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Imagen de apoyo de  Wrecked by work? Examining work-related motorcycle crashes in Colombia = ¿Destruido por el trabajo? Examinando choques de motocicletas usadas como herramienta de trabajo en Colombia

Wrecked by work? Examining work-related motorcycle crashes in Colombia = ¿Destruido por el trabajo? Examinando choques de motocicletas usadas como herramienta de trabajo en Colombia

Por: Manuel Santana Palacios | Fecha: 2015

Abstract: In many developing countries motorcycles are used not only for personal travel (commuting, leisure, etc.) but also to deliver documents and small commodities (e.g., food) or to provide taxi services. Incomes of these commercial motorcyclists are generally based on the number of services they are able to provide within a given amount of time. Some have suggested that this incentive might induce commercial motorcyclists to engage in risky behaviors – that is they might be more likely to drive fast and break traffic laws in order to maximize income. To empirically test for differences between commercial and non-commercial motorcyclists, I estimated a logistic regression model using data from a survey conducted in Bogota and Barranquilla, Colombia. My results support the hypothesis that motorcycles used for commercial activities and whose income is generally based on the number of services they are able to provide are at a higher risk of being involved in a crash. The probability of being involved in a crash is higher when using motorcycles for taxi services than when using motorcycles for non-commercial purposes or for commercial activities other than courier or taxi services (after controlling for exposure, demographic characterizes, vehicle features, and other possible explanatory variables, though this finding may be affected by a possible reporting bias by those providing (illegal) taxi services). By contrast, motorcyclists who provide courier services have neither a higher nor lower probability of being involved in a crash compared to those riding motorcycles for non-commercial purposes or for commercial activities other than courier or taxi services. Other variables associated with crash occurrence include age, owning the motorcycle, and riding in Bogota. While I see evidence that the financial incentives of being paid per job motivate risky driving behaviors among commercial motorcyclists, better data and further research are needed to fully understand the causes of differential crash risks among types of motorcyclists. Resumen: En muchos países en desarrollo, las motocicletas se usan no solo para viajes personales (viajes diarios, tiempo libre, etc.) sino también como herramienta de trabajo para realizar reparto de documentos y paquetes pequeños (por ejemplo, alimentos) o para proporcionar servicios de transporte de pasajeros. Los ingresos de estos motociclistas generalmente se basan en la cantidad de servicios que pueden proporcionar dentro de un período de tiempo determinado. Algunos han sugerido que este incentivo puede inducir a los motociclistas comerciales a involucrarse en conductas de riesgo, es decir, que es más probable que conduzcan más rápido y que no cumplan las leyes de tránsito para maximizar sus ingresos. Para evaluar empíricamente las diferencias entre los motociclistas comerciales y no comerciales, estimé un modelo de regresión logística utilizando los datos de una encuesta realizada en Bogotá y Barranquilla, Colombia. Mis resultados respaldan la hipótesis de que las motocicletas utilizadas para actividades comerciales y cuyos ingresos generalmente se basan en la cantidad de servicios que pueden proporcionar corren un mayor riesgo de verse involucrados en un choque. La probabilidad de verse involucrado en un choque es mayor cuando se usan motocicletas para servicios de taxi que cuando se usan para fines no comerciales o para actividades comerciales que no sean de mensajería o taxi (después de controlar por exposición, características demográficas, características del vehículo y otros posibles variables explicativas, aunque este hallazgo puede verse afectado por un posible sesgo de información por parte de quienes prestan servicios de taxi (ilegales). Por el contrario, los motociclistas que prestan servicios de mensajería no tienen una probabilidad mayor o menor de verse involucrados en un choque en comparación con aquellos que conducen motocicletas con fines no comerciales o para actividades comerciales que no sean los servicios de mensajería o taxi. Otras variables asociadas con la ocurrencia del choque incluyen la edad, poseer la motocicleta y andar en Bogotá. Aunque la evidencia sugiere que los incentivos económicos derivados de la actividad motivan conductas de conducción arriesgadas entre los motociclistas comerciales, es necesario investigar en mayor profundidad las causas de los riesgos de choque diferencial entre los tipos de motociclistas.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Wrecked by work? Examining work-related motorcycle crashes in Colombia = ¿Destruido por el trabajo? Examinando choques de motocicletas usadas como herramienta de trabajo en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Workshops centered on authentic videos to enhance speaking

