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Con la frase Poesía.

Imagen de apoyo de  A María [recurso electrónico]

A María [recurso electrónico]

Por: Adobe Acrobat 9.0 | Fecha: 2012

Given the social inequalities that exist in Barranquilla and the lack of inclusive public environments, this research analyses the potential of scaling up the main asset of the city’s cultural capital – its carnival – to support a strategy that would materialize the vision of a city with useful, attractive, inclusive and vibrant public places that promote equality of quality of life during the whole year. Ethnographic research is done to understand the cultural DNA of the city, both during the carnival and the rest of the year, in order to have elements for the construction of the strategy. The research is done mainly on two levels: institutional and ground level, and has input from local authorities, academics, citizens, private and non-governmental organizations. From informal conversations, formal interviews, field observation and direct experience in the city the author analyses holistically physical, social, economic aspects among others. The first section of the work explains the importance of the carnival as part of the cultural capital of the city, and the social inclusiveness that occurs in public spaces when it takes place. The second section explains the main needs and challenges that the stakeholders of the carnival have in order to keep taking advantage of and growing this asset for the public good of the city. The third section proposes the strategy for Carnival 365 to provide solutions both to the lack of inclusive public spaces in the city, and the challenges of the carnival to keep operating in the long run. Fo r this purpose, the strategy integrates carnival initiatives and processes that are already operating in the city and have the potential to be scaled up to be available during the entire year in public spaces. Four main pillars of action are recommended to be implemented with specific initiatives that can be fostered to be the cement that would sustain the pillars of the strategy in its early stages of creation. The strategy proposes incremental solutions to understanding the city’s own capabilities and limitations, instead of embedding external models or initiatives that could be disrupting in the early stages of implementation. Finally, the conclusion connects the solutions that the strategy of Carnival 365 gives, based on the principles of equality within the context and urban complexities of Barranquilla, and provides a wider reflection about the relevance of the cultural capital of cities to provide quality of life and opportunities to citizens, despite the existence of large social inequalities.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Carnival 365: Building on the Cultural Capital of Barranquilla

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Imagen de apoyo de  A M.J.C. [recurso electrónico] / [Rafael Pombo]

A M.J.C. [recurso electrónico] / [Rafael Pombo]

Por: Rafael Pombo | Fecha: 2010

Este documento estudia el tema penitencia y nueve piezas penitenciales en las Canciones y villanescas espirituales de Francisco Guerrero (España, 1528 – 1599). Este cuerpo específico de repertorio, único en la España del siglo XVI, sirve como medio para hacer un análisis más global del tema penitencial en la música y la poesía de la época. El resultado es un análisis de los elementos textuales y musicales de estas obras penitenciales, acompañado por una investigación del contexto en el cual fuero creadas, publicadas e interpretadas.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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My offence is great, so be the torment: The penitential subject in Francisco Guerrero’s, canciones y villanescas espirituales

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Luis Moreau Gottschalk [recurso electrónico] : a petición de una Señorita, antes de conocerlo, y presentados al verle por primera vez / [Rafael Pombo]

A Luis Moreau Gottschalk [recurso electrónico] : a petición de una Señorita, antes de conocerlo, y presentados al verle por primera vez / [Rafael Pombo]

