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Imagen de apoyo de  The mutual agreement procedure and arbitration of double taxation disputes

The mutual agreement procedure and arbitration of double taxation disputes

Por: Ilias Bantekas | Fecha: 14/03/2021

Hay un claro deseo de los Estados de eliminar la doble tributación, el pago de un mismo impuesto en dos jurisdicciones diferentes, de las empresas multinacionales. Lo anterior en la medida que, por un lado, la imposición tributaria es un derecho universalmente aceptado del Estado, por el otro, los diferendos en materia tributaria no son fácilmente susceptibles de arbitraje. Este artículo analiza dos procedimientos de solución de controversias, el de la OECD, primer modelo de tratado sobre impuestos, y un convenio similar de la UE específico en solución de controversias relativas a la doble imposición. Analiza los diferentes mecanismos que el Estado puede asumir durante el procedimiento, marcando las diferencias con la protección diplomática en favor de la empresa afectada. El artículo examina las situaciones bajo las cuales se necesita y/o existe un proceso de solución de controversias; como se inician los procedimientos, cuales las obligaciones y las partes, los medios como se resuelven los conflictos, desde la negociación hasta acudir a un tribunal y las limitaciones de los procedimientos. En conclusión, el lector podrá analizar y comparar los dos procesos. Finalmente, el artículo nos muestra la cláusula de arbitraje que se pretende incluir en el artículo 25 del modelo de la Convención sobre impuestos así como si estos mecanismos son incompatibles con los tratados bilaterales en materia de impuestos y con los GATS.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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The mutual agreement procedure and arbitration of double taxation disputes

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Imagen de apoyo de  The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population

The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population

Por: Jairo; Mattsson Robledo Sierra | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Abstract:OBJECTIVE:To study the severity of symptoms and estimate the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in a non-referral adult Swedish population, as registered by general dental practitioners. This study also aims to evaluate the possibility of dental practitioners collecting large quantities of reliable and accurate clinical data on oral mucosal lesions.STUDY DESIGN:Data from 6,448 adult Swedish patients were collected by general dental practitioners using a standardized registration method. A correlation analysis between a group with oral mucosal lesions and a control group, with no oral mucosal lesions, was performed for various parameters such as symptoms from the oral mucosa, systemic diseases, medication, allergy history, tobacco habits and the patient's own assessment of their general health. In addition, clinical photos were taken of all oral mucosal lesions in order to determine the degree of agreement between the diagnoses made by general dental practitioners and those made by oral medicine specialists.RESULTS:A total of 950 patients (14.7%) presented with some type of oral mucosal lesion and of these, 141 patients (14.8%) reported subjective symptoms. On a visual analogue scale, 43 patients (4.5%) scored their symptoms <30, 65 patients (6.8%) scored their symptoms ?30, and 28 patients (2.6%) scored their symptoms ?60. The most debilitating condition was aphthous stomatitis and the most common oral mucosal lesion was snuff dipper's lesion (4.8%), followed by lichenoid lesions (2.4%) and geographic tongue (2.2%). There was agreement between the oral medicine specialists and the general practitioners over the diagnosis of oral mucosal lesions on the basis of a clinical photograph in 85% of the cases (n=803).CONCLUSIONS:Nearly 15% of the patients with oral mucosal lesions reported symptoms. General practitioners could contribute significantly to the collection of large quantities of reliable and accurate clinical data, although there is a risk that the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions may be underestimated."Resumen:OBJETIVO: Estudiar la severidad de los síntomas y estimar la prevalencia de lesiones de la mucosa oral en una población de Suecia no referida, y registrada por odontólogos generales. Este estudio también tiene como objetivo evaluar la posibilidad de que odontólogos generales recolecten de forma confiable y precisa grandes cantidades de datos clínicos sobre lesiones de la mucosa oral. DISEÑO DEL ESTUDIO: Datos de 6.448 pacientes adultos suecos fueron recolectados por odontólogos generales usando un método estandarizado de registro. Un análisis de correlación entre un grupo de pacientes con lesiones de la mucosa oral y un grupo control, sin lesiones de la mucosa oral, fue realizado para varios parámetros como síntomas en la mucosa oral, enfermedades sistémicas, medicamentos, alergias, tabaquismo, y la percepción del propio paciente sobre su estado de salud. Además, se tomaron fotos clínicas de todas las lesiones de la mucosa oral con el fin de determinar el grado de concordancia entre los diagnósticos realizados por los odontólogos generales y los especialistas en medicina oral. RESULTADOS: Un total de 950 pacientes (14.7%) presentó algún tipo de lesión de la mucosa oral, y de estos, 141 pacientes (14.8%) reportaron síntomas subjetivos. En una escala analógica visual, 43 pacientes (4.5%) calificaron sus síntomas <30, 65 pacientes (6.8%) calificaron sus síntomas ≥30, y 28 pacientes (2.6%) calificaron sus síntomas ≥60. La condición más debilitante fue la stomatitis aftosa y la lesión más común fue la lesión causada por el tabaco húmedo (4.8%), seguida por reacciones liquenoides (2.4%) y lengua geográfica (2.2%). Basado en las fotografías clínicas, hubo una concordancia en el diagnóstico de lesiones de la mucosa oral entre los especialistas en medicina oral y los odontólogos generales en el 85% de los casos (n=803). CONCLUSION: Aproximadamente el 15% de los pacientes con lesiones de la mucosa oral reportaron síntomas. Los odontólogos generales pueden contribuir significativamente en la recolección confiable y precisa de grandes cantidades de datos clínicos, aunque existe un riego de que la prevalencia de lesiones de la mucosa oral pueda ser subestimada."
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population