Workshops centered on authentic videos to enhance speaking

Por: Nydia Carolina Chawes Enciso | Fecha: 2018

Esta investigación explora la pertinencia que tiene el uso de videos auténticos para mejorar la habilidad de habla en los estudiantes de grado once de un colegio público en Bogotá. Principalmente se analizó cómo el diseño de tres talleres basados en esta clase de videos ayudó a los estudiantes a mejorar su comunicación oral a través de la imitación de situaciones reales. Los instrumentos empleados para recolectar la información fueron: portafolio oral, encuestas, artefactos y notas de campo. Esta investigación acción señaló que los estudiantes no encuentran un uso real del inglés y argumentaban que las clases no eran interesantes, ya que solo aprendían gramática basada en actividades escritas de los textos propuestos por el colegio. Los talleres diseñados basados en seis principios sugeridos por Tomlinson (1998) para el diseño de materiales, así como diferentes teorías acerca de autenticidad y habilidades de habla, proporcionaron a los estudiantes algunas estrategias para comunicarse de forma efectivamente en situaciones reales. Los hallazgos demostraron que los estudiantes mejoraron en su comunicación oral ya que aumentó su confianza al usar la lengua extranjera, haciendo más interesante y retador el proceso de aprendizaje.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Workshops centered on authentic videos to enhance speaking

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Imagen de apoyo de  Worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies to enhance students’ writing

Worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies to enhance students’ writing

Por: Julie Alexandra Páez Grosso | Fecha: 2018

This study showed how worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies contributed to the development of fourth grade students’ writing. This study was conducted in a public, rural school with fifteen students in Cajicá, Colombia. The data gathering instruments were field notes, students’ artifacts and tests. The study followed the qualitative approach and was developed under the action research methodology. The findings indicated that the design of worksheets based on vocabulary strategies made students feel motivated not only to learn new words, but also to understand the strategies that allowed them to start the process of writing. Moreover, the writing strategies were a successful approach for students because they learned how to write simple sentences. Also, using the models provided they could write simple paragraphs. Finally, all of these activities allowed students to improve their performance. This study helped learners feel motivated to learn faster and encouraged them to understand the importance of the use of vocabulary, to learn new strategies and to value meaningful writing feedback.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Idiomas
  • Educación

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Worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies to enhance students’ writing

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Imagen de apoyo de  Worksheets based on deep cultural issues for reading comprehension in eleventh graders

Worksheets based on deep cultural issues for reading comprehension in eleventh graders

Por: Edwin Armando Trujillo Amaya | Fecha: 2018

Este proyecto de investigación describe el desarrollo e implementación de seis guías, basadas en problemas culturales profundos para mejorar el proceso de comprensión lectora en estudiantes de grado once. Debido a su naturaleza, la investigación acción fue el enfoque que cubrió este estudio, la cual se llevó a cabo en la institución educativa distrital colegio Técnico Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, en Rionegro, Bogotá, Colombia. Este estudio involucró doce estudiantes de grado once, jornada tarde. Progresivamente, se utilizó el enfoque basado en la teoría fundamentada en datos para analizar la información recolectada a través de tres instrumentos: trabajo de los estudiantes (guías), notas de campo y una encuesta al final del proceso. Como resultado, obtuve que materiales innovativos con actividades estimulantes, presentación atractiva, contenido interesante y una apropiada metodología, que para este estudio fue CLIL; son recursos efectivos para mejorar no sólo la habilidad de lectura, sino también las habilidades de escritura y oralidad. En relación con los problemas culturales, es importante mencionar cuan relevantes estos fueron para los estudiantes, quienes inconscientemente desarrollaron procesos de pensamiento crítico, conciencia cultural y resolución de problemas. Finalmente, el uso del conocimiento previo y varias estrategias de lectura fueron precisas para lograr la comprensión de textos.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Worksheets based on deep cultural issues for reading comprehension in eleventh graders

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Imagen de apoyo de  Wire sizing, repeater insertion and dominant time constant optimizationfor a bus line 2004 = Tamaño de cable, inserción de repetidores y optimización del tiempo dominante constante para una línea digital de un bus

Wire sizing, repeater insertion and dominant time constant optimizationfor a bus line 2004 = Tamaño de cable, inserción de repetidores y optimización del tiempo dominante constante para una línea digital de un bus

Por: David Leonardo Moreno Bedoya | Fecha: 2004

Due to the continue trend of technology for circuit scaling; optimal sizes for transistors and cables are needed, this scaling comes along with power increase and undesired cross talk effects between the wires which might affect the signal itself. A trade-off curve between power, area and delay is required so that a tuned solution for a specific problem might be found.  Here, an approach based on the dominant time constant optimization technique for modelling of the delay is investigated for an initial square topology with uniform wire and repeater sizing based on convex optimization and Linear Matrix Inequalities. Results with optimal buffer insertion across the bus are also investigated. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Otros
  • Ingeniería

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Wire sizing, repeater insertion and dominant time constant optimizationfor a bus line 2004 = Tamaño de cable, inserción de repetidores y optimización del tiempo dominante constante para una línea digital de un bus

