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Imagen de referencia de Música de Videojuegos 🎧🎮

Música de Videojuegos 🎧🎮

Una colección de discos de bandas sonoras y música de videojuegos, desde el legendario Koji Kondo (Mario, Zelda) hasta God of War, Halo y Skyrim. 🕹 Perfecta para concentrarse en el estudio o trabajo

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  • Exclusivo BibloRed
Imagen de apoyo de  GOLDING, D.: Untitled Goose Game (Original Game Soundtrack) (Golding)

GOLDING, D.: Untitled Goose Game (Original Game Soundtrack) (Golding)

Por: | Fecha: 2020

Fanfare (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 1) (NaN min. NaN sec.)(04 sec.) / Golding -- Minstrels (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 1) (02 min. 27 sec.) / Golding -- Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C. (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 2) (01 min. 59 sec.) / Golding -- Minstrels (Rake in the Lake) (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 1) (04 min. 38 sec.) / Golding -- Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C. (Break the Broom) (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 2) (03 min. 26 sec.) / Golding -- Les collines d'Anacapri (Do the Washing) (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 1) (04 min. 22 sec.) / Golding -- La sérénade interrompue (Be Awarded a Flower) (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 1) (03 min. 58 sec.) / Golding -- Feux d'artifice (Steal the Beautiful Miniature Golden Bell) (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 2) (07 min. 48 sec.) / Golding -- Bruyères (Menu) (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 2) (02 min. 56 sec.) / Golding -- Waltz for House House (02 min. 04 sec.) / Golding -- Untitled Goose Radio (06 min. 26 sec.) / Golding -- Feux d'artifice (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 2) (04 min. 24 sec.) / Golding -- La sérénade interrompue (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 1) (02 min. 53 sec.) / Golding -- Les collines d'Anacapri (after C. Debussy's Préludes, Book 1) (03 min. 14 sec.) / Golding
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  • Música

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GOLDING, D.: Untitled Goose Game (Original Game Soundtrack) (Golding)

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  • Exclusivo BibloRed
Imagen de apoyo de  Film Music (20th Century) - ELFMAN, D. / HARLINE, L. / MENKEN, A. / PULKKINEN, A. (Tune!) (Quinta Essentia Quartet)

Film Music (20th Century) - ELFMAN, D. / HARLINE, L. / MENKEN, A. / PULKKINEN, A. (Tune!) (Quinta Essentia Quartet)

Por: | Fecha: 2022

The Warner Brothers Theme (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (NaN min. NaN sec.)(33 sec.) / Stalling -- Super Mario World: Super Mario World (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (11 min. 33 sec.) / Kondo -- The Legend of Zelda: Theme (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (05 min. 05 sec.) / Kondo -- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Theme (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (02 min. 23 sec.) / Kondo -- Beauty and the Beast: Beauty and the Beast (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (04 min. 10 sec.) / Menken -- Angry Birds Toccata: Angry Birds Toccata (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (01 min. 05 sec.) / Pulkkinen -- Angry Birds Fuga: Angry Birds Fuga (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (01 min. 36 sec.) / Harasimiuk -- The Simpsons: Main Title Theme (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (01 min. 42 sec.) / Elfman -- Pinocchio: When You Wish Upon a Star (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (03 min. 38 sec.) / Harline -- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Theme (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (03 min. 26 sec.) / Soule -- Peanuts: Linus and Lucy (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (02 min. 42 sec.) / Guaraldi -- Monsters, Inc.: Theme (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (02 min. 17 sec.) / Newman -- Toy Story: You've Got a Friend in Me (arr. G.D. Francisco for recorder quartet) (02 min. 33 sec.) / Newman
  • Temas:
  • Música

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Film Music (20th Century) - ELFMAN, D. / HARLINE, L. / MENKEN, A. / PULKKINEN, A. (Tune!) (Quinta Essentia Quartet)

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  • Exclusivo BibloRed
Imagen de apoyo de  BATES, Tyler / MARINO, Gerard: God of War: Ascension (Original Soundtrack)

BATES, Tyler / MARINO, Gerard: God of War: Ascension (Original Soundtrack)

Por: | Fecha: 2021

Primordial Rage (02 min. 27 sec.) / Bates -- Bound by Blood (01 min. 45 sec.) / Bates -- Ghosts of Kirra (01 min. 56 sec.) / Bates -- Warrior's Truth (02 min. 34 sec.) / Marino -- Temptation of the Flesh (01 min. 30 sec.) / Bates -- Awakening of the Hecatonchires (02 min. 18 sec.) / Bates -- Aletheia's Last Vision (02 min. 46 sec.) / Bates -- Temple Carnage (02 min. 16 sec.) / Bates -- Ascension (02 min. 05 sec.) / Bates -- Visions of Ruin (03 min. 14 sec.) / Bates -- Temple of Delphi (02 min. 40 sec.) / Bates -- A Touch of Insanity (02 min. 07 sec.) / Bates -- The False Prophet (02 min. 06 sec.) / Bates -- Shadow Revealed (03 min. 42 sec.) / Bates -- Blood on the Canyon Walls (02 min. 02 sec.) / Bates -- Streets of Sparta (02 min. 16 sec.) / Marino -- Tribute to Apollo (01 min. 28 sec.) / Bates -- The Son's Betrayal (01 min. 36 sec.) / Bates -- Prison of the Damned (03 min. 21 sec.) / Bates -- Martyr's Chamber (02 min. 36 sec.) / Bates -- A Warning Too Late (02 min. 11 sec.) / Bates -- Trial of Archimedes (02 min. 08 sec.) / Bates -- Python's Path (04 min. 38 sec.) / Bates -- The Final Offer (02 min. 57 sec.) / Bates -- Madness of the Fury Queen (02 min. 37 sec.) / Bates -- The Marked One (02 min. 07 sec.) / Marino -- Oath Keeper's Gift (03 min. 23 sec.) / Bates
  • Temas:
  • Otros

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BATES, Tyler / MARINO, Gerard: God of War: Ascension (Original Soundtrack)

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