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Imagen de apoyo de  Foreign direct investment : Does access to civil justice matter? = Inversión extranjera directa : importa el acceso a la justicia civil?

Foreign direct investment : Does access to civil justice matter? = Inversión extranjera directa : importa el acceso a la justicia civil?

Por: Cristina Botero | Fecha: 01/01/2011

Development literature suggests that legal systems provide the framework for examining the main drivers of development. As one of the main legal tools through which lay citizens and companies can enforce contracts, the present analysis focuses on assessing the impact that the level of access to the legal system has on foreign investors’ decisions.Using a two stage least square (2 SLS) regression and data from the Rule of Law Index collected in 2009, this paper finds that the access to civil justice does not have a significant effect on Foreign Direct Investment. Further, the regression analysis indicates that the amount of taxes paid by the businesses as a percentage of commercial profits, the number of days to start a business and the Gross Domestic Product Per Capita are more important to attract foreign capital than the finding itself.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Foreign direct investment : Does access to civil justice matter? = Inversión extranjera directa : importa el acceso a la justicia civil?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Auricular reconstruction with a nanocomposite polymer = Reconstrucción auricular con un nanopolimero

Auricular reconstruction with a nanocomposite polymer = Reconstrucción auricular con un nanopolimero

Por: Carlos Enrique Ramírez Blanco | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Auricular reconstruction remains one of the biggest challenges faced by plastic surgeons. Reconstruction with autologous cartilage has proven to offer a lasting reconstruction with acceptable cosmetic results when performed by very experienced surgeons; however, the learning curve is long and few surgeons around the world have mastered this technique. For less experienced surgeons clinical outcome is frequently wanting; moreover, reconstructions with autologous cartilage carry its own burden of donor site morbidity and surgical complications. In order to reduce operating time, avoid the risks and complications inherent of cartilage harvest and homogenize clinical outcome of ear reconstruction, auricular off the shelf scaffolds have been manufactured using biomaterial.The only auricular scaffold present in the market today is made of high density porous polyethylene and commercialized under the trade name Medpor®. Despite its limited success porous polyethylene has not fully convinced surgeons due to its stiffness and extrusion rates. A novel nanocomposite polymer has been developed by Prof. Seifalian and its team at UCL by the incorporation of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) nanocage as pendant side chains into poly (carbonate-urea) urethane. POSS PCU can be shaped as an auricle, it mimics the elastic properties of auricular native cartilage and supports cell growth and proliferation. In this project we have used human dermal fibroblasts primary cells (HFF) to study and compare cellular response on POSS PCU and Medpor®.In vitro experiments detected significantly higher cell adhesion on POSS PCU when compared to Medpor® (p < 0,05). Dynamic condition at 50 RMP was found reduce cell attachment on both polymers; under this condition POSS PCU supports higher cell adhesion than Medpor®. Even though no difference on cell proliferation or metabolic activity per cell was found between the two polymers, POSS PCU, with higher cell adhesion, have higher overall cell proliferation and metabolic activity. Collagen production per cell was found to be significantly increased on Medpor®; however, the higher cell number found on POSS PCU managed to produce as much total collagen as its counterpart. Even though POSS PCU is non-degradable, HFF were found to lower POSS PCU young’s modulus and make the scaffolds more flexible. Even though further refinement of POSS PCU scaffold production and the need for additional in vitro and in vivo studies, this biomaterial is a promising alternative for auricular reconstruction.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Auricular reconstruction with a nanocomposite polymer = Reconstrucción auricular con un nanopolimero

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Imagen de apoyo de  Equilibrios de Nash-Walras: Miradas Topológicas a la Teoría de la Implementación = Nash-Walras Equilibria: Topological Views on Implementation Theory

Equilibrios de Nash-Walras: Miradas Topológicas a la Teoría de la Implementación = Nash-Walras Equilibria: Topological Views on Implementation Theory

Por: David Felipe Echeverry Pérez | Fecha: 01/01/2008

Nash and Walras equilibria have been studied from the angle of differential topology, yielding comparable results about existence and topological structure of equilibrium sets. Following a presentation of such results we shall review results on the Nash implementation of Walrasian equilibria.The purpose of the exercise is twofold: to establish a refinement criterion among multiple Walrasian equilibria and to study mechanisms closer to real markets than the Walrasian tâtonnement. Following up on results relating the best-reply dynamics and the natural projection, our conclusion is that some adjustments on the economic model are likely needed for implementation to link the topological structure of Walrasian and that of Nash equilibria.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Equilibrios de Nash-Walras: Miradas Topológicas a la Teoría de la Implementación = Nash-Walras Equilibria: Topological Views on Implementation Theory

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Imagen de apoyo de  Understanding plants and traditional wisdom : appropriation and representation of native knowledge through the ethnobotanical collecting of Richard Evans Schultes in Northwestern Amazon for the Harvard Botanical Museum

