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A Daniel Manrique

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Imagen de apoyo de  A draught of Port Lovis

A draught of Port Lovis

Por: Phillip Durell | Fecha: 01/01/1726

Plano manuscrito de Port Lovis trazado por el Vicealmirante y topógrafo de la marina real británica Philip Durell quien participó en diversas misiones para la corona inglesa; en 1739 sirvió a bordo de la flota de Sir Edward Vernon durante su campaña contra los españoles en el Caribe de las indias occidentales, el marco de la guerra del Asiento (1739-1748). El presente mapa contiene rosa de los vientos, indica relieve costero, distancias y profundidades, en la parte superior derecha contiene una ilustración representando el fuerte del puerto. Escala expresada cada tres millas.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Mapas
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  • Historia

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A draught of Port Lovis

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Imagen de apoyo de  A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

Por: Andrés Guillermo Chaur Romero | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This work constitutes an inquiry into the field of memory studies. Through the presentation and the analysis of a particular case study I will provide an insight to some approaches to address the field. To begin with a general background of the case study will be presented to fully understand its social, historical and cultural connotation, and then I introduce the dynamic of how this work will be developed from this point. Finally this research concludes with some recommendations about the concepts previously developed.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A falta de presidencia

A falta de presidencia

Por: Tiburcio Ramírez D. | Fecha: 01/01/1881

Impreso en el que Tiburcio Ramírez hace públicas las irregularidades del proceso de préstamo del Banco de la Unión. El autor del documento señala que el Secretario de Guerra y Marina de Colombia ha obrado de mala fe y lo ha engañado para lucrarce de forma ilícita. El documento conserva la ortografía de la época.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Prensa
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  • Ciencias sociales

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A falta de presidencia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A framework for decoupling human need satisfaction from energy use = Un marco conceptual para el desacoplamiento de la satisfacción de necesidades humanas del uso de la energía

A framework for decoupling human need satisfaction from energy use = Un marco conceptual para el desacoplamiento de la satisfacción de necesidades humanas del uso de la energía

Por: Lina Isabel; Steinberger Brand Correa | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Abstract:Climate change poses great challenges to modern societies, central amongst which is to decouple human need satisfaction from energy use. Energy systems are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions, and the services provided by energy (such as heating, power, transport and lighting) are vital to support human development. To address this challenge, we advocate for a eudaimonic need-centred understanding of human well-being, as opposed to hedonic subjective views of well-being. We also argue for a shift in the way we analyse energy demand, from energy throughput to energy services. By adopting these perspectives on either end of the wellbeing-energy spectrum, a “double decoupling” potential can be uncovered. We present a novel analytic framework and showcase several methodological approaches for analysing the relationship between, and decoupling of, energy services and human needs. We conclude by proposing future directions of research in this area based on the analytic framework.Resumen:El cambio climático plantea grandes retos para las sociedades modernas, entre los cuales es de central importancia desacoplar la satisfacción de necesidades humanas de luso de la energía. Los sistemas energéticos son la mayor fuente de emisiones de gases efecto invernadero, y los servicios provistos por la energía (como calentamiento, fuerza, movilidad e iluminación) son vitales para el desarrollo humano. Para abordar este reto, abogamos por un entendimiento de bienestar humano eudamónico centrado en necesidades, contrario a posiciones hedónicas subjetivas de bienestar. También argumentamos en favor de un cambio en la manera como analizamos la demanda energética, pasando de energía final a servicios energéticos. Por medio de la adopción de estas perspectivas a ambos lados del espectro energía-bienestar, se descubre un potencial de “doble desacoplamiento”. Presentamos un marco teórico original al igual que varias aproximaciones metodológicas para analizar la relación entre (y el desacoplamiento de) servicios energéticos y necesidades humanas. Concluimos proponiendo futuras avenidas de investigación en esta área, basadas en este marco teórico.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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A framework for decoupling human need satisfaction from energy use = Un marco conceptual para el desacoplamiento de la satisfacción de necesidades humanas del uso de la energía

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Imagen de apoyo de  A framework for determining the period when a perennial crop is no longer profitable after a disease outbreak

A framework for determining the period when a perennial crop is no longer profitable after a disease outbreak

Por: Mauricio; Evans Mosquera Montoya | Fecha: 01/01/2013

A theoretical approach is developed for finding the optimal age to remove an orchard (or plantation) to maximize net present value, after a disease attack. The model is a bioeconomic model that considers the effects of disease manage- ment on disease spread and the effect of the disease on yields.This provides an optimal disease management strategy and optimal rotation period. Our work makes an important contribution to the literature. To the best of our knowledge, no previous work has considered the simultaneous question of optimal disease management and replanting age when disease is present in perennial crops.An empirical application is presented for the case of pudricióndelcogollo, a lethal and contagious disease that threatens oil palm plantations in Colombia. The model could be applied to a wide range of perennial crop diseases.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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A framework for determining the period when a perennial crop is no longer profitable after a disease outbreak

