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Imagen de apoyo de  Capacity Building for development in Tertiary Education: The Dutch-Colombian partnership 2010-2015. From aid to trade: Implications, benefits and challenges

Capacity Building for development in Tertiary Education: The Dutch-Colombian partnership 2010-2015. From aid to trade: Implications, benefits and challenges

Por: Ángela Patricia Jiménez Gómez | Fecha: 2016

Abstract:The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the Dutch-Colombian development cooperation projects in capacity building for higher education during the last five years. The implications, benefits and challenges of Colombia’s transition from recipient to a partner country for the Netherlands will be explored. The Netherlands has been a traditional donor country for Colombia since the 1960s, with a focus on water management, environment, food security, gender, good governance, and human priority sectors of bilateral collaboration programs. However, due to changing patterns of the Dutch foreign public policy for development cooperation since 2010 and also from the Colombian government since 2011, different sectors affirm that there is a shift in the way of doing partnerships with Latin American countries, especially with Colombia. There is a big debate between those who assume that capacity building programs for development in tertiary education are going to be replaced by business alliances and others who affirm that it will be a win-win partnership model between Colombia and the Netherlands.For this reason, in times of transformation development patterns questions arise such as how does the transition ‘from aid to trade’ between North-South countries, affects development effectiveness in Capacity Building programmes for tertiary education? What are the implications of the transition phase of the Dutch-Colombian partnership in the capacity building framework for Higher Education?Through semi-structured interviews with the main actors of 6 case studies from the Dutch-Colombian cooperation for capacity development in higher education (2010-2015) and a literature review of policy papers, institutional studies, reports, lectures and meetings, the present analysis will give a qualitative perspective to complement the existing literature and enrich the debate about upcoming challenges facing all the actors involved.Resumen:El propósito de la presente tesis es analizar los proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo Colombo-Holandesa en el fortalecimiento de capacidades en Educación Superior durante los últimos cinco años. Se examinarán las implicaciones, beneficios y desafíos de la transición de Colombia de ser un país receptor de ayuda a un país aliado para los Países Bajos. Tradicionalmente los Países Bajos han sido donantes de cooperación bilateral al desarrollo para Colombia desde la década de 1960, centrándose en la gestión del agua, el medio ambiente, la seguridad alimentaria, el género, la buena gobernanza y los derechos humanos.Sin embargo, debido a cambios en materia de política exterior holandesa para la cooperación al desarrollo desde 2010 y a su vez los cambios de política exterior del gobierno colombiano desde 2011, diferentes sectores afirman que hay un cambio en la forma de hacer alianzas con países latinoamericanos, especialmente con Colombia. Hay un gran debate entre los que asumen que los programas de desarrollo de capacidades en educación terciaria van a ser reemplazados por alianzas comerciales y otros que afirman que será un modelo de asociación gana-gana entre Colombia y los Países Bajos.Por esta razón, en tiempos de transformación se plantean cuestionamientos tales ¿ Cómo la transición "de la ayuda al comercio" entre los países Norte-Sur, afecta la eficacia de los programas de fortalecimiento de capacidades para la educación terciaria?¿Cuáles son las implicaciones de la transición de la cooperación Colombo-Holandesa en el marco de fortalecimiento de capacidades en Educación Superior?A través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los principales actores de 6 casos de estudio de la cooperación Colombo-holandesa para el desarrollo de capacidades en educación superior (2010-2015) y una revisión de literatura comprendida por documentos de políticas públicas, estudios institucionales, informes, conferencias y reuniones, el presente análisis brinda una perspectiva cualitativa para complementar la literatura existente y enriquecer el debate sobre los próximos desafíos que enfrentan todos los actores involucrados.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Capacity Building for development in Tertiary Education: The Dutch-Colombian partnership 2010-2015. From aid to trade: Implications, benefits and challenges

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Imagen de apoyo de  Dispraxia verbal: Revisión de la bibliografía reciente respecto a su naturaleza, prevalencia, clasificación y estrategias de intervención = Verbal dyspraxia: A review of recent bibliography regarding its nature, prevalence, classification and intervention