Por: Rafael Pombo | Fecha: 2007

Este estudio fue desarrollado para expandir el conocimiento actual sobre la productividad de profesores universitarios y los factores que pueden contribuir a incrementar los niveles de productividad académica de los docentes de educación superior. Se utilizó una muestra de aproximadamente 4000 profesores vinculados de tiempo completo a instituciones de educación superior en Estados Unidos de América. La muestra provino de una de las bases de datos restringida del National Center for Educational Statistics: National Study of Postsecondary Faculty 1999 –NSOPF:99 (Estudio Nacional de Profesores Universitarios). La primera pregunta de investigación, abordaba el problema de “cómo modelar estadísticamente la producción académica de profesores universitarios como variable latente”, fue desarrollada usando técnicas de modelación de ecuaciones estructurales (Structural Equation Modeling – SEM) tales como Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (CFA), Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio de Múltiples Grupos, Análisis de Perfiles Latentes (LPA), y CFA con covariables (MIMIC). La segunda pregunta de investigación analizaba los factores asociados a niveles altos de productividad académica y fue abordada a través un grupo de análisis exploratorios, usando Modelos Jerárquicos de Regresión Logística (HGLM). Para modelar el comportamiento productivo de la muestra se identificaron tres factores: inflación, producción individual y producción colectiva, los cuales se constituyeron en la variable dependiente para la segunda pregunta de investigación. Múltiples variables, tales como, rango académico y tipo de institución, entre otras, fueron relacionadas de manera positiva o negativa a las tres variables dependientes. El efecto de las variables explicativas fue diferencial en cada uno de los factores. Estos resultados sugieren cierto nivel de independencia en las variables asociadas con cada uno de los factores en el modelo de producción académica. Adicionalmente, un segundo resultado de este estudio es el desarrollo de una nueva ruta analítica para entender la roductividad académica como una variable latente.  Los resultados del estudio tienen implicaciones importantes para la generación de políticas y estrategias para el desarrollo profesional de profesores universitarios. Adicionalmente, provee de información valiosa a investigadores en el área de superdotación y desarrollo del talento que están abordando el problema de cómo favorecer los procesos de producción creativa y de desarrollo del talento en adultos. Futuras investigaciones sobre productividad académica deberían incluir indicadores más amplios que permitan abordar otras dimensiones de las responsabilidades académicas de profesores universitarios como por ejemplo la docencia. Estos estudios permitirán tener una comprensión mas precisa de una concepción más amplia de lo que es la académica en instituciones de educación superior.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Factores Individuales e Institucionales Asociados con la Producción Académicos de Profesores Universitarios = Institutional and Individual Factors Associated with Faculty Scholarly Productivity

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Imagen de apoyo de  A los que hacen visitas intempestivas [recurso electrónico]

A los que hacen visitas intempestivas [recurso electrónico]

Por: Claudia Milena Huertas | Fecha: 2013

This research is part of the project entitled ""CANOPOR"". Overall, this project aims to carry out studies of forest canopy dynamics through Airborne LiDAR scanning. From this perspective, this study focus on developing a methodology for segmentation automatic or semi-automatic tree crowns in tropical rain forest. The study area corresponds to Paracou experimental in French Guiana. On this scenario, a combination of combination of high resolution optical images and LiDAR scanners is used. The present document provides full details about the pre-treatment process, images treatment, results and comparisons with different segmentation approaches. The validation method is also discussed. Results revealed that the use of LiDAR and variables such as elevation and intensity are a valuable source of information for understanding the structure of complex ecosystems in tropical forests. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ingeniería

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Automatic or semi-automatic segmentation of tree crowns in tropical forest from high resolution images and laser scans

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Imagen de apoyo de  A los editores del Ariete [recurso electrónico]

A los editores del Ariete [recurso electrónico]

Por: Gabriel Tamura Morimitsu | Fecha: 2012

The main challenge of this Thesis is to reliably preserve quality of service (QoS) contracts in component-based software systems under changing conditions of system execution. In response to this challenge, the presented contribution is twofold. The first is a model for component-based software applications, QoS contracts and reconfiguration rules as typed attributed graphs, and the definition of QoS-contracts semantics as state machines in which transitions are performed as software reconfigurations. Thus, we effectively use (formal) models at runtime to reliably reconfigure software applications for preserving its QoS contracts. More specifically, we show the feasibility of exploiting design patterns at runtime in reconfiguration loops to fulfill expected QoS levels associated to specific context conditions. We realize this formal model through a component-based architecture and implementation that can be used as an additional layer of SCA middleware stacks to preserve the QoS contracts of executed applications.  The second contribution is the characterization of adaptation properties to evaluate self-adaptive software systems in a standardized and comparable way. By its own nature, the adaptation mechanisms of self-adaptive software systems are essentially feedback loops as defined in control theory. Thus, it results reasonable to evaluate them using the standard properties used to evaluate feedback loops, re-interpreting these properties for the software domain. We define the relibility of our formal model realization in terms of a subset of the characterized adaptation properties, and we show that these properties are guaranteed in this realization.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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QoS-CARE: A Reliable System for Preserving QoS Contracts through Dynamic Reconfiguration = QoS-CARE: Un Sistema Confiable para Preservar Contratos de QoS a través de Reconfiguración Dinámica

