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Imagen de apoyo de  L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

Por: Ana Carolina Gómez Rojas | Fecha: 01/01/2012

La Corte Constitucional colombiana ha ocupado un lugar fundamental durante los últimos años en el imaginario de los ciudadanos gracias a su rol como defensora de los derechos fundamentales. Los ciudadanos recurren a ella para resolver sus problemas más cotidianos, convirtiendo a este actor judicial en un actor político.Esta situación ha generado un fuerte enfrentamiento entre el poder judicial y el poder ejecutivo. Claro ejemplo de ello ha sido la prohibición por parte de la Corte de una tercera elección presidencial en favor del presidente más popular de la historia colombiana reciente: Álvaro Uribe Vélez.La pregunta que pretende resolver este trabajo es entonces ¿cómo un poder público que no ha sido elegido democráticamente (en este caso, la Corte Constitucional) puede imponer su voluntad, incluso cuando dicha voluntad es contraria a los deseos de la gran mayoría ciudadana?
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Ciencia política

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L’action politique de la Cour Constitutionnelle Colombienne: la défense d’une démocratie faible

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Imagen de apoyo de  Business intelligence and data mining in chronic patients management: HL7 V3-based data model = Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocio en el manejo de pacientes crónicos: Un modelo de datos basado en HL7 V3

Business intelligence and data mining in chronic patients management: HL7 V3-based data model = Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocio en el manejo de pacientes crónicos: Un modelo de datos basado en HL7 V3

Por: Camilo Naranjo Kairuz | Fecha: 01/01/2012

In the Healthcare field, Business Intelligence and Data Mining techniques have been proven efficient mainly in the fields of contagious diseases and hospital productivity, however their usage is today still very limited, specially in specific fields like chronic disease management. This paper presents a methodology to develop Data Mining and Business Intelligence based on remote chronic patient management databases. This document also introduces a technical methodology to build a conceptual Data Model for Data Mining based on HL7-v3, with the objective of analyzing patient behavior, detecting triggers for future patient crisis, predicting patient behavior and contribute to improve management plans, resource usage optimization and higher Returns on Investment. Distinciones: Graduado como mejor estudiante de la promoción.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Business intelligence and data mining in chronic patients management: HL7 V3-based data model = Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocio en el manejo de pacientes crónicos: Un modelo de datos basado en HL7 V3

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Imagen de apoyo de  Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

Por: Sergio David Cortés Alonso | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The land use and land cover change is a problem which affects mostly tropical developing countries such as Colombia. Drivers of these changes are both direct and indirect, and exogenous or endogenous and include agricultural expansion, deforestation, climate change, and national and international policies. Drivers are divided according to the grade of expansion and the level of influence on the land. This project proposal evaluated the uses of the land in Colombia, the constraints, land cover, farming distribution, and permanent crops and arable land, by percentage of intensity.Two specific sites were chosen in the departments of Cundinamarca and Tolima by using Terra-i software which identified the land cover and habitat change in real time every sixteen days from 2004 to 2011. The cover and uses of the land for each site are described along with the conflicts in the uses of land. In order to fully understand the issue, both the drivers and the causes of land use and land cover are given, in addition to case studies and photographs.The data was analysed in the field qualitatively through direct interviews to communities in both sites to verify information given by Terra-i. The results focus on the changes in the land use produced by increasing industrialization and overexploitation of the land. Drivers in the land use change are divided into demographic, institutional and technological development, and global environmental change conditions.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants

Ethnic identity and political mobilization : the Afro-Colombian case. In: Afro-Descendants

