoyo de  Valoración de resultados sobre competencias ciudadanas en la implementación del proyecto tiempo escolar complementario en Bogotá

Valoración de resultados sobre competencias ciudadanas en la implementación del proyecto tiempo escolar complementario en Bogotá

Por: Laura Johana Solano Mendoza | Fecha: 01/01/2020

This document was structured to identify the citizenship skills of children and adolescents participating in the "Tiempo Escolar Complementario" project which is being developed in Bogotá, Colombia. This study is based on the analysis and evaluation of the results of the project's implementation. This document has six chapters. The first one is the concultancy's guide and presents the approach and the defnition of the problem. The second chapter analyses the reference freameworks on which the theoretical descussion of the consultancy is based and the importance of addressing and including these topics in the natuinal and international agenda. The third section focus on the methodological design of the research, showing the steps and stages implemented to obtain the results. The fourth chapter goes deeply into the stages referred to in the previous chapter and explains the results obtained after the application of the poll "TEC, Cómo vamos?" to the targeted population. Finally, five and six chapters present the conclusions and recommendations proposed to the TEC project's management, which are related to the strengthening of its mission, to promote children's and adolescent's rights to contribute to its integral development.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Deporte

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Valoración de resultados sobre competencias ciudadanas en la implementación del proyecto tiempo escolar complementario en Bogotá

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Imagen de apoyo de  Utilidad de la cistoscopia y del cateterismo ureteral en el diagnóstico de las piurias de origen vesico-renal

Utilidad de la cistoscopia y del cateterismo ureteral en el diagnóstico de las piurias de origen vesico-renal

Por: Luis Méndez Ferro | Fecha: 01/01/1921

Tesis de Luis Méndez para optar por el título de Doctor y Cirujano en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en 1921. A lo largo del documento, presenta los resultados de investigación en torno a las enfermedades del sistema urinario, partiendo de casos de estudio en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Bogotá.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Utilidad de la cistoscopia y del cateterismo ureteral en el diagnóstico de las piurias de origen vesico-renal

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Imagen de apoyo de  Uso del geoplano para contribuir a los conceptos de perímetro y área

Uso del geoplano para contribuir a los conceptos de perímetro y área

Por: Sonia Patricia Ruiz Ariza | Fecha: 01/01/2018

The intervention proposal in the classroom consisted of determining the perimeter and area of flat figures without length measurements. The intervention allowed to consolidate the basic concepts of flat geometry and the development of metric thinking through the use of Geoplano as a concrete material. The pedagogical process was carried out with the organization and execution of a didactic sequence that started with the recognition of previous knowledge, from the diagnostic test and the continuous monitoring in the learning levels of the students, until the verification of results through the application of the post test. These results show the learning and characterization of the figures as well as the recognition of perimeter and area concepts in different plane figures.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Educación

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Uso del geoplano para contribuir a los conceptos de perímetro y área

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Imagen de apoyo de  Uso de estrategias para fortalecer la comprensión lectora

Uso de estrategias para fortalecer la comprensión lectora

Por: Marcela Forero Ariza | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This pedagogical intervention through its development evidences the analysis process that was carried out in the IED Divino Salvador de Cucunubá in Cundinamarca. Therefore, the incoherence between the teaching practice and the institutional model was found, the unsatisfactory results in the Saber Tests of 20l5 in the subject of Spanish Language and the lack of strategies for the teaching of reading comprehension. For this reason, it was considered pertinent to carry out a classroom project that included the fable in the application of strategies for the moments before, during and after the reading and in this way strengthen categories at the literal, inferential and intertextual levels of the Reading comprehension through flexible work according to the interests and needs of students. The context that was considered for the intervention in front of the classroom problem is the unitary or multigrade rural headquarters Through the Divino Salvador Departmental Educational Institution in the municipality of Cucunubá, pre- school, first, third and fifth grades (6 students), which oscillate in ages of approximately 5 to 11 years and those belonging to strata I and 2.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Educación
  • Otros

