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Imagen de apoyo de  The prevention of blindness in children in Colombia: The assessment of the service requirement for an ROP programmes in Manizales-Pereira-Armenia cities, and plan for a future screening programme

The prevention of blindness in children in Colombia: The assessment of the service requirement for an ROP programmes in Manizales-Pereira-Armenia cities, and plan for a future screening programme

Por: Claudia Quijano Maya | Fecha: 01/01/2011

BackgroundRetinopathy of prematurity is the major cause of blindness in children in Colombia. This cause of childhood blindness is irreversible when stablished, but 100% preventable with the adequate strategies put in place. This raises important questions concerning strategies to reduce the incidence of blindness as a result of ROP, which should ensure that all infants who are at risk of blinding ROP are examined in screening programmes.AimThe aim was to collect data in the neonatal intensive care units. This was used to evaluate the existing human and material resources for preventing, screening and treating ROP and rehabilitation of children suffering from ROP. The data helped to do an analysis of gaps in the service and allowed to present a proposal for a programme to prevent blindness due to ROP in the cities of Manizales, Pereira and Armenia, Colombia.Methods7 NICUs were visited in the three cities. The study collected quantitative data on neonatal intensive care units, admission and survival of premature babies during 2010, human resources and infrastructure and data on knowledge of the Colombian guidelines on ROP.ResultsThe survival rates vary according to the provider. They are higher in the private sector, and lower in the public sector. Overall, the available data allowed us to estimate that there are approximately 45,000 births per year (2010) in the region (95% occur in hospital) and 1.8% of all the births are less than 2,000g. Therefore, in the region, 810 babies per year weighing less than 2,000g are at risk of developing any type of ROP.The number of places, ventilators and monitors is sufficient. Staffing is adequate in the private NICUs, with a shortage of neonatologists in the public NICUs. The number of nurses monitoring babies is universally adequate, but the lack of knowledge in controlling risk factors of developing ROP such as monitoring oxygen in a constraint.An ROP screening programme is not available in public NICUs and in some of the mixed providers. The Kangaroo Mother programme lack of screening for ROP.ConclusionsThe unstable health system has allowed (i) unsustainable NICUs and programmes for ROP (ii) If available, programmes running without being monitored or evaluated, and, (iii) no screening in public and some mixed NICUs in Manizales, Pereira and Armenia. (iv) no screening for ROP in the Kangaroo Mother ProgrameAs access and survival rates improve in the NICUS of these cities, ROP is likely to continue to be a significant cause of blindness in the region, despite the progress that has been achieved with the 2010 Colombian guidelines for screening and treating ROP.RecommendationsThe results suggest that the prevention of blinding ROP is a complex task in Colombia that requires concomitant strategies to be put in place:Firstly, national policies in screening for ROP and oxygen delivery for the babies in the NICUs are needed.Secondly, as a primary preventive strategy, training nurses in the NICUs to control and monitor the delivery of oxygen; as a secondary preventive strategy, ROP programmes offered to the public, mixed, private NICUs and to the Kangaro Mother Programme; as a tertiary strategy, rehabilitation providing a low vision centre for these childrenThirdly, running ROP programmes need to be monitored and evaluated.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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The prevention of blindness in children in Colombia: The assessment of the service requirement for an ROP programmes in Manizales-Pereira-Armenia cities, and plan for a future screening programme

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Imagen de apoyo de  L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

Por: Ana Carolina Gómez Rojas | Fecha: 01/01/2012

La Corte Constitucional colombiana ha ocupado un lugar fundamental durante los últimos años en el imaginario de los ciudadanos gracias a su rol como defensora de los derechos fundamentales. Los ciudadanos recurren a ella para resolver sus problemas más cotidianos, convirtiendo a este actor judicial en un actor político.Esta situación ha generado un fuerte enfrentamiento entre el poder judicial y el poder ejecutivo. Claro ejemplo de ello ha sido la prohibición por parte de la Corte de una tercera elección presidencial en favor del presidente más popular de la historia colombiana reciente: Álvaro Uribe Vélez.La pregunta que pretende resolver este trabajo es entonces ¿cómo un poder público que no ha sido elegido democráticamente (en este caso, la Corte Constitucional) puede imponer su voluntad, incluso cuando dicha voluntad es contraria a los deseos de la gran mayoría ciudadana?
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