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Imagen de apoyo de  Window aggregate sharing for out-of-order stream processing

Window aggregate sharing for out-of-order stream processing

Por: Alejandro Rodríguez Cuéllar | Fecha: 2016

This thesis proposes a novel window aggregate sharing approach for out-of-order stream processing. We combined together the best of two worlds: the Google dataflow model for out-of-order stream processing and the Cutty aggregate sharing strategy. To our knowledge, our solution is the only aggregate sharing strategy for out-of-order stream processing that supports sliding, tumbling and session windows. Based on the experiments with the real world dataset DEBS12 [28] and a 3% out-of-order level, our solution has 1.24 higher throughput than the current implementation in Flink. Moreover, we show that the throughput of our solution becomes higher, as the out-of-order level increases.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Window aggregate sharing for out-of-order stream processing

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Imagen de apoyo de  Willingness to pay for eco-friendly and animal welfare certified beef in the city of Cali, Colombia = Disposición a pagar por carne de res certificada como “eco-amigable” y con “bienestar animal” en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia

Willingness to pay for eco-friendly and animal welfare certified beef in the city of Cali, Colombia = Disposición a pagar por carne de res certificada como “eco-amigable” y con “bienestar animal” en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia

Por: Andrés Camilo Charry Camacho | Fecha: 2017

Sustainable intensification is considered one of the major strategies to reduce the negative environmental impacts of the Colombian cattle sector, but current adoption of the associated technologies remains incipient. To promote adoption, stakeholders have acknowledged the need of understanding consumer demand for environmental attributes, and to identify potential markets for differentiated products. In this study, we employ a contingent valuation (CV) to determine the characteristics of a potential consumer segment for “eco-friendly” beef, and a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to estimate the consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental and animal welfare attributes related to cattle production under silvopastoral systems with improved forages. Additionally, we have included an information treatment to measure the effect of information on consumers’ WTP. Our results show that income and education have a significant effect on defining the potential consumer segment. We found that potential consumers are willing to pay significant price premiums for both “eco-friendly” and “animal welfare” certified beef, with consumer education further increasing the premium for “eco-friendly” certified beef. The results suggest that there is a potential market in Colombia for environmentally differentiated beef products that responds to the animal welfare and environmental issues of the current cattle production system. Resumen: La intensificación sostenible se considera como una de las principales estrategias para reducir los impactos ambientales negativos del sector ganadero en Colombia, sin embargo, la adopción de las tecnologías relevantes aun es incipiente. Para promover la adopción, los actores del sector han reconocido la necesidad de entender la demanda del consumidor por atributos ambientales y de identificar mercados potenciales para productos diferenciados. En este estudio, empleamos un ejercicio de valoración contingente para determinar las características de un consumidor potencial de carne “eco-amigable”, y un experimento de selección discreta para estimar la disposición a pagar del consumidor por los atributos ambientales y de bienestar animal relacionados con la producción ganadera bajo sistemas silvopastoriles con forrajes mejorados. Adicionalmente, incluimos un tratamiento para estimar el efecto de la información en la disposición a pagar. Nuestros resultados muestran que el nivel de ingreso y educación son factores determinantes para definir el segmento del consumidor. Encontramos que en el segmento de mercado potencial, los consumidores están dispuestos a pagar una prima de precio para atributos de “eco-amigable” y bienestar animal bajo esquemas de certificación. A su vez, encontramos que la información aumenta de manera significativa la disposición a pagar por carne “eco-amigable”. Los resultados sugieren que existe un mercado potencial en Colombia para productos con diferenciaciones ambientales y de bienestar animal, que respondan a las problemáticas actuales del sector pecuario.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Willingness to pay for eco-friendly and animal welfare certified beef in the city of Cali, Colombia = Disposición a pagar por carne de res certificada como “eco-amigable” y con “bienestar animal” en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Will Peace Destroy the Colombian Amazon? Territories, ‘Post-conflict’ and Deforestation = La Paz Destruirá la Amazonía Colombiana? Territorios, ‘Post-conflicto’ y Deforestación

Will Peace Destroy the Colombian Amazon? Territories, ‘Post-conflict’ and Deforestation = La Paz Destruirá la Amazonía Colombiana? Territorios, ‘Post-conflicto’ y Deforestación