Por: Leonardo Reales Jiménez | Fecha: 01/01/2012

During the last decade, mining activity in Colombia is becoming a strong sector due to the political and economic incentives government gave to support foreign investment. This promotion and economic development should go hand by hand with environmental and social protection as it has an important contribution to the total GDP of the country. There are a high number of mining projects currently under development but despite the existence of laws, policies and regulations, there is a continuous environmental negative impact on the environment and several social problems are emerging.As a result of the current natural resource degradation, represented in a high rate of decline in vegetation cover, the increase of plant and animal species threatened, contamination of surface and ground water sources, poor air quality in major cities, land use conflicts and conditions of inadequate quality of life for the population, becomes urgent to develop responsible mining. With the aim of achieving this purpose, is necessary to evaluate the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, which is the main tool to evaluate and assess the impacts generated during a project, work or activity and make decisions as Decree 2820 of 2010 states on the other hand the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach is not ruled by any law but is the voluntary role of business towards society to respond to their needs and expectations.The purpose of the study is to determine the actual and potential role of EIA and CSR, both separately and if used together as decision-making and management tools. To attain the objectives of the research, a discourse analysis between different actors is used as a research strategy in order to find the answers to the research questions by collecting data through relevant documents and interviews with experts in mining, CSR and EIA process from Ministries, academy and mining companies. In this way, different perceptions on EIA and CSR are obtained, in order to determine how one improves the other or not to achieve environmental and social objectives.The findings reveal that, according to the perceptions of some environmental experts, the EIA process in Colombia is still a weak tool; it coincides with the study developed by the General Comptroller of the Republic in 2005-2006 which states that the whole licensing process (which includes the EIA) is inefficient in many aspects. It is not being used in the appropriate way, consequently does not meet the purpose of adequately protecting the environment; the analysis revealed that the main reasons for these problems are the lack of state-regulated methodologies and the moderate control to the process. Additionally, there is not a shared agenda between the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Mines, which leads to take wrong decisions that are detrimental to either environmental protection or mining development.Regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility approach in Colombia, mining companies always work with their stakeholders developing different strategies; in most of the cases they use this approach to gain approval of communities and the social license to operate. Organizations use different instruments in order to respond to both employees and members of their geographical communities of influence. In most of the cases, their requirements centers on two main areas: basic education for them and their families and microbusiness initiatives.Even though there is no mining activity without impact, for sure there is responsible mining with less impact. The important issue is to make sure that the technical, social, economical and environmental aspects will be considered to develop a project. Moreover the guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Environment, the existent legal framework and the tools the country has, should be respected and used appropriately with the support of all the stakeholders involved in order to combine the so called “engine of the economy” with the protection of the environment and Colombian society.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Developing responsible mining in Colombia by improving environmental impact assessment process and corporate social responsibility approach

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Imagen de apoyo de  Reforma laboral en España: precariedad, desigualdad social y funcionamiento del mercado de trabajo

Reforma laboral en España: precariedad, desigualdad social y funcionamiento del mercado de trabajo

Por: María Teresa Díaz Aznarte | Fecha: 17/12/2013

Active portfolio management aims to deliver superior returns through using an extensive analysis of securities in order to identify mispriced stocks and estimate alphas. Moreover, an active strategy relies on the capability of the active manager to transform his/her forecasting skills into an active portfolio. This thesis assesses the effects of investment constraints in the ex ante capabilities of an active manager to construct portfolios through the fundamental law of active management, and provides evidence on the efficiency loss of the manager in presence of such constraints through a Monte Carlo simulation. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Efficiency implementation in the construction of active portfolios: an assessment through the fundamental law of active management

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Imagen de apoyo de  Definir al autor. Desde la propiedad intelectual hasta el movimiento derecho y literatura

Definir al autor. Desde la propiedad intelectual hasta el movimiento derecho y literatura

Por: Julio Cesar Padilla Herrera | Fecha: 17/12/2013

Esta investigación aborda el tema de las significaciones imaginarias sociales en los espacios públicos, específicamente en el servicio de transporte colectivo de pasajeros en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia). Realiza articulaciones entre los procesos socio-históricos, las significaciones, las ciudadanías y las subjetividades.Se ancla teóricamente en la propuesta de campos de problemas de la subjetividad desarrollada por Ana María Fernández y equipo, al igual que su apuesta metodológica: la problematización recursiva.Sus principales hallazgos se centran en las insistencias de sentido relacionadas con estrategias de supervivencia de los grupos desigualados a través de pactos de complicidad; una desinstitucionalización, degradación y homogenización de lo público y pocas condiciones para la construcción de ciudadanías. En las prácticas se encontró una forma vincular bimodal.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Production of subjectivity, neoliberalism, public spaces. Social imaginary significations of public transport in Bogotá