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Imagen de apoyo de  Une théorie physicaliste de la conscience phénoménale = A Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness = Una teoría fisicalista de la conciencia fenomenal

Une théorie physicaliste de la conscience phénoménale = A Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness = Una teoría fisicalista de la conciencia fenomenal

Por: Reinaldo José Bernal Velásquez | Fecha: 01/01/2011

This thesis advances a theory in the metaphysics of phenomenal consciousness, which I label “ephysicalism”. It takes a realist stance towards subjective conscious experience: there are some entities such that there is something it is like, intrinsically, to be one of them (Nagel 1974). Firstly, I argue for a physicalist metaphysics. Secondly, I reject the thesis that consciousness is a supervenient property and, in particular, Strong AI and computational functionalism.Thirdly, I reject HOT theories of consciousness, address the “unity of consciousness”, and discuss the “explanatory gap” (Levine 1983). Fourthly, I argue that consciousness is an emergent property of conscious entities: it is, with respect to the micro-constituents of the emergence base, an ontologically novel property with original causal powers. Fifthly, I criticise Chalmers' (1996) “zombie argument” and Kim's (2005) “supervenience argument”. Finally, I argue that phenomenal contents are physical properties, and discuss Jackson's (1982) “knowledge argument”.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Une théorie physicaliste de la conscience phénoménale = A Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness = Una teoría fisicalista de la conciencia fenomenal

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Imagen de apoyo de  Effective engagement of the private mining sector in the construction of democratic governance environments = Inclusión efectiva del sector minero privado en la construcción de entornos locales de gobernanza

Effective engagement of the private mining sector in the construction of democratic governance environments = Inclusión efectiva del sector minero privado en la construcción de entornos locales de gobernanza

Por: Juan José Orjuela Álvarez | Fecha: 01/01/2011

The governance perspective provides a methodical approach to identify key actors and trends affecting public authority in specific contexts. This paper looks at private mining companies, which have become a critical factor to understand development paths followed by resource-rich districts in developing countries. It is argued private mining companies need to master the concept of governance and consequently work more decidedly with their stakeholders in recipient communities.Failing in doing so corrodes local democratic institutions and is detrimental for businesses´ profitability. The insights presented in this paper suggest that the most effective way to build up well-functioning local governance environments is by means of facilitating processes that bring different groups into constructive engagement, dialogue and decision making.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Effective engagement of the private mining sector in the construction of democratic governance environments = Inclusión efectiva del sector minero privado en la construcción de entornos locales de gobernanza

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Imagen de apoyo de  Effect of microbial typology in the energy production through Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) = Efecto de la tipología microbiana en la producción de energía en Celdas a Combustible Microbianas (MFCs)

Effect of microbial typology in the energy production through Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) = Efecto de la tipología microbiana en la producción de energía en Celdas a Combustible Microbianas (MFCs)