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Imagen de apoyo de  The march of the manikins: Agroforestry practices and spiritual dancing in northwest amazonia = La Danza de los maniquíes, prácticas agrícolas y danza espiritual en el noroccidente amazónico

The march of the manikins: Agroforestry practices and spiritual dancing in northwest amazonia = La Danza de los maniquíes, prácticas agrícolas y danza espiritual en el noroccidente amazónico

Por: Oscar Alfredo Forero Larrañaga | Fecha: 01/01/2001

Among the Tukano an indigenous peoples there is a ritual that reflects refined ecological management: ""The March of the Manikins"". By understanding this and similar cultural practices, we could attempt the re-definition of ""sustainability"" concept. A fundamental part of the process for the appropriation of a new meta-language that could set up new patterns for environmental management practices and policy delivering.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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The march of the manikins: Agroforestry practices and spiritual dancing in northwest amazonia = La Danza de los maniquíes, prácticas agrícolas y danza espiritual en el noroccidente amazónico

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Imagen de apoyo de  The judicial construction of economic, social and cultural rights in the case of the constitutional court of colombia

The judicial construction of economic, social and cultural rights in the case of the constitutional court of colombia

Por: Johanna del Pilar Cortés Nieto | Fecha: 01/01/2009

The paper argues that the Constitutional Court of Colombia has understood economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) from the perspective of a traditional theory of rights according to which they are achievements that cannot be overridden by conflicting public interests. As a result, the Court has favored a categorical formula of adjudication according to which judicial activity focuses on the definition of the scope of the right. Competing public interests may be taken into account in order to establish the scope of the right, but once that scope is defined, it cannot be overridden by conflicting public interests.Therefore, the conception of ESCR that the Court of Colombia has adopted differs from the South African conception. The South African Constitutional Court regards ESCR as protective shields against conflicting governmental interests. This theory allows for positions of rights to be balanced against countervailing governmental interests. Given the tensions that these theories of rights and formulas of adjudication create in terms of judicial discretion and democratic debate, some intermediate formulas have been proposed. In the final part of the paper, these proposals are analyzed and some suggestions are made that contribute to the debate.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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The judicial construction of economic, social and cultural rights in the case of the constitutional court of colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  The iPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN

The iPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN

Por: Daniel José González Buitrago | Fecha: 01/01/2009

Este trabajo se presentó en Abril de 2009 en un seminario de ingeniería financiera. El propósito del seminario era introducir a estudiantes de derecho financiero, maestría en finanzas y estudiantes de maestría de administración de empresas (MBA) instrumentos financieros creados recientemente y sobre los cuales no existiera literatura académica previa. El 30 de enero de 2009, en medio de turbulencias severas en los mercados financieros y rumores persistentes acerca de una posible nacionalización del banco, Barclays Bank PLC introdujo un instrumento financiero que aprovecha la volatilidad de los mercados de capitales.Un instrumento conocido como Nota transable en bolsa (ETN, Exchange traded note) que deriva su valor de un índice de volatilidad (El índice de volatilidad de la bolsa de opciones de Chicago (CBOE) el índice VIX, comúnmente conocido como el índice del ¨miedo financiero¨). Este documento intentara explicar los rasgos únicos de este titulo y una metodología hipotética para su valoración.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Otros
  • Economía

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The iPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN

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Imagen de apoyo de  The intrapreneur innovation: Led by medium and small size companies' managers (qualitative research).

The intrapreneur innovation: Led by medium and small size companies' managers (qualitative research).

Por: Manuel Alfonso Garzón Castrillón | Fecha: 30/06/2005

This research is focused on an exploratory study developed with Pymes managers and their roles as intrapreneurs. Using their leadership to impel innovation into organizations. Looking to determined how Pymes employers incentive into organizations individuals or group innovations. Therefore, it is possible to think that managers lead the innovation process, which is classified gradually according to companies needs in order to improve their competitiveness. Organization must have intrapreneuring and organized culture with flexible structure to generate individual autonomy. A characteristic is the amount of capital risk needed; that is why it is necessary encourage their work and their risk tolerance.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Revista Universidad y Empresa Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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The intrapreneur innovation: Led by medium and small size companies' managers (qualitative research).

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Inner Meaning of Outer Space:Human Nature and the Celestial Realm

The Inner Meaning of Outer Space:Human Nature and the Celestial Realm

Por: Timothy L. Hubbard | Fecha: 04/11/2009

Kant afirmaba que los seres humanos poseen un conocimiento a priori del espacio. Aunque este argumento se centra en la física de los cuerpos, también tiene implicaciones para la psicología del ser. Muchas culturas humanas organizan las estrellas en constelaciones (imponen estructura); atribuyen propiedades, conductas y habilidades a objetos en el reino celeste (esto es, determinan significado); y usan la regularidad percibida en los reinos celestes para el desarrollo de calendarios, navegaciones de grandes distancias, agricultura y astrología (buscan predicción y control). La inaccesibilidad física del reino celeste permite una potente fuente de metáforas, así como la protección de los mitos sobre el origen y la ascensión, los lugares del poder y aquellos donde habitan dioses, seres inmortales y otras almas. Los desarrollos en astronomía y cosmología influyeron las opiniones sobre la naturaleza humana y el lugar de la humanidad en el universo; estos cambios ponen en paralelo los descensos en el egocentrismo y el desarrollo humano. Las visiones acerca de los presuntos seres (como los ángeles y los extraterrestres) del reino celestial (y cómo comunicarse con esos seres) son antropocéntricas e ignoran factores evolutivos del desarrollo físico y cognitivo. Se sugiere que al considerar opiniones y usos del reino celeste, aprendemos no sólo acerca del universo, sino también sobre nosotros mismos.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Psicología

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The Inner Meaning of Outer Space:Human Nature and the Celestial Realm

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Influence of Algal Biomass on Tracer Experiments in Maturation Ponds

The Influence of Algal Biomass on Tracer Experiments in Maturation Ponds

Por: Miller Alonso; Mara Camargo Valero | Fecha: 01/01/2007

Tracer experiments are of concern to wastewater treatment engineers and researchers because of the importance of determining hydraulic regimes and retention times in wastewater treatment units. In this work, a pilot-scale maturation waste stabilisation pond (WSP) was spiked with Rhodamine WT, in order to determine how suspended organic matter would interfere with its performance as a tracer in a domestic wastewater treatment unit which had a high content of suspended algal biomass. A primary maturation pond was spiked in three separate runs with different levels of algae (high, medium and low), with a known amount of Rhodamine WT (20% w/v); the tracer was measured in the pond effluent in real time every 20 min for 3? (the theoretical retention time, ? = 17 days). Algal biomass was monitored weekly from influent, column and effluent water samples by chlorophyll-a determination.The results show that algal biomass has a strong influence on the behaviour of Rhodamine WT as a tracer and therefore the hydraulic characteristics calculated from tracer curves may be affected by tracer adsorption on suspended organic matter.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Ingeniería