Dispraxia verbal: Revisión de la bibliografía reciente respecto a su naturaleza, prevalencia, clasificación y estrategias de intervención = Verbal dyspraxia: A review of recent bibliography regarding its nature, prevalence, classification and intervention

Por: Valeria Cecilia Nicholls Ospina | Fecha: 2011

La dispraxia verbal es un trastorno específico del lenguaje, que tiene como base una disfunción a nivel de la coordinación de los movimientos necesarios para la articulación de expresión oral como consecuencia de un déficit en la elaboración del plan fonológico en la selección y secuencia de fonemas para construir la forma sonora del lenguaje, unido a un déficit de la elaboración y ejecución del plan motor. La dispraxia verbal puede ser subdividida en dos grupos, relativos a la afectación o no de la comprensión del lenguaje.La correcta clasificación y orientación de la intervención de un niño con dispraxia verbal, requiere una precisa evaluación médica y psicopedagógica del niño. Para la evaluación del lenguaje es recomendable el uso de pruebas estandarizadas, permitiendo así poner de manifiesto los déficits respecto a la recepción y producción del lenguaje. La intervención en la dispraxia verbal exige un buen conocimiento acerca del funcionamiento del habla y del lenguaje y de los principios de aprendizaje motor y del desarrollo de la fonología, y requiere la aplicación de una combinación de acercamientos motrices, lingüísticos y cognitivos que permitan optimizar las habilidades de comunicación del niño.En la actualidad existen algunos acercamiento de intervención logopédica con los que se han tenido importantes mejorías en casos de dispraxia verbal, como lo son el PROMPT, el Programa de Dispraxia del Centro Nuffiel, y la Terapia Intensiva VEDiT. Para ejemplificar lo anterior, se presenta un caso clínico que ayuda a ilustrar la discusión teórica.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Dispraxia verbal: Revisión de la bibliografía reciente respecto a su naturaleza, prevalencia, clasificación y estrategias de intervención = Verbal dyspraxia: A review of recent bibliography regarding its nature, prevalence, classification and intervention

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Imagen de apoyo de  A systematic literature review on software testing techniques experiments: learning about the evolution in the XXI century

A systematic literature review on software testing techniques experiments: learning about the evolution in the XXI century

Por: Jorge Enrique González Ortiz | Fecha: 2013

The use of evidence based software engineering (EBSE) and the use of systematic literature reviews (SLRs) in software engineering has been growing in the last years. In 2004 Juristo et. al. analyzed the maturity level of the knowledge about testing techniques by examining the previous 25 years (1978-2004) of Testing Technique Experiments. We believe it is time to update the state of the art in testing technique experiments by using a SLR.Objective: To analyzed the maturity level of the knowledge about testing techniques by examining testing technique experiments between years 2000 and 2013. This work tries to complement the previous analysis of Juristo et. al. in 2004 where they analyzed the maturity level of the knowledge about testing techniques by examining the previous 25 years (1978-2004).Method: We undertook a systematic review of papers testing techniques experiments carried out between years 2000 and 2013. Studies were classified with respect to the testing technique family and grouped by their affinity as regards the techniques studied.Results: In the search and selection process we identified 22 relevant papers reporting 26 testing techniques published in Software Engineering conferences and journals between 2000 and mid-2013, after data extraction we reduce this to a list of 16 primary studies belong to four families. Based on this primary studies we extracted and analyzed the necessary information to compare them between each other’s in order to generate our appreciations.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ingeniería

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A systematic literature review on software testing techniques experiments: learning about the evolution in the XXI century

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Imagen de apoyo de  Cinematic poetry: a study of Yuri Norstein’s Tale of Tales = Poemas cinemáticos: un estudio de Yuri Norstein Cuento de cuentos

Cinematic poetry: a study of Yuri Norstein’s Tale of Tales = Poemas cinemáticos: un estudio de Yuri Norstein Cuento de cuentos