Por: Ana María Valencia López | Fecha: 01/01/2011

The Microbial Fuel Cells allow the direct conversion of chemical energy, contained in different substrates, into electric energy. A typical MFC consists of two compartments, anode and cathode separated by a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM). In the anodic compartment the oxidation of the organic waste takes place, while the electron acceptor is reduced in the cathodic compartment. Forcing the electrons passage through an external circuit and thanks to the protons transport between both compartments, it is ensured the maintenance of the charge balance inside and the electric circuit is closed.The main purpose of this study has been to evaluate the performance, in terms of the power (P; mW/L, mW/ m2) and the Open Circuit Voltage (OCV;V), of a laboratory scale MFC to vary the microorganisms type which have the task of extracting the electrons from the substrate and carry them to the anode. In addition, the effects of the use of a redox mediator have been evaluated, which would allow a reduction on the anode overpotential. It was finally carried out the cell scale-up with the goal of identifying the parameters that mostly influence the performance of the system.The microorganisms used as biocatalysts in this study have been divided in three groups:- Brewer’s yeast, Saccharomyce cerevisiae- Acetogenic bacteria pretreated at pH 3- Microorganisms present in seawaterWith the brewer’s yeast, the effect of varying its concentration on the MFC performance has been studied, noting that, with the growth of this parameter, the power density of the cell increases. In these tests it was used the methylene blue as an electronic carrier and has been verified that when the carrier/microorganism ratio is lower, the performance is better. Regard to the microorganisms in seawater, some tests have been carried out to determine the influence on the MFC performance of several factors, such as; the storage of the samples at low temperature (test A2 and A4), the change of the inoculum concentration on the anode chamber (test A3), the use of inoculums enriched through successive growths (Test A7 and A8), the absence of electronic carrier on the electron transport to the anode and, as a consequence, on the power density obtained (Test A5, A6, A7 and A8). Finally it has been analyzed the effect of the scale-up and the recirculation conditions of the electrolyte solutions on the MFC performance (Test A9).
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Effect of microbial typology in the energy production through Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) = Efecto de la tipología microbiana en la producción de energía en Celdas a Combustible Microbianas (MFCs)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Materiau et forme pour rien essai critique sur l'architecture et la notion de dispositif

Materiau et forme pour rien essai critique sur l'architecture et la notion de dispositif

Por: Pablo Andrés Gómez Granda | Fecha: 01/01/2015

This Ph.D thesis examines and discusses the notion of dispositif (device) such as it emerged within the contemporary French philosophy, mainly in Michel Foucault's and Gilles Deleuze’s works. Its intention is to criticize the association in architecture of the structural and the organization, to propose an architectural practice less dedicated to the assemblages of environments, but which facilitates situations of freedom. For that purpose, this thesis studies the notions of form and function in architecture from a philosophical order reasoning on the ""material"".Three moments of a possible history on the material are considered. In the first two moments, dedicated to the concrete, and ""smart"" materials respectively, architecture appears in its connection to a mode of the industry and to a labor economy. In the third moment, it is shown how the staging and fiction can contribute to transforming materials into dispositifs.On this base, we move, on the one hand, to strip the notion of form from the functional significations that surround it, while on the other hand, we put in tension Michel Foucault's reading proposed by Giorgio Agamben, putting into context the concepts and the suggestions implied in it, in regards to economy. All this work is indissociably architectural and philosophical. Its purpose is to establish the essential character, for both domains of thought, of the notion of an aimless form or “form for nothing "". This notion can be related to an architecture of the ""discontinuity"" whose materials are neither in harmony with the structure nor the power of the dispositifs.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Arte

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Materiau et forme pour rien essai critique sur l'architecture et la notion de dispositif

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Imagen de apoyo de  Business intelligence and data mining in chronic patients management: HL7 V3-based data model = Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocio en el manejo de pacientes crónicos: Un modelo de datos basado en HL7 V3

Business intelligence and data mining in chronic patients management: HL7 V3-based data model = Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocio en el manejo de pacientes crónicos: Un modelo de datos basado en HL7 V3

Por: Camilo Naranjo Kairuz | Fecha: 01/01/2012

In the Healthcare field, Business Intelligence and Data Mining techniques have been proven efficient mainly in the fields of contagious diseases and hospital productivity, however their usage is today still very limited, specially in specific fields like chronic disease management. This paper presents a methodology to develop Data Mining and Business Intelligence based on remote chronic patient management databases. This document also introduces a technical methodology to build a conceptual Data Model for Data Mining based on HL7-v3, with the objective of analyzing patient behavior, detecting triggers for future patient crisis, predicting patient behavior and contribute to improve management plans, resource usage optimization and higher Returns on Investment. Distinciones: Graduado como mejor estudiante de la promoción.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ingeniería

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Business intelligence and data mining in chronic patients management: HL7 V3-based data model = Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocio en el manejo de pacientes crónicos: Un modelo de datos basado en HL7 V3

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Imagen de apoyo de  Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

