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Imagen de apoyo de  El levantamiento de la diáspora africana en las minas de oro de Antioquia y la creación del palenque del Nechí (1580-1648)

El levantamiento de la diáspora africana en las minas de oro de Antioquia y la creación del palenque del Nechí (1580-1648)

Por: Paola Vargas Arana | Fecha: 01/07/2023

En Antioquia, las sublevaciones, las huidas y la formación de palenques, por parte de la población africana y afrodescendiente, comenzaron desde la llegada de los primeros esclavizados a las minas, y se aunaron a la profusión de resistencias que se gestaba en las Américas y el Caribe. En diciembre de 1597 se planeó un “levantamiento general”, según fue denominado en la documentación primaria aquí analizada. Con base en el cruzamiento nominativo de fuentes proponemos que, al menos hasta mediados del siglo XVII, los esclavistas no pudieron contrarrestar este levantamiento y, en cercanías del río Nechí, la población fugitiva formó un palenque fortificado, con cultivos de arroz en el entorno, a partir de saberes reconfigurados de sus sociedades africanas de origen en la Alta Guinea y África Centro Occidental. 
Fuente: Icanh - Fronteras de la Historia Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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El levantamiento de la diáspora africana en las minas de oro de Antioquia y la creación del palenque del Nechí (1580-1648)

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Ingeniería militar en el Nuevo Reino de Granada. Defensa, poder y sociedad en el Caribe sur (1739-1811)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Mamíferos del departamento de Córdoba-Colombia: historia y estado de conservación

Mamíferos del departamento de Córdoba-Colombia: historia y estado de conservación

Por: Jairo Péres-Torres | Fecha: 01/01/2016

A taxonomic list of the mammals recorded from the department of Córdoba is presented with data from reference collections of national and foreign museums. We include research results from research groups at the Unicórdoba Biodiversity research center (University of Cordoba) and the Functional Ecology Laboratory (UNESIS- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana). Databases of 13 museums in North America (MaNIS) were reviewed. Besides the records found in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection (TCWC) and USA Field Museum of Natural History (FMHN). Mammals of Córdoba department are represented by 40 families, 90 genera and 117 species. The greatest species richness of mammals was found in the subregions of upper Sinú and San Jorge. The greatest number of species are of the order Chiroptera (48.9 %), followed by Carnivora (12 %), Rodentia (10.3 %) and Cetacea (9.4 %).
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Mamíferos del departamento de Córdoba-Colombia: historia y estado de conservación

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Imagen de apoyo de  Plantas acuáticas de las planicies inundables de la Orinoquia colombiana

Plantas acuáticas de las planicies inundables de la Orinoquia colombiana

Por: Santiago Madriñán | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The vast floodplains of the Orinoco Basin have the conditions for the proliferation of aquatic vegetation. Despite its ecological importance in the “Llanos Orientales” of Colombia, the aquatic flora in this region has been understudied. Consequently, the knowledge and dissemination of information about the richness and distribution patterns of aquatic plants and aquatic communities is scarce. In addition, the Orinoco Basin of Colombia is among the most over-exploited regions in the country. In order to provide a first insight into the species richness of macrophytes present in the region, plants associated with aquatic habitats were collected, identified, and photographed. For almost two years, 101 localities were visited. These localities were located in six departments (Arauca, Casanare, Guainía, Guaviare, Meta and Vichada) and 19 municipalities. In each locality, dried plant material and silica-dried material were collected. Sampling effort was concentrated towards hydrophytes and helophytes inhabiting lentic and lotic environments. 1167 collected specimens were deposited in the ANDES herbarium (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá). Among these, 95 families, 221 genera, and 341 species of vascular plants were associated with aquatic habitats. Of the species collected, only 151 had been reported in the study area with 1374 historic occurrences in the “Herbario Nacional Colombiano” (COL) database. The present study aims to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of information about the richness and distribution patterns of macrophytes in the Orinoco Basin of Colombia. We consider that this information is important in order to propose localities that should be a priority for conservation purposes, and to protect these important and threatened fresh-water ecosystems.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Plantas acuáticas de las planicies inundables de la Orinoquia colombiana

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Imagen de apoyo de  Validación de la metodología Corine Land Cover (CLC) para determinación espacio-temporal de coberturas: caso microcuenca de la quebrada Mecha (Cómbita, Boyacá), Colombia

Validación de la metodología Corine Land Cover (CLC) para determinación espacio-temporal de coberturas: caso microcuenca de la quebrada Mecha (Cómbita, Boyacá), Colombia

Por: Fabio E. Forero-Ulloa | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The Corine Land Cover methodology, is a french methodology adapted by the Agustin Codazzi Geography Institute (Igac) and the Hidrology, Meteorology and Enviromental Studies (Ideam) for Colombia and it is the assessment of land cover using Landsat satelilite images. In this research, the space-temporary assessment of the watershed coverage of the Mecha creek in the Chicamocha river basin was done using Landsat 8 images, between 2014 and 2015, wich were orthorectified, combined using Erdas Software. These were also cut according to the spectral signatures of the selected bands in the ArcGis 10.0 program, and adjusted with images of Google Earth Pro and configured with the use of the National legend coverages at 1:100.000 proposed by Ideam. It was also observed that the moor vegetation is highly fragmented, with a tendency to completely disappear, because of increasing agricultural areasand mining operations; significantly deteriorating the wáter capacity of the creek that supplies the aqueduct of the Municipality of Oicatá. It is concluded that this methodology becomes a hifhly reliable tool for determining spatio-temporal coverage changes in order to be the basis for the decisión-making related coverage in order to protection and conservation.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Validación de la metodología Corine Land Cover (CLC) para determinación espacio-temporal de coberturas: caso microcuenca de la quebrada Mecha (Cómbita, Boyacá), Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Áreas de reproducción de peces migratorios en la cuenca alta del río Magdalena, Colombia