Por: Ana María Caro Sabogal | Fecha: 2012

Tale of Talesis a visual poem. The non- conventional narrative and the inherent poetry in it, reaches an emotional depth that made me wonder about the close relationship between poetry and animation - and how this union affects the reader and the audience.This dissertation is about Yuri Norstein and his point of view of poetry and animation, understanding his opinions through an interview that I did with him. During this interview I learned more about his perspective of poetry in his animation, Tale of Tales.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Cinematic poetry: a study of Yuri Norstein’s Tale of Tales = Poemas cinemáticos: un estudio de Yuri Norstein Cuento de cuentos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Physicians Career Satisfaction: A Tool and Approach in Andalucía, Spain = Satisfacción Profesional de los Médicos: Un instrumento y aproximación en Andalucía, España

Physicians Career Satisfaction: A Tool and Approach in Andalucía, Spain = Satisfacción Profesional de los Médicos: Un instrumento y aproximación en Andalucía, España

Por: Juan Nicolás Peña Sánchez | Fecha: 2010

Objective: Provide an instrument in Spanish for measuring and studying physicians’ career satisfaction in Andalusia, Spain. Method: It followed two general stages: An instrument adaptation and descriptive cross-sectional study. Factor analysis was performed with 16-item scale. Construct validity was verified through a correlation between the summed 16-items scale and the global item, and internal consistency reliability was estimated with a Cronbach’s alpha. Finally, physicians’ career satisfaction was measured and characteristics related to a higher level of satisfaction were explored through a multivariate logistic regression. Results: An instrument adaption into Spanish was developed. Cronbach’s alpha of the instrument was 0.92. The rate response was 40%. Mean career satisfaction was 4.36(SD=0.76) out of a possible score of 6.Multivariate logistic regression showed that physicians who reported having received non-economic incentives during last year have a level of career satisfaction 3.11(IC=1.19–8.13) times higher than those that have not received, and also that foreign physicians have a level of career satisfaction 7.81(IC=1.40–43.48) times higher than Spanish ones, controlling by personal, professional, work, and incentives factors. Conclusions: This study performed the adaptation and validation of an instrument which measures physicians’ career satisfaction in Andalusia, Spain.The methodology to translate and adapt the instrument was successful, making the method replicable in other languages and countries. The instrument demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency reliability and construct validity. It was found that foreign physicians have eight times higher career satisfaction, and physicians that referred having received non-economic incentives during the last year have three times higher career satisfaction.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Physicians Career Satisfaction: A Tool and Approach in Andalucía, Spain = Satisfacción Profesional de los Médicos: Un instrumento y aproximación en Andalucía, España

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Imagen de apoyo de  Intervención psicológica para la adecuación de la imágen corporal en patinadores artísticos colombianos = Psychological intervention for the adequacy of body image in Colombian figure skaters

Intervención psicológica para la adecuación de la imágen corporal en patinadores artísticos colombianos = Psychological intervention for the adequacy of body image in Colombian figure skaters

Por: Pabla Vanessa Bermúdez Zea | Fecha: 2012

En la presente investigación se aplicó un programa de intervención psicológica para la adecuación de la imagen corporal a 26 patinadores artísticos pertenecientes a la Federación Colombiana de Patinaje, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 a 29 años, con un promedio de edad deportiva de 15 años. Las observaciones a entrenamientos y competencias, encuestas realizadas a 10 jueces y 26 entrenadores de la Federación Colombiana de Patinaje, demostraron que estos deportistas, presentaban una excesiva preocupación por su apariencia física, que afectaba su actuación en competencia.Se emplearon para la etapa diagnóstica, las siguientes pruebas psicométricas: el (CIMEC), Cuestionario de influencia de los modelos estéticos corporales, el (CIMPASVIC), Cuestionario de influencia de las modalidades del Patinaje Artístico sobre la valoración de la imagen corporal, el Cuestionario de percepción de causas del éxito deportivo, y la Técnica de autorretrato.Estas pruebas se volvieron a emplear tras la aplicación del programa de intervención, que a su vez estuvo conformado por técnicas de autorregulación, respiración, relajación, autosugestión, automandatos, visualización, literatura de superación y conferencias informativas. Mediante el procesamiento estadístico, de los datos obtenidos tras la aplicación de los diferentes métodos, se pudo comprobar que el programa tuvo una incidencia positiva sobre la valoración de la imagen corporal de los patinadores estudiados, reflejándose esta sobre su actuación competitiva.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Intervención psicológica para la adecuación de la imágen corporal en patinadores artísticos colombianos = Psychological intervention for the adequacy of body image in Colombian figure skaters