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Uso de estrategias para fortalecer la comprensión lectora

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Imagen de apoyo de  Using water flows in temporal and spatial scales as entry point to analyse the socio-ecological and political drivers for ecosystem degradation and restoration. Exploring the case of Bogota River from a political ecology perspective

Using water flows in temporal and spatial scales as entry point to analyse the socio-ecological and political drivers for ecosystem degradation and restoration. Exploring the case of Bogota River from a political ecology perspective

Por: María Alejandra Escovar Bernal | Fecha: 01/01/2014

The main research question I explore is: What are the political and socio-environmental factors that can explain the Bogota’s river governance failure related to its pollution? To achieve this I analyse the relationship between society in the basin and the flow of water from a political ecology perspective. This work is divided in five sections, which includes a literature review relating the theories of the political ecology of the production of nature, common pool resource management, Tragedy of the Commons and governance. The scope of this work is limited to Bogota River’s basin in the spatial scale and the historical processes of the last 50 years.After evaluating the different interactions of the stakeholders and the river, I discuss that Bogota’s river has become a political object, using Robbins (2012) theses of political ecology. I arrive at this conclusion after analysing Bogota River’s situation following the flow of the water in spatial and temporal dimensions, seeing the production of nature (and in this case a polluted river as a result) as a historical spatial-ecological transformation that expresses the contradictions and tensions of modern times by the transformation of nature and society. I follow the water creating a narrative, to explore modernity as a geographical and socially contested project. Finally, I analyse how the sentence published in March 2014, by the Colombian State’s Council, currently tackles the issues that undermine good governance, identified in the rivers narrative and how it might help or hinder river restoration.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Using water flows in temporal and spatial scales as entry point to analyse the socio-ecological and political drivers for ecosystem degradation and restoration. Exploring the case of Bogota River from a political ecology perspective

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Imagen de apoyo de  Use of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in Low Density Polyethylene Plant (LDPE) = Uso de Ciclo Organico Rankine (ORC) en una planta de Polietileno de baja densidad (LDPE)

Use of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in Low Density Polyethylene Plant (LDPE) = Uso de Ciclo Organico Rankine (ORC) en una planta de Polietileno de baja densidad (LDPE)

Por: Héctor Fabián Reyes Parada | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Climate change, environmental legislation and binding targets for renewable energy, alongside an increased focus on the economic benefits of energy and fuel conservation, are driving the adoption of new technologies as sources of energy. With these dynamics, it is evident that waste heat recovery technologies can play a key role in reducing in reducing indirectly the CO2 footprint of existing fossil power generation and achievement of renewable energy targets. Since the recovered heat is effectively ‘free of charge’, there is a direct positive impact on the energy costs to the end user.This project aims to implement a Organic Rankine Cycle system in a Petrochemical plant, in this case a Low density Polyethylene Plant because is generated hug quantities of heat waste in the polymerization reaction during 8000 hours/year. Also is evaluated the Technical and economical advantages in order to check the feasibility of the implementation of Organic Rankine Cycle System in a Petrochemical Plant. The impact of this Project could give a good guide of the feasibility of the implement ORC system in Industrial process, because the most projects launched with this Technology have been usually used in Geothermal Applications.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ingeniería

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Use of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in Low Density Polyethylene Plant (LDPE) = Uso de Ciclo Organico Rankine (ORC) en una planta de Polietileno de baja densidad (LDPE)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Uretrotomía interna

Uretrotomía interna

Por: José Manuel Vasquez | Fecha: 01/01/1892

Tesis de José Manuel Vásquez para obtener el título de doctor en Medicina y Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en 1892. A lo largo del documento Vásquez analiza varios aspectos relacionados al procedimiento quirúrgico que investiga en esta oportunidad: su historia, la anatomía de la uretra, indicaciones y contraindicaciones, manual operatorio y complicaciones que podrían presentarse durante la práctica de una uretrotomía. Finalmente, se presentan estudios de caso y breves conclusiones que surgen del análisis sobre los mismos.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Uretrotomía interna

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