Understanding plants and traditional wisdom : appropriation and representation of native knowledge through the ethnobotanical collecting of Richard Evans Schultes in Northwestern Amazon for the Harvard Botanical Museum

Por: Giovanny Castro Caicedo | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Regarding the Amazon environment as a complex world defined by the interaction of natural and human elements, the aim of this thesis is to present the intellectual framework that characterized the ethnobotanical collecting of Richard Evans Schultest for the Harvard Botanical Museum. The thesis contextualizes the case study as part of the scientific drive of natural history museums from the nineteenth-century onwards, and focuses in the mid twentieth-century in regard to the specific collection and fieldwork.The issue of appropriation refers to the assumed role of museums, as Western institutions, of collecting, describing, and classifying the natural plant kingdom. Appropriation also refers to the assimilation, through scientific endeavors, of plants and knowledge that are significant to other cultures’ views of their natural and social environment. The issue of representation deals with showcasing natural and ethnographic collections in museums as non-contested, self-explanatory identities of other peoples’ culture through the mediation of a neutral observer’s standpoint and different museum practices.The thesis touches upon the role of study collections in a university museum setting to further knowledge for science. In particular, the Economic Botany Collection was intended to further the understanding of psychoactive plants used by traditional cultures for medicinal purposes. The outcome was quite complex, and the influence of this surveying effort still stands as one of the most compelling studies any museum has engaged with in the twentieth-century.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Understanding plants and traditional wisdom : appropriation and representation of native knowledge through the ethnobotanical collecting of Richard Evans Schultes in Northwestern Amazon for the Harvard Botanical Museum

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Imagen de apoyo de  Race and racisms in selected history and social studies textbooks in Colombia and South Africa = Raza y racismos en libros- texto de historia y ciencias sociales en Colombia y Sur Africa

Race and racisms in selected history and social studies textbooks in Colombia and South Africa = Raza y racismos en libros- texto de historia y ciencias sociales en Colombia y Sur Africa

Por: Diana María Rodríguez Gómez | Fecha: 01/01/2009

This paper analyses how contemporary Colombian social studies and South African history textbooks represent notions of race and racism to combat the historical legacies of these countries. It uses Critical Discourse Analysis to argue that, while there has been significant progress made in overcoming racism in the new textbooks in the two countries, there are still many challenges. In particular the paper notes that notwithstanding the more equal and balanced representation of traditionally excluded subjects, new forms of exclusion still permeate new social studies and history textbooks in Colombia and South Africa. In reviewing the textbooks produced in the two countries, the paper provides markers for researchers and policy makers seeking to transform deep-seated inequities in society. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Otros

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Race and racisms in selected history and social studies textbooks in Colombia and South Africa = Raza y racismos en libros- texto de historia y ciencias sociales en Colombia y Sur Africa

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Imagen de apoyo de  Mesoporous silicas for incorporation and reléase of drugs = Silicas mesoporosas para la incorporación y liberación de fármacos

Mesoporous silicas for incorporation and reléase of drugs = Silicas mesoporosas para la incorporación y liberación de fármacos

Por: Catalina Gaviria Agudelo | Fecha: 01/01/2014

For drug delivery applications, it is desirable that the drug is released with a maintained therapeutic level, at a specific site and with a specific rate in the body. To achieve this, drug molecules have to be encapsulated in a carrier. Ordered mesoporous silicas (OMSs) have been suggested to be used as a reservoir for drug molecules, since they have mesoporous structure, biocompatibility, high loading capacity, efficient encapsulation of cargo molecules, high surface areas and tunable pore sizes and volumes.OMSs have shown to enhance the dissolution rate of poorly water soluble drugs. At least 40% of drugs developed exhibit poor water solubility, which limits drug dissolution rate, reducing drug bioavailability. A method for improving the dissolution rate is to increase its surface area in contact with the dissolution media, which can be achieved by loading the drug onto a high surface area carrier as that of OMSs. The aim of this work was to evaluate different amorphous silicas for incorporation of a water insoluble antifungal agent, Clotrimazole, by using scCO2 as impregnation process.Clotrimazole was incorporated on three different silicas (Formac, SBA-15 and SYLOID® AL-1 FP). It was possible to determine the relationship between pore volume, size and morphology and surface area with the incorporation degree. An important observations is that OMSs are much more efficient at incorporating drugs than the commercial formulation Syloid® AL-1 FP, which indicates that OMSs are a promising carrier to achieve enhanced oral bioavailability for drugs with low water solubility. Moreover, OMSs showed to be stabilizers for amorphous clotrimazole, which represents an interesting approach in the dissolution enhancement.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Mesoporous silicas for incorporation and reléase of drugs = Silicas mesoporosas para la incorporación y liberación de fármacos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Online video stabilization for UAV. Motion estimation and compensation for unnamed aerial vehicles

Online video stabilization for UAV. Motion estimation and compensation for unnamed aerial vehicles