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Imagen de apoyo de  Visuo-spatial working memory in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : an FMRI analysis

Visuo-spatial working memory in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : an FMRI analysis

Por: Juana Brugman Guerrero | Fecha: 2012

The aim of this study was to identify differences in brain activation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) patients and typically developing pre-adolescents and adolescents while performing a working memory task. Within this important cognitive domain, visuo-spatial working memory was specifically selected for study, being a fundamental cognitive impairment in the disorder. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activity in children and adolescents between 12 and 18 years of age while they performed a visuo-spatial working memory task.During performance of the task the ADHD group showed lower activation than the typically developing children in 4 specific brain regions. Between-group differences in activation were observed in the right and left superior frontal gyrus, right superior temporal gyrus, and cuneus. The results of the present study support the hypothesis of mainly cortical dysfunctions in ADHD.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Visuo-spatial working memory in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : an FMRI analysis

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Imagen de apoyo de  Prospective behavioral of emissions generated by mobile sources in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico = Prospectiva del comportamiento de las emisiones generadas por las fuentes móviles en el área metropolitana de Monterrey, México

Prospective behavioral of emissions generated by mobile sources in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico = Prospectiva del comportamiento de las emisiones generadas por las fuentes móviles en el área metropolitana de Monterrey, México

Por: Tatiana Céspedes Clavijo | Fecha: 2014

Resumen:En este documento se estudia en prospectiva el posible comportamiento futuro de las emisiones provenientes de las fuentes móviles en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey y los diferentes mecanismos para su mitigación. Para esto se estimó una línea base a 2012 de las emisiones generadas teniendo en cuenta el tipo de vehículo, el año de fabricación, y el tipo de combustible. Se construyó un modelo dinámico hacia el 2030 que permitió ver el comportamiento de dichas emisiones a partir de la relación entre variables ambientales, económicas y demográficas tales como cantidad de vehículos, consumo de combustibles, ingreso per cápita, población, número de personas movilizadas, entre otras. Posteriormente se evaluaron 4 escenarios con posibles políticas a seguir hacia el 2030 para buscar reducir las emisiones de contaminantes criterio y de gases de efecto invernadero.Entre estas se incluye la renovación del parque automotor, la implementación de un transporte público integrado, la ampliación de las líneas del metro, incentivos por uso de transporte público, la reducción de número de vehículos, entre otras buscando mejorar la movilidad en el AMM y a la ves reducir las emisiones del transporte. En el desarrollo de los escenarios se consideraron criterios ambientales, económicos y sociales. La línea base muestra que aunque la tecnología tiene un beneficio inicial en la reducción de emisiones, a lo largo del tiempo el aumento de vehículos termina por incrementar las emisiones. Los escenarios para diferentes estrategias que se pudieran seguir, muestran que la opción más viable es el uso del transporte público para sustituir el uso del automóvil particular.Abstract: This paper studied prospectively the possible future behavior of emissions from mobile sources in the metropolitan area of Monterrey and the various mechanisms for mitigation. For this, a baseline to 2012 emissions generated taking into account the type of vehicle, year of manufacture and the type of fuel was estimated. A dynamic model by 2030 that allowed see the behavior of these emissions from the relationship between environmental , economic and demographic variables such as number of vehicles , fuel consumption, per capita income, population, number of mobilized people was constructed between other. Subsequently 4 stages with policy options to 2030 to seek to reduce emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases were evaluated.These include the renewal of the fleet , the implementation of an integrated public transport, the extension of subway lines , incentives for use of public transport , reducing the number of vehicles , including seeking to improve mobility in the metropolitan area of Monterrey is already included you see reduce transport emissions.In developing scenarios environmental, economic and social criteria were considered. The baseline shows that although the technology has an initial benefit in reducing emissions during the time the vehicle finishes increased by increasing emissions. Scenarios for different strategies that could be followed, show that the most viable option is the use of public transport to replace the use of private cars. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Prospective behavioral of emissions generated by mobile sources in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico = Prospectiva del comportamiento de las emisiones generadas por las fuentes móviles en el área metropolitana de Monterrey, México