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Framework For The Managemente Of The Biodegradable Waste In Bogotá-Colombia = Un Marco Para El Manejo De La Basura Biodegradable En Bogotá-Colombia

A Framework For The Managemente Of The Biodegradable Waste In Bogotá-Colombia = Un Marco Para El Manejo De La Basura Biodegradable En Bogotá-Colombia

Por: Adriana Lizette Gutiérrez Bayona | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Waste management is one of the growing problems in many highly populated cities around the world, and the amount of strategies designed to solve it has changed during the last decade. It passed from land filing to incineration and mechanical biotechnology; this quick change was partially induced by the threat that garbage is for the environment, and later on by the acceleration of climate change, since the public services industry was bound to comply with the emissions reduction targets. The newest technologies are being applied in Europe and North America, giving them a new way to face their waste issues. However, the industrialized States are not the only ones with these concerns, in the developing countries, it is a matter that is becoming an structural problem, because of the population growth and the dynamics of the capitalist practice; moreover, it is difficult to solve due to low budget or lack of knowledge on the topic.In Bogotá D.C, waste management became one of the most controversial topics due to the many problems presented during the implementation of the Zero-Waste program and the past administrative issues with the Landfill Doña Juana that led to many health and land predicaments for the population. As a consequence, this dissertation seeks to create a new strategy to fix the gaps of the original policy, by designing five time-limited specific objectives, a reform to the segregation strategy and proposing the construction Anaerobic Digestion plant as the best solution for the sustainable control of bio-waste.Therefore, this work will show throughout all the chapters the background of the waste management system, the new strategies to be taken into account by the local administration, the advantages of the AD technology and the possible financing channels for the renovation of the Basuras- Cero Policy. All the information above will be use to conclude, that for the case of Bogotá D.C, the use of bio-waste as a new energy source will strengthen the recycling industry (with the establishment of a better segregation system and the construction of and AD plant) reduce the amount of waste sent to Landfill and decrease GHG emissions; and even though it is a small step, it can become the foundation for fixing some weaknesses of the economic system and some social mores.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ingeniería

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A Framework For The Managemente Of The Biodegradable Waste In Bogotá-Colombia = Un Marco Para El Manejo De La Basura Biodegradable En Bogotá-Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A General Approach for the Multi-Objective Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem with Regular Criteria

A General Approach for the Multi-Objective Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem with Regular Criteria

Por: Andrés Alberto; Dauzère-Pérès García León | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Abstract:The publications on the Multi-Objective Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem (MOFJSP) usually aim at optimizing a combination of classical criteria not related to due dates, i.e. makespan, maximum workload and total workload, whose primary goal is to optimize the utilization of the machines.We propose a general approach for solving efficiently the MOFJSP, which aims at determining the Pareto front for multiple regular criteria. Optimizing regular criteria is relevant for improving the competitiveness of firms, since they can take into account cycle times, due dates and customer service through weights that can be given to jobs with different priority.Our approach uses a fast estimation function and an iterative local search in which a criterion to minimize is randomly selected at each move. Numerical experiments are conducted on test instances of the literature to minimize simultaneously the makespan, the maximum tardiness, the total tardiness and the total number of tardy jobs. The results show that, our approach provides a set of non-dominated solutions that is close to the Pareto front.Resumen: Las publicaciones sobre el Problema de Programación de Job-shop Flexible (MOFJSP) usualmente apuntan a optimizar una combinación de criterios clásicos no relacionados con fechas de vencimiento, como por ejemplo, makespan, carga de trabajo máxima y carga de trabajo total, cuyo objetivo principal es optimizar la utilización de la Máquinas.Este artículo propone un enfoque general para resolver eficientemente el MOFJSP, que tiene como objetivo determinar el frente de Pareto para múltiples criterios regulares. La optimización de criterios regulares es relevante para mejorar la competitividad de las empresas, ya que pueden tener en cuenta los tiempos de ciclo, las fechas de vencimiento y el servicio al cliente a través de pesos que se pueden dar a los trabajos con diferentes prioridades.El enfoque utiliza una función de estimación rápida y una búsqueda local iterativa en la que un criterio para minimizar se selecciona al azar en cada movimiento. Los experimentos numéricos se llevan a cabo en instancias de prueba de la literatura para minimizar al mismo tiempo el makespan, la tardanza máxima, la tardanza total y el número total de trabajos tardíos. Los resultados muestran que, nuestro enfoque proporciona un conjunto de soluciones no dominadas que está cerca del frente de Pareto.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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A General Approach for the Multi-Objective Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem with Regular Criteria

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A Isabel Cowan: recuerdo de su amiga Soledad Román

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A la camarilla N° 4

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