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Imagen de apoyo de  Textos multimodales, múltiples estrategias de comprensión

Textos multimodales, múltiples estrategias de comprensión

Por: Alba Patricia Torres Alayón | Fecha: 01/01/2019

This document captures the systematization process of the intervention developed from the difficulties in the reading comprehension processes in third grade students, having a direct impact on learning. The fundamental purpose was to strengthen the levels of understanding through the analysis of multimodal texts. To achieve this objective, a didactic unit was developed in which the different stages of learning were carried out, implementing a formative evaluation. As a result, it was found that in the processes of reading comprehension, the use of multimodal texts generated contextualized environments, diversifying the strategies and tools necessary to approach the text from the different semiotic components, contributing to the construction of meaning. Likewise, thought processes were developed that directly affected a significant advance in the literal, inferential and critical levels. Likewise, it aroused a great deal of reflection on the need to transform conceptions from teaching, identifying the teacher as the process leader, responsible for directing and marking the learning until the student generates autonomy in the process.
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Textos multimodales, múltiples estrategias de comprensión

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