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The Influence of Algal Biomass on Tracer Experiments in Maturation Ponds

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Imagen de apoyo de  The impact of marketing systems on soil sustainability of agriculture in developing countries: a method and an application

The impact of marketing systems on soil sustainability of agriculture in developing countries: a method and an application

Por: Jairo; Meulenberg Castaño Galves | Fecha: 01/01/2005

This article is concerned with soil-sustainability problems of agriculture in developing countries, in particular with soil erosion. The aim of our study is to develop a comprehensive model that explains the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices with respect to soil conservation. Our approach includes the following special features:(A) The model is comprehensive in that it includes a large number of institutional, personal–social, economic, and physical explanatory variables.(B) Particular attention is paid to the influence of marketing systems on the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, which to our knowledge has been neglected in past research.(C) The concept of adopting sustainable agricultural practices (ASAP) is differentiated into a limited number of basic components of soil conservation.(D) The model is estimated by Principal Component Regression, which enhances efficient estimation of the impact of many explanatory variables on ASAP. Our model is applied to Cabuyal hillside farming in Colombia. The application demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed model.ASAP is differentiated into three basic components: soil-disturbance control, soil-protection practices, and run-off control. It appears that soil-disturbance control is particularly influenced by farmers’ characteristics, such as education and managerial variables.The second component, soil-protection practices, appears to be strongly influenced not only by farmers’ managerial variables but also by their relationship with their environment, in particular marketing institutions.The third soil-conservation component, run-off control, is influenced by the physical characteristics of the plot and by the available farm labor. Our empirical results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed model in designing agricultural policies, because it can determine which variables are more likely to influence the adoption of a specific type of soil conservation.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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The impact of marketing systems on soil sustainability of agriculture in developing countries: a method and an application

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Imagen de apoyo de  The impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on determinants of child health: evidence from Colombia

The impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on determinants of child health: evidence from Colombia

Por: Sandra Liliana; Avendaño López Arana | Fecha: 01/01/2016

OBJECTIVE: Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes provide income to low-income families in return for fulfilling specific behavioural conditions. CCT have been shown to improve child health, but there are few systematic studies of their impact on multiple determinants of child health. We examined the impact of a CCT programme in Colombia on: (i) use of preventive health services; (ii) food consumption and dietary diversity; (iii) mother's knowledge, attitudes and practices about caregiving practices; (iv) maternal employment; and (v) women's empowerment.DESIGN: Secondary analysis of the quasi-experimental evaluation of the Familias en Accion programme. Children and families were assessed in 2002, 2003 and 2005-06. We applied a difference-in-differences approach using logistic or linear regression, separately examining effects for urban and rural areas.SETTING: Colombia.SUBJECTS: Children (n 1450) and their families in thirty-one treatment municipalities were compared with children (n 1851) from sixty-five matched control municipalities.RESULTS: Familias en Accion was associated with a significant increase in the probability of using preventive care services (OR=1·85, 95 % CI 1·03, 3·30) and growth and development check-ups (?=1·36, 95 % CI 0·76, 1·95). It had also a positive impact on dietary diversity and food consumption. No effect was observed on maternal employment, women's empowerment, and knowledge, attitudes and practices about caregiving practices. Overall, Familias en Accion's impact was more marked in rural areas.CONCLUSION: CCT in Colombia increase contact with preventive care services and improve dietary diversity, but they are less effective in influencing mother's employment decisions, empowerment and knowledge of caregiving practices.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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The impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on determinants of child health: evidence from Colombia

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