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Imagen de apoyo de  La estrategia crush con futuros de ganado: oportunidades de trading para productores = The cattle crush strategy: trading opportunities for cattle producers

La estrategia crush con futuros de ganado: oportunidades de trading para productores = The cattle crush strategy: trading opportunities for cattle producers

Por: Nicolás Acevedo Vélez | Fecha: 2006

Resumen:En este estudio se muestra que es posible para un productor de ganado de carne en EE.UU obtener utilidades adicionales cuando estrategias de operación en el mercado financiero de futuros de Chicago son utilizadas (i.e. la estrategia “cattle crush”). No obstante, los costos de transacción presentes reduce la probabilidad de obtener utilidades mediante la estrategia de análisis técnico. También se muestra que el nivel de ganancia derivado del uso del “cattle crush” está relacionado con el ciclo ganadero en el cual se realice la operación. Cuando el “cattle crush” se utiliza como alternativa para cubrir riesgo, se reduce considerablemente la volatilidad de los retornos de la operación.Este trabajo utiliza precios diarios desde 1995 a 2006 de los contratos a futuro de maíz, ganado flaco y ganado gordo con el fin de tener una muestra suficientemente robusta que permita elaborar conclusiones significativas. El “cattle crush” se construyó utilizado dos diferentes combinaciones de ciclo productivo de ganado (ambos de 170 días), pero que comienzan en fechas distintas: abril y octubre. Adicionalmente, dos escenarios fueron analizados usando el “cattle crush” diferencial: uno en el cual esta estrategia fue usada como estrategia de cobertura antes del inicio de las operaciones (estrategia especulativa) y, el otro, en el cual la estrategia de cobertura se llevó a cabo una vez se inició la actividad productiva.Abstract:This research shows that it is possible for U.S. cattle feeders to obtain additional profits if a consistent technical strategy for trading is applied to the cattle crush spread. However, when trading costs are introduced, the likelihood of obtaining profit from trading the crush reduces considerably. It also shows that the level of gains from the cattle crush is related to the month the cattle are marketed. When the crush is used as a hedging strategy it decreases the profit from the feeding operation and reduces the volatility of those returns, helping producers to transfer part of the price risk associated with their production.To provide evidence of these findings, this study utilizes daily prices for 1995 to 2006 of the futures contracts of corn, feeder and live cattle to construct the daily cattle crush spread for two different combinations of futures contracts traded in the Chicago Board of Trade and Chicago Mercantile Exchange. These contract combinations suppose that cattle are fed in feedlots for 170 days before being marketed in April and in October. Two different scenarios are also evaluated using the cattle crush spread: one in which the crush is employed as a pre-placement hedging tool and another in which the crush is used as a post-placement hedging method.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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La estrategia crush con futuros de ganado: oportunidades de trading para productores = The cattle crush strategy: trading opportunities for cattle producers

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Imagen de apoyo de  Alternatives to investment banks; the lending business revolution: P2P lending & crowdfunding = Alternativas a las bancas de inversión: La revolución del negocio del crédito: P2P lending y crowdfunding

Alternatives to investment banks; the lending business revolution: P2P lending & crowdfunding = Alternativas a las bancas de inversión: La revolución del negocio del crédito: P2P lending y crowdfunding