Por: Rodrigo José Ortiz Cayón | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Unnamed Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are known for their application in surveillance and tracking with on-board cameras. Videos from UAV usually suffer from jitter and high frequency unintended movements which makes necessary stabilize the footage. This is a Computer Vision problem, particularly difficult due to level of noise in acquisition and different types of scenarios which make hard to implement online stabilizer (on the fly).The present thesis explains in depth algorithms, methods and implementations of the OpenCV module videostab. We presented a version in C++ of videostab in context of video from UAV. Two main blocks constitute the current implementation: motion estimation and motion stabilization. In the former, the system robustly estimates global displacement in between every consecutive pair of frames. The latter can be used in two possible ways: Assuming that estimated motion contains intended UAV motion and high frequency vibrations or assuming that all estimated motion is undesirable.The first case is solved with a Gaussian filter to smooth motions and, in the second case, a filter called Zero Motion was implemented to give sensation of stillness. Results show that the implementation is robust and can work in different scenarios of UAV. Moreover, it is possible to run it in a general purpose computer with high speed performance. Online performance can be achieved using some function with graphic processing unit (GPU).
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ingeniería

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Online video stabilization for UAV. Motion estimation and compensation for unnamed aerial vehicles

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Imagen de apoyo de  Benefit-effort analysis as a decision making methodology in the provision of water and sanitation in rural communities in developing countries

Benefit-effort analysis as a decision making methodology in the provision of water and sanitation in rural communities in developing countries

Por: Sandra Lucia Mendoza Mojica | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The benefit-effort analysis methodology was designed as a decision making tool in the provision of water and sanitation in rural communities in developing countries. This is an innovative approach that evaluates environmental projects during the complete project life cycle. The methodology provides a framework that incorporates social, political, economic, technical and ecological aspects which are essential to identify good solutions for the provision of water and sanitation in rural and isolated communities.It is based on the knowledge of experts that are recognized by their know-how in the specific topic and in the validation with local communities that can easily participate by providing personal opinions and suggestions. The methodology makes evident both, benefits and efforts during the complete project life cycle, in order to minimize or maximize them and to improve the decision making process guiding the identification of the best sustainable result.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Benefit-effort analysis as a decision making methodology in the provision of water and sanitation in rural communities in developing countries

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Imagen de apoyo de  Education and participation processes among bioprospecting in three regions of Colombia = Procesos de educación y participación en proyectos de bioprospección en tres regiones de Colombia

Education and participation processes among bioprospecting in three regions of Colombia = Procesos de educación y participación en proyectos de bioprospección en tres regiones de Colombia

Por: Ana Lucía Estrada Jaramillo | Fecha: 01/01/2012

This research project is focused on bioprospecting activities in Colombia. As its main objectives, the research will describe and compare nature and biodiversity constructions among different social actors, analyse education and participation processes in three regions where bioprospecting research has been conducted taking into account benefit sharing, intellectual property rights and genetic access; and finally, identify knowledge and technology transfer of biopropespecting research in the three regions under study. Content analysis of media and documents along with ethnography will be conducted as research methods.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Education and participation processes among bioprospecting in three regions of Colombia = Procesos de educación y participación en proyectos de bioprospección en tres regiones de Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  La Asamblea como herramienta para la reflexión y el aprendizaje de los docentes

La Asamblea como herramienta para la reflexión y el aprendizaje de los docentes

Por: Claudia María Saavedra D. | Fecha: 01/01/2012

En centros educativos que cuentan con un profesorado reflexivo e innovador y donde se ha logrado construir una buena relación de colaboración entre éstos y el equipo de orientación, es posible encontrarse con demandas relacionadas con la revisión de la propia práctica docente. El presente trabajo es un acercamiento a la práctica profesional como orientadora psicopedagógica, particularmente de la etapa de Educación Infantil. Se trata de una respuesta de orientación a la demanda hecha por el equipo de maestras del Centro de Educación Infantil Verbena en Leganés-Madrid, relacionada con la revisión de su práctica docente en el contexto de la Asamblea.El objetivo final de esta propuesta fue generar un espacio de reflexión sobre la práctica docente que contribuyera a la búsqueda de estrategias para la mejora. Partiendo de una perspectiva de orientación educativa que defiende el ejercicio de subrayar no solo las debilidades, sino sobre todo los puntos fuertes de la metodología del aula y en particular, del estilo del educador, se llevó a cabo el análisis de 8 vídeos de asambleas realizadas en las Aulas de 3 y 5 años con el fin de identificar buenas prácticas y servir de espejo para reflejar de manera sistemática y argumentada un sinfín de recursos con los que el equipo de maestras contaba. De esta manera surgió, además de la identificación de buenas prácticas, una guía de autoevaluación modificada y aprobada por las propias maestras, que sirvió como marco de análisis y reflexión sobre sus prácticas docentes en la Asamblea y favoreció el diseño de un plan de acción hacia la mejora.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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La Asamblea como herramienta para la reflexión y el aprendizaje de los docentes

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