Áreas de reproducción de peces migratorios en la cuenca alta del río Magdalena, Colombia

Por: Gladys Reinoso-Flórez | Fecha: 01/01/2016

During the 2011-2012 hydrological cycle, weekly samples were taken to evaluate the reproduction of migratory fishes in the area of influence of the El Quimbo hydroelectric project. This analysis considered the abundance and density of individuals in each of the samples taken in the Magdalena, Páez and Suaza rivers near Gigante and Garzón (Huila). Twenty taxa were captured. Four were confirmed taxonomically (Prochilodus magdalenae, Pseudopimelodus spp, Astyanax fasciatus and Pimelodus spp), the remaining 16 were classified according to the descriptions of different morphotypes present in the key used. Astyanax fasciatus and Pimelodus spp were the most frequent and abundant.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Áreas de reproducción de peces migratorios en la cuenca alta del río Magdalena, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Una nueva especie del género Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) del complejo de páramos Merchán-Iguaque (Boyacá, Colombia)

Una nueva especie del género Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) del complejo de páramos Merchán-Iguaque (Boyacá, Colombia)

Por: Andrés Rymel Acosta Galvis | Fecha: 01/01/2016

During an exploratory field trip, made to identify possible study areas in one of the isolated paramos north of the Arcabuco region (Boyacá, Colombia), a species of terrestrial frog assignable to the unistrigatus species group of the genus Pristimantis was discovered. It is similar in morphology to the species group with reduced discs formed by Pristimantis mnionaetes, P. nervicus and P. nicefori of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia. These species allow the recognition of 10 species of this genus associated with high mountain environments in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. Data on their morphology, distribution and natural history and associated anurans reported from this geographical area are presented.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Una nueva especie del género Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) del complejo de páramos Merchán-Iguaque (Boyacá, Colombia)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Comunidades de insectos acuáticos de los tres flancos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Comunidades de insectos acuáticos de los tres flancos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Por: Gustavo Adolfo Rua | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Aquatic insects are important in the function of ecosystem. The objective of this study is to describe the structure and distribution of aquatic insects in four rivers which are located on three different slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM): Gaira, Tucurinca, Ranchería and Guatapurí. Gravel and macrophyte microhabitats were analyzed in each river with a Surber sampler, the leaf litter fauna with a triangular net, and spray zones and stones were analyzed by manual collection. 5803 individuals were registered, 39 families and 72 taxas. Guatapurí River presented the greatest abundance number (1890 individuals). The most abundant order was Ephemeroptera with 1861 individuals. Simulium presented the higher abundance (14.5 %) . The higher abundance was in the gravel 36.93 % and lowest in litter with 33.31 %. We found high abundance during the low rainfall (Guatapurí and Ranchería). Two new records were obtained, Podonomus (Chironomidae) in Guatapurí River and Stenhelmoides (Elmidae) in Ranchería River. According to the results we could conclude that the rivers of the SNSM have a high generic richness compared with the Andean Zone Rivers and other temperate zones.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Comunidades de insectos acuáticos de los tres flancos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Macroepifauna móvil asociada a una pradera de Thalassia testudinum en la bahía Triganá, Golfo de Urabá, Colombia

Macroepifauna móvil asociada a una pradera de Thalassia testudinum en la bahía Triganá, Golfo de Urabá, Colombia

Por: John Bairon Ospina-Hoyos | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The mobile macroepifauna associated to Thalassia testudinum meadow was studied in quadrants of 1m2 placed on two fringes (shallow water and deep water) of it in Triganá Bay, Gulf of Urabá, Colombia. The results showed significant differences in coverage, biomass and width of leaves of T. testudinum between fringes. A total of 879 macroinvertebrates were collected of 42 species. The most abundant species were Cerithium cf. eburneum, Nassarius vibex, Neritina virginea, Clibanarius cubensis and C. antillensis. Statistical analyzes showed no relationship between mobile fauna and meadow fringes and consequently their distribution and abundance did not depend on the structure of the prairie between fringes.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Macroepifauna móvil asociada a una pradera de Thalassia testudinum en la bahía Triganá, Golfo de Urabá, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Determinación de la fragmentación del bosque seco del arroyo Pechelín, Montes de María, Caribe, Colombia

Determinación de la fragmentación del bosque seco del arroyo Pechelín, Montes de María, Caribe, Colombia

Por: Silvia Galván-Guevara | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The present work characterized the current fragmentation of the relictual tropical forest dry of the Pechelín stream drainge, in Montes de María, Colombian Caribbean. The selection and calculation of cover and size of the forest fragments was done using satellite images and geographical information systems. The degree of fragmentation, spatial continuity and Patton form diversity index were calculated. The average area of the patches was 16.08 ha (Max. 149.8 ha and Min. 0.17 ha). The perimeter average was 2979.99 m2 (Max. 12475.76 m2 and Min. 4334.98 m2). The average patch size is small so that probably affects the ecological stability of the study area due to microclimate changes. The obtained data show that fragmentation exists in the forest of the study area. According to the degree of fragmentation index (F = 0.355), the forest area is in the insular category, with a continuity index of 3.98, or discontinuous. As for shape, the most common was irregular (41.7%), followed by oval-oblong (19.4%). Conditions of remaining forest fragments are unfavorable with the high degree of fragmentation caused by local agricultural practices.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Determinación de la fragmentación del bosque seco del arroyo Pechelín, Montes de María, Caribe, Colombia

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