Por: Luis Carlos Cote Rojas | Fecha: 2017

The great paradox of the current post-agreement transition might be its implications for the country's environment. The success or failure of addressing environmental considerations during the Agreement implementation could lead either to peacebuilding opportunities based on sustainable development, or to the country’s natural heritage destruction. The research argues that the Amazon natural heritage would be destroyed unless significant environmental considerations are merged with the established socio-economic priorities during the post-agreement. Attaining sustainable territorial development based on robust communities’ engagement, stable state presence and a better land management model is pressing. Although the peacebuilding path, as well as the sustainable territorial development, requires incremental structural changes at a national level, it is suggested that the Development Programmes with a Territorial-Based Approach (PDETs), as mechanisms of the Final Agreement’s implementation, could lead to a potential environmental peace in some of the Amazon’s prioritized municipalities. The overall aim of the research is to enhance the understanding of the relationship between the Colombian territories, post-agreement and deforestation, in order to determine to what extent the Colombian Amazon forest coverage could change during the post-agreement period. In doing so, the research establishes exploratory trends of the deforestation and armed conflict relationship, describes the main characteristics of the post-agreement environmental paradox and explores the case of the PDETs.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Will Peace Destroy the Colombian Amazon? Territories, ‘Post-conflict’ and Deforestation = La Paz Destruirá la Amazonía Colombiana? Territorios, ‘Post-conflicto’ y Deforestación

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Imagen de apoyo de  Why Different Powers Behave Similarly: A Neoclassical Realist Approach to American and Canadian Engagements in Afghanistan (2001-2014)

Why Different Powers Behave Similarly: A Neoclassical Realist Approach to American and Canadian Engagements in Afghanistan (2001-2014)

Por: Federmán Rodríguez | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: Over twenty years passed since American and Canadian forces arrived in Afghanistan to start the War on Terrorism as a response to 9/11, and during this period, there has been an enormous controversy about the nature and the scope of the Afghanistan intervention. Amidst this controversy, this dissertation aims to unravel a strategic puzzle: why and how the United States and Canada adopted similar engagement levels, especially similar counterinsurgency (COIN) strategies between 2005/2006 and 2011. During this time, the United States and Canada fought against insurgent groups, sought to maintain stabilized areas by mentoring Afghan forces, and invested in infrastructure and governance. These goals, which corresponded to the ‘clear,’ ‘hold,’ and ‘build’ COIN components, entailed sending troops and civilian officials to a war zone and committing financial resources. According to structural realism as a dominant IR theory, the similarity of American and Canadian engagements constitutes a puzzle because this theory would expect that countries with different relative standings in the international system are meant to adopt different foreign and security policies. To unravel this puzzle, this dissertation uses neoclassical realism. Like a realist theory, it examines the effects of relative material capabilities on foreign policy, which is an essential factor in comparing American and Canadian foreign and security policies. Yet, unlike structural realism, it considers dimensions other than states’ relative standing, such as perceptions and domestic politics, which, along with the relative standing, help to unpack the puzzle above. Based on this theory, the central argument of this dissertation is that the similarity of American and Canadian engagements resulted from similar systemic stimuli from the post-9/11 strategic environment, foreign policy executives’ (FPE) similar strategic beliefs, and comparable abilities to mobilize domestic resources. By showing the occurrence of factors on both American and Canadian sides bringing about the outcome above, this dissertation seeks to undermine the ideas of the “Americanization” of Canadian foreign and security policy and the syndrome of “parochialism” of the United States regarding its Northern neighbour.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Why Different Powers Behave Similarly: A Neoclassical Realist Approach to American and Canadian Engagements in Afghanistan (2001-2014)

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Imagen de apoyo de  When titles do not become loans: property rights and slums upgrading in Bogota, Colombia

When titles do not become loans: property rights and slums upgrading in Bogota, Colombia

Por: Alexander Niño Ruiz | Fecha: 2006

Contrary to the conventional orthodoxy of the World Bank, lack of formalized or secured property rights is not the main reason why titles do not become loans in Colombia. My research shows that the institutional barriers that prevent poor people from leveraging their assets are rooted in the Colombian constitution, and in the lack of private financial institutions willing to lend to the poor. Low and middle income populations cannot use their houses as collateral to obtain loans aimed to finance business because the Colombian constitution mandates families to secure a share of their assets as Family Wealth. As a result, families have to protect their estate from being impounded by lenders. When the law allows the use of the house as collateral— for financing the purchase, improvement or enlargement of housing — there are few formal financial institutions lending to the poor. Despite of the importance of this for land-titling programs, it passed unnoticed by the World Bank, who approved a US$100 million loan for the Bogotá Urban Service Project in 2003. This thesis reveals the assumptions made by the Bank regarding the importance of property formalization as a mechanism to create massive equity out of the improved real estate in the informal sector. It contrasts the Bank’s assumptions with the actual process of upgrading in Bogotá. Leveraging poor people’s assets would be critical to the well-functioning of upgrading program, but these policies should rely on a mechanism other than the willingness of formal institutions to lend to the poor.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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When titles do not become loans: property rights and slums upgrading in Bogota, Colombia

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