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Imagen de apoyo de  Transmission systems for offshore wind farms: a technical, environmental and economic assessment = Sistemas de transmisión para parques eólicos marinos: evaluación técnica, ambiental y económica

Transmission systems for offshore wind farms: a technical, environmental and economic assessment = Sistemas de transmisión para parques eólicos marinos: evaluación técnica, ambiental y económica

Por: Camilo Lancheros | Fecha: 2013

Wind power is one of the key players in the European Union target of 20% share of energy from renewable sources in 2020 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on energy supply. In order to accomplish such target, some European countries are placing the wind farms further from the coast to exploit the higher wind speeds at open sea. However the traditional transmission system for offshore wind farms based on High Voltage Alternate Current (HVAC) is not appropriate for long distances. Hence, this research work was carried out to examine and determine the most suitable transmission system for offshore wind farms in terms of technical, environmental and economic costs. The methodological approach employed in the investigations was arranged in two parts. First, a quantitative and qualitative method of literature review involving critical examination of documented information and experiences of the two commercially available transmission systems: HVAC and HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current); second, a quantitative method that investigates and analyzes an adequate transmission system for a propose an offshore wind cluster in terms of economic and environmental costs. From the analysis, HVDC based on Voltage Source Converters (VSC) exhibited technical superiority over HVAC for long distance submarine transmission, control of active and reactive power, grid support and connection of asynchronous grids. Furthermore, in the proposed offshore wind farm cluster of 1 GW of installed capacity located at 150 km from the point of connection, after a distance of 90 km HVDC becomes more economic due to reduced system losses, and after a distance of 125 km HVDC presents lower environmental impacts associated with the raw materials used in the transmission system. At such point, particular to each transmission project, VSC-HVDC surpasses HVAC in technical, environmental and economic terms.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Transmission systems for offshore wind farms: a technical, environmental and economic assessment = Sistemas de transmisión para parques eólicos marinos: evaluación técnica, ambiental y económica

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Imagen de apoyo de  United Kingdom low carbon communities: a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Colombia = Comunidades de bajo carbono del Reino Unido: una estrategia para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en Colombia

United Kingdom low carbon communities: a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Colombia = Comunidades de bajo carbono del Reino Unido: una estrategia para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en Colombia

Por: Adriana Pinto Brun | Fecha: 2014

Colombia presents an elevated vulnerability to climate change with the highest recurrence of extreme weather events and increasing emergencies on the continent (Ideam et al, 2010). The Colombian government has been developing The Colombian Strategy for Low Carbon Development, seeking to mitigate climate change impacts in the country (Ideam et al, 2010); however, it is currently at designing stage and no actions have been implemented so far. The United Kingdom (UK) has been a global pioneer in low carbon development, with applied strategies at national and local scale that have involved the wider community. In addition, other non-governmental initiatives have promoted low carbon development from a community perspective, looking for a more localised and resilient community, through local projects implementation on food, energy production and Housing (Hopkins, 2008). As a result, UK case studies have provided a solid panorama since community initiatives have shown significant key learnings (Hopkins, 2011) providing an opportunity for achieving a climate-resilient growth in Colombia. Consequently, the present research aimed study to what extent, United Kingdom low carbon communities case studies, with particular reference in Transition Leicester, can be applied within the Colombian climate change scheme. The low carbon measures implemented and different stakeholders involve in UK low carbon communities were identified in order to obtain an insight scheme in Colombia, where opportunities and constrictions of its applicability were subsequently analysed, since socioeconomic conditions in Colombia vary considerably from the UK scheme, with a constant social conflict scenarios, large regional inequalities and an increasingly affected biodiversity (Côté et al, 2010; Ideam et al, 2010). Given the masters connotation of the study, further research is recommended.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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United Kingdom low carbon communities: a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Colombia = Comunidades de bajo carbono del Reino Unido: una estrategia para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Do pressure groups improve public goods provision?: a social choice approach = ¿Mejoran los grupos de presión la provisión de bienes públicos?: una aproximación desde la elección social