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Imagen de apoyo de  El cómputo de términos para interposición de recursos en materia tributaria, según la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado

El cómputo de términos para interposición de recursos en materia tributaria, según la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado

Por: Paula Arboleda Currea | Fecha: 17/12/2013

In this dissertation I will analyze twenty four novels which inquire into the topics of drug trafficking and contract killings in Colombia. I will enter these novels into the widest sphere of the narrative of Colombian violence; I will discuss the denomination “sicaresca” and the approach of literary analysis to this narrative. I will also propose a definition of said literature according to the connections with socio-historical referents that their works of fiction deal with. This is necessary because some of the critical approaches to this corpus carry an inheritance of prejudices that mar these analyses. I approach this narrative through the individual analysis of each of these novels and the cross-analyses of groups of novels according to the emphasis on the topics of drug trafficking and contract killing. I find that although these corpuses (drug trafficking novels and contract killing novels) have connections most of the times, they maintain substantial differences in their understanding of the phenomena of drug trafficking and contract killings, the city-violence relationship and the configuration of delinquents and their social impact.It is necessary to take into account that the social perception of the phenomenon of drug trafficking is determined by cultural, historical and regional conditions that determine the construction of literary fictions and the perception of the world that these entail. For this, I propose a literary cartography that examines the sociocultural influences and determinations in the construction of the world that these novels perform in five regions: the Atlantic coast, Valle del Cauca, Antioquia, Eje Cafetero and Bogotá. In regard to the contract killer novels, I inquire into the construction of the figure of the assassin, the city-violence relation, the phenomena of drug trafficking and contract killings, and the implications of the narrative in the reading matter of the reality that these works of fiction put forward. Finally, I perform a reading of the novel La Virgen de los Sicarios in which I present the existence of a criminal thinking of the narrator that determines the evaluation of the world that the text proposes. At the end of this chapter, I examine the cinematographic adaptation of this novel and the deep transformations that are entailed in the construction of the learned narrator and his perception of reality.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Novela y violencia en Colombia: el narcotráfico y el sicariato

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Imagen de apoyo de  Una relación especial: Privatización de la seguridad, élites vulnerables y sistema político (1982-2002)

Una relación especial: Privatización de la seguridad, élites vulnerables y sistema político (1982-2002)

Por: Francisco Gutiérrez | Fecha: 07/03/2012

This dissertation aims to make an evaluation of the relationship between development and climate change mitigation policies within developmental states, specifically a comparison between China and Brazil. Developmental states are those countries focused on obtaining economic growth through developmentally driven policies. Traditionally, climate change mitigation and environmental protection have been seen as obstacles to development. However, as climate change is a global issue which requires domestic response, countries are required to act locally in order to mitigate carbon emissions into the atmosphere and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. Developing countries, such as China and Brazil, are heavily dependent on carbon consumption to promote development and economic growth. For this reason, international pressure has been focused on these countries to reduce CO2 emissions, threatening their future development. Furthermore, it examines Brazil and China’s climate policies in light of developmental state guidance. So far what has been found is that climate policies have been relevant to the same extent as they contribute to economic growth and social development.China has envisioned the clean energy industry as a business opportunity capable of generating new jobs and exporting technology. Interests mainly focused on other issues independent to those of climate variability mitigation. Brazil, on the other hand, has relied on the promotion of biofuels as an alternative industry to the use of oil. By adopting ethanol and biodiesel as substitutes for fossil fuels, the government has been able to promote the country’s economic development and position itself as the world’s main producer. Similar to China, mitigation actions are generally implemented as long as there are other interests involved. Furthermore, when there is conflict of interests with environmental policies in both countries, they have acted as developmental states, prioritising development over policies of climate mitigation.Adrian Leftwich’s developmental state model was published in the early 1990s, to further address Chalmers Johnson’s interpretation of the Japanese economic miracle. Nonetheless, Leftwich’s characterisation of developmental states was thought to define a model exclusive to the Asia-Pacific region. This dissertation will apply Leftwich’s model, by adapting it to contemporary China and Brazil, two countries deliberately excluded from the developmental state model, but who now days represent the political context that Leftwich had in mind. In addition, the developmental state model allows a broader interpretation to the current policies implemented by the above mentioned countries, specifically on climate change related issues.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Climate change mitigation policies in developmental states: a comparative approach to China and Brazil