Por: Sergio David Cortés Alonso | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The land use and land cover change is a problem which affects mostly tropical developing countries such as Colombia. Drivers of these changes are both direct and indirect, and exogenous or endogenous and include agricultural expansion, deforestation, climate change, and national and international policies. Drivers are divided according to the grade of expansion and the level of influence on the land. This project proposal evaluated the uses of the land in Colombia, the constraints, land cover, farming distribution, and permanent crops and arable land, by percentage of intensity.Two specific sites were chosen in the departments of Cundinamarca and Tolima by using Terra-i software which identified the land cover and habitat change in real time every sixteen days from 2004 to 2011. The cover and uses of the land for each site are described along with the conflicts in the uses of land. In order to fully understand the issue, both the drivers and the causes of land use and land cover are given, in addition to case studies and photographs.The data was analysed in the field qualitatively through direct interviews to communities in both sites to verify information given by Terra-i. The results focus on the changes in the land use produced by increasing industrialization and overexploitation of the land. Drivers in the land use change are divided into demographic, institutional and technological development, and global environmental change conditions.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Borel Cardinality of Lascar Strong Types = Cardinalidad de Borel de los tipos fuertes de Lascar

Borel Cardinality of Lascar Strong Types = Cardinalidad de Borel de los tipos fuertes de Lascar

Por: Esperanza Buitrago Díaz | Fecha: 01/01/2014

A Strong type is a class of a bounded equivalence relation (i.e. the quotient is a proper set) on tuples of the monster model of a complete theory T. Today, there are three different notions of strong types: a Shelah’s strong type is a class under the smallest definable equivalence relation on the monster model C with finite classes; a Kim-Pillay strong type is a class of the least bounded type-definable equivalence relation kp, in fact, this type may be characterized as the finest notion of strong type for which the corresponding quotient is a compact Hausdorff space when it is equipped with the so-called logic topology; finally, a Lascar strong type is simply a class of the smallest equivalence relation ls, which is bounded and invariant under automorphisms.For some years, it was an open problem to find an example of a theory for which the Kim-Pillay and the Lascar strong type do not coincide. After finding such example, it was suggested that Lascar strong types could be described from the point of view of Decriptive Set Theory, in particular of quotient of Polish spaces by Borel equivalence relations. Furthermore, it was conjectured that for every tuple a of the monster model, if [a]ls = [a]kp, then [a]kp restricted to [a]ls is nonsmooth, using the so-called Silver dichotomy.Despite the Stone space is not always Polish, the authors proved such conjecture distinguishing the case when the theory is countable -in which case for any countable model M of T, S(M) is Polish- and when it is not. My Master’s thesis consists in filling up all the details for both cases, specially for the case when T is countable. Given a complete first order theory T, its monster model C has none topological structure. Nevertheless, given a model M of T, the Stone space S(M) has it, this is, it is well known that it is Hausdorff, that given any formula ', the set of [ ] determines a basis of clopens, etc.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Borel Cardinality of Lascar Strong Types = Cardinalidad de Borel de los tipos fuertes de Lascar

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Imagen de apoyo de  Resisting Through Corporate Values = Resistiendo a través de los valores corporativos

Resisting Through Corporate Values = Resistiendo a través de los valores corporativos

Por: Óscar Hernán; Yuzenho Ismarson Vargas Villamizar | Fecha: 01/01/2010

Purpose: To denaturalize the concept of corporate values as a necessary managerial practice to engineer culture in organizations and to explore how its enactment influences power - resistance interplays and the workplace construction of selves.Method: We engaged in Critical Management Studies (CMS), using an interpretative approach to our empirical material.Theoretical framework: The study is based on the concepts of organizational control, corporate values enactment, workplace resistance and construction of selves.Empirical Foundation: The empirical data was gathered based on a triangulation method by employing qualitative interviews, analysis of corporate material and fieldwork observation in Asian Monetary Fund, an Indonesian financial institution headquartered in Jakarta.Conclusion: We found that corporate values is a fragmented, fluid and fragile concept which can be used by employees to reproduce, rationalize and transform power relations in the organization and this process to resist “through” rather than “against” corporate values affects the construction of selves at work; producing individuals who simultaneously identify and dis-identify to the organization.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Resisting Through Corporate Values = Resistiendo a través de los valores corporativos

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