Do pressure groups improve public goods provision?: a social choice approach = ¿Mejoran los grupos de presión la provisión de bienes públicos?: una aproximación desde la elección social

Por: Medardo Restrepo | Fecha: 2012

This paper develops a common agency problem using a two stages menu auction game to show how pressure groups can aid in deciding how much public good should be provided. By sorting people into different pressure groups that represent the individuals’ preferences for the public good, the interaction among the pressure groups is an important element that could improve the provision of public goods. This paper sketches a very simple mechanism to provide a general contribution to finance a public good. In this model, the presence of pressure groups improves the undersupply of public goods typical in voluntary contribution models, while avoiding the distortionary effects of non-lump-sum transfers of the involuntary contributions models.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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Do pressure groups improve public goods provision?: a social choice approach = ¿Mejoran los grupos de presión la provisión de bienes públicos?: una aproximación desde la elección social

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Imagen de apoyo de  ‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’

‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’

Por: Diana Catalina Montes Reina | Fecha: 2014

The purpose of this essay is to explain why it is not only reasonable but also necessary for companies that aim to survive in the long term, to adapt to the shifts that have happened in the market by embedding a system thinking and becoming sustainable businesses, through the adoption of sustainable business strategies that deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line. This paper first describes the current situation of the Earth, it will also describe the existing criticism towards businesses and the raising expectations for business acting as a source of long-term solutions and change. Subsequently, it exposes the main reasons why it has been so difficult for businesses to see a business case for sustainability. Finally, this essay demonstrates that to survive in the long term it is of vital importance for companies to embed sustainable business strategies and sustainable business models that deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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‘Connecting The Dots’ An answer to the question: ‘Is it reasonable to expect major global companies to develop ‘sustainable business strategies’ to deliver benefits for the Triple Bottom Line – People / Planet / Profit?’

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Imagen de apoyo de  Association of bovine viral diarrhea virus with day-7 bovine embryos produced under differente culture conditions = Asociación del virus de la diarrea viral bovina con embriones bovinos de 7 días producidos bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo

Association of bovine viral diarrhea virus with day-7 bovine embryos produced under differente culture conditions = Asociación del virus de la diarrea viral bovina con embriones bovinos de 7 días producidos bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo

Por: Claudia Jiménez Escobar | Fecha: 2001

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is an important pathogen of cattle that has been frequently associated with in vitro produced (IVP) embryos. The zona pellucida (ZP) of IVP embryos shows higher affinity for BVDV than the ZP of in vivo produced embryos and treatments that can eliminate BVDV from in vivo produced embryos are unsuccessful in the case of the IVP embryos. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether different culture conditions change the affinity of the ZP of day-7 IVP bovine embryos to BVDV. Morula and blastocysts were produced under four different culture systems: 1) in vitro culture in Menezo's B2 media and coculture with bovine oviductal epithelial cells (B2-BOEC culture); 2) in vitro culture in modified synthetic oviductai fluid with aminoacids (mSOFaa culture); 3) in vivo culture in ligated oviducts of synchronized sheep; and 4) in vivo produced embryos flushed from superovulated cows seven days after breeding. The embryos were exposed to BVDV for 24 hours, and washed 10 times and treated with trypsin, according to the recommendations of the international Embryo Transfer Society. After pooling the embryos in groups of five, the samples were homogenized and tested for the presence of BVDV by indirect immimoperoxidase assay (IIP) or reverse transcription-polymerase chah reaction (RT-PCR). No significant differences were found between the two detection systems but the IIP assay tended to detect a higher number of positive sarnples. According to the IIP assay, the mSOFaa group had a significantliy higher number of positive findings (78.6%) followed by the B2-BOEC group (32.1%), and the oviductal culture group (7.1%). None of the in vivo embryos tested positive for BVDV. These results show that different culture conditions in which embryos develop alter the way the ZP interacts with pathogens. The oviductal culture of in vitro produced zygotes seems to be beneficial in reducing the affinity of the ZP to BVDV and the washes and trypsin treatments applied to these embryos after culture appear to be more effective than in embryos completely produced in vitro.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Association of bovine viral diarrhea virus with day-7 bovine embryos produced under differente culture conditions = Asociación del virus de la diarrea viral bovina con embriones bovinos de 7 días producidos bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo

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