Por: Laura Alejandra Manrique Díaz | Fecha: 2015

The financial industry operates in a rapidly changing environment, where participants need to adapt to the preferences and requirements of customers, the entrance of new competitors and regulation. Along history, Investment Banks have played an important role in the financial industry providing products and services that promote economic growth and providing structure to the market. They are sophisticated and powerful organizations, that before 2007 were believe to be too big to fail.However, the financial crisis exposed their failures and how vulnerable their interconnected structure is, making evident the latent risk that they represent for the economy. Since the crisis regulation become strict and regulators strengthen the vigilance over the activities Investment Banks undertake, undoubtedly creating a new scenario. Simultaneously in the UK a credit crunch occurs, and the access to funds sources for SMEs and individuals suffer a drastic contraction. In that complex environment the Alternative Finance Market emerged, proposing a solution for that segment of the market that was claiming for an efficient, flexible and easy source of fundraising. P2P Lending and Crowdfunding are the most known and relevant models from the Alternative Finance sector, and they had played a significant role, exhibiting a rapid growth, since they began to operate in 2005.After analysing both, the Investment Banking and the Alternative Finance Industry, and performing some empirical analysis, some conclusions were reached. First of all, from the Investment Banking side, they must recognize that more than a threat the Alternative Lending model represent a new source of opportunities. However, Investment Banks will face some challenges in the next years, and they need to work to defend their position in the industry. The research identified four main areas in which Investment Banks should work in the short term. Firstly, they should focus on restoring investors’ and clients’ confidence, which was weakened after the financial crisis. As it was mentioned in the paper, reputation plays a significant role in the financial industry and profits are highly related with it.If Investment Banks do not recover their status and reputation they might lose market-share. On the second place, they must overcome the phase of adjusting to the new regulatory requirements. After meeting the requirements, they can focus their strategy to compete in the current environment and face the challenges that P2P Lending and Crowdfunding are proposing. Thirdly, for defending their position IBs can work to reinforce and innovate in other of their business, taking advantage of their diversified structure. Finally, regarding the Alternative Finance Market, Investment Banks can support the platforms with the complex infrastructure that they already have. Also, they can work towards financial integration and exploit the expertise and reputation they possess.In respect to the Alternative Finance Market, this paper guided us towards some conclusions about some aspects regarding the current situation and the short-term perspectives for the industry. First of all, it was observed that P2P Lending and Crowdfunding have experienced exponential growth that began from the year the first platforms started to operate. Data from the Liberum AltFi Volume Index UK and the volume of origination showed in Zopa´s and RateSetter´s loan books confirmed the trend.The fact that the industry was created to fulfil the demand and abolish the limitations to which SMEs, start-ups and individuals were subject, gave them an advantage from the beginning in the lending business sphere. In addition, they brought to the market a new investment opportunity and opened the access to small investors, who were seeking attractive investment opportunities. Furthermore, the Alternative Finance sector incorporates some elements that make of it an attractive and innovative lending model. Important factors such as transparency, differential pricing, disintermediation, flexibility and that it is built on the online concept give it competitive advantages over the traditional fundraising sources.In the second place, it can be concluded that this alternative lending model may be possibly entering a phase of stabilization. The monthly volume of origination seems to be slowing its growing pace, even though it continues growing, as the Liberum AltFi Volume Index UK indicates. By stabilization, it means grow at a rate of no more than two digits. The next conclusion at which this projects led us is that it seems that everyone has a positive and optimistic perspective about the future of this emerging industry.From academics to practitioners, they are expecting that in the short-term the knowledge and the awareness of the industry increase, causing that more borrowers and investors approach to the business. Moreover, the interest of the government and regulatory entities in the market will improve the existing regulation, creating high standards, what will be perceived by borrowers and lender as a safety signal, inviting them to select these alternatives over the traditional ones.Other factors that are consider as a potential sources of growing are the partnerships that P2P and Crowdfunding platforms are establishing, the new products derived from P2P loans, the creation of a secondary market, the process of securitization and the big flows coming from institutional investors. There is much work that P2P Lending and Crowdfunding platforms need to do in the next years. It is vital that they work to meet the requirements that regulation imposes and achieve the challenges that borrowers, investors and competitors propose. If so, they can secure their position in the financial market.The next years are crucial, they will define the way in which lending model will be structured from now on. The Alternative Finance Market represents a significant opportunity for borrowers, investors, as well for Investment Banks.They need to find a way that ensures that they are going to be active players of this emerging concept and defend their position. Finally, P2P Lending and Crowdfunding must continue working on developing the business model, walking towards establishing their reputation, imposing high standards and offering a differentiated service.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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Alternatives to investment banks; the lending business revolution: P2P lending & crowdfunding = Alternativas a las bancas de inversión: La revolución del negocio del crédito: P2P lending y crowdfunding

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