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Imagen de apoyo de  Delito de feminicidio. Muerte violenta de mujeres por razones de género

Delito de feminicidio. Muerte violenta de mujeres por razones de género

Por: Dora Inés Munevar | Fecha: 28/02/2012

In this paper the subject of documentary in digital times is studied in three chapters that aim to explore these main different angles: 1. The angle of documentary production, with the revision of some study cases; 2. The angle of the main supporting and funding agencies – European centred- that allow creators to fund their projects and; 3. The angle of the exhibition and distribution system, that´s been transformed today by the multiple online distribution platforms.The first chapter develops an overview of the film industry and the documentary box office in the UK and then takes a look on the access to audio-visual technology and the way this influences professional creators and amateurs today. The attempt is to link the ease of use of technology with contents that make the documentaries meaningful in current times, by using some examples that relate documentary to activism, art, politics and education.The second chapter focuses on the revision of three main funding sources –MEDIA at the European level and the British Film Institute and BRITDOC at the British level- which influence the dynamics of documentary filmmaking today enabling resources to be delivered under specific frameworks and supporting the development of connections with stakeholders that become partners and allies of the documentaries with common grounds of work, particular contexts and themes.The third chapter takes a closer look on the exhibition and distribution business structure and platforms to find a universe of possibilities where the future of audio-visual narratives still to be defined, but where certainly documentary has found a way to reach audiences and stand as a powerful medium of transformation.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Documentary in the digital shift: a voice for a world in transformation = El documental en la era digital: una voz para un mundo en tranformación

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Imagen de apoyo de  La indeterminación del campo de la Justicia Transicional en Colombia

La indeterminación del campo de la Justicia Transicional en Colombia

Por: Astrid Orjuela Ruiz | Fecha: 07/03/2012

La justicia transicional debe enfrentar la negación de las atrocidades. A pesar de la sofisticación del marco de derechos humanos presente en el sistema legal colombiano, el campo de la justicia transicional en Colombia adolece de un significativo grado de indeterminación normativa, como si dicho campo aconteciera en un vacío constitucional”. Como consecuencia, ha sido objeto de uso estratégico por parte de distintos actores políticos dotados de intencionalidad en la fijación del sentido del arreglo institucional de la llamada justicia transicional. El uso estratégico gravita entre el acatamiento pleno del marco de derechos humanos o su elusión en distintos grados. La elusión niega las atrocidades. Para que el discurso de la justicia transicional en Colombia contribuya a hacer justicia por las atrocidades, debe dar viabilidad práctica a los derechos de las víctimas, no reducir esos estándares. Para ello, son necesarios dos requisitos: desde el punto de vista sustantivo, debe acatar las obligaciones en materia de verdad, justicia y reparación, que son parámetro de constitucionalidad, y respetar el núcleo esencial de tales derechos, sin perjuicio de la libertad de configuración legislativa y de la ponderación judicial. Desde el punto de vista procedimental, debe adoptar como metodología un enfoque contextualizado de análisis comparado que evite el trasplante acrítico de experiencias internacionales inaplicables.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Estudios Socio-Jurídicos Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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La indeterminación del campo de la Justicia Transicional en Colombia

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