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Imagen de apoyo de  Redes sociales: una herramienta en la construcción de discursos

Redes sociales: una herramienta en la construcción de discursos

Por: Jerly Paola González Venegas | Fecha: 2018

La presente tesis de grado de maestría expone la intervención pedagógica realizada en la IED Técnico Comercial Mariano Ospina Rodríguez de Guasca Cundinamarca, desarrollada con el fin de fortalecer las competencias lingüísticas en los estudiantes de grado octavo a través de la estrategia pedagógica trabajo por proyectos. Para ello, se diseñó una secuencia didáctica que permitiera el fortalecimiento de la capacidad argumentativa y la construcción de discursos propios en los estudiantes, a partir del análisis de información que circula en las redes sociales. Asimismo, se buscó que la estrategia, trabajo por proyectos. posibilitara un acercamiento coherente entre el modelo pedagógico y las prácticas de enseñanza aprendizaje desarrolladas en la institución. En este sentido, esta tesis se fundamentó en la teoría constructivista, pues esta concibe el aprendizaje como el resultado de una interacción social entre el individuo y su entono (Vygotsky, 1978), el primero visto como eje fundamental del proceso y, por tanto, como sujeto constructor del mismo. Para determinar la influencia del trabajo por proyectos en las prácticas de aula y su aporte en la construcción de los aprendizajes, fueron diseñados e implementados varios instrumentos para la recolección de datos: diario de campo, matrices de evaluación y encuesta a estudiantes.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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  • Otros

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Redes sociales: una herramienta en la construcción de discursos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Redrawing the coast

Redrawing the coast

Por: Diego Guillermo; Huang Bermúdez Obregón | Fecha: 2015

After many years of violence and economic isolation, Colombia’s image has shifted. Several international treaties have been signed and Colombia has been targeted by new travelers and powerful international investors. A forbidden destination less than a decade ago, Colombia welcomes now more than 2 million visitors per year. This rapid economic and touristic boom provides good opportunities for growth but is having dramatic consequences for urban communities and its surrounding ecosystems. The Caribbean region of Colombia is one of the most visited regions in the country. Unfortunately, cities in the region don’t have the tools or the criteria to expand in a sustainable way in terms of competitiveness, social inclusion and urban quality. The perception of the Caribbean coast in Colombia is the one of a line. Development has occurred ignoring the immediate context, trying to imitate the image of the internationally sold Caribbean paradise, disregarding and threatening a unique environment. Along this coast, there are five natural parks. It is one of the most biodiverse spots in the globe. Half of the tourists coming to the country will visit one or two of these natural parks. Nonetheless, tourism, urban expansion and uncontrolled growth are jeopardizing the uniqueness of this region, ruining its diverse natural assets. The Caribbean coast is one of the fastest growing regions in Colombia, with an overall growth rate that will double the population by 2050. Recent growth trends suggest that new development has been rapidly taking over the coast with gated apartment towers, hotels and exclusive resorts up on the coast interrupting public access to the beach. Meanwhile, informality sprawls in the back drop, creeping up the hills, into the marshes, dangerously close to protected areas. A linear wall-city parallel to the coast is being created by these trends for short-term profits, undermining environments, increasing flood risk, promoting social instability and finally.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Arte

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Redrawing the coast

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Imagen de apoyo de  Reggaeton: A Latin American Genre as Lifestyle in the United States = Reggaeton: Un genero latinoamericano como estilo de vida en los Estados Unidos

Reggaeton: A Latin American Genre as Lifestyle in the United States = Reggaeton: Un genero latinoamericano como estilo de vida en los Estados Unidos

Por: Ana Seen Peng Uribe Law | Fecha: 2021

Abstract: As we move deeper into the 21st century, reggaeton has expanded to become a major genre in US mainstream media culture. Because it is so versatile, it blends easily with other Latin American genres, as well as US pop music styles. It is a transnational and intercultural genre, adopting aspects from an amalgamation of styles, sounds, and aesthetics. What is the appeal of reggaeton music in the midst of the 21st century? Is it the rhythm or beat? Or the controversial lyrics, and the machismo (hypermasculinity) that they express? Both producers and consumers agree that Reggaeton is more than a music genre, and that its appeal is due not only to the characteristics outlined above, but to the fact that it represents a complete lifestyle. While Latin American producers are attempting to market a generic Latin American lifestyle, US. Latino consumers understand reggaeton as a lifestyle that is emblematic of both their heritage and their contemporary identity within the larger US culture. This thesis aims to understand how different groups of people within the US consume, understand and identify with reggaeton in order to begin to explain the growing phenomenon of Latin American popular music as a means of mass expression at a global level. Resumen: A medida que nos adentramos en el siglo 21, el reggaetón se ha instaurado como uno de los géneros más importantes en la cultura de los medios de comunicación en los Estados Unidos. Debido a su versatilidad, se mezcla fácilmente con otros géneros latinoamericanos, así como con estilos de música pop estadounidense. Es un género transnacional e intercultural que adopta aspectos dentro de una amalgama de estilos, sonidos y estéticas. ¿Cuál es el atractivo del reggaetón en pleno siglo XXI? ¿Será su ritmo o el sonido? ¿O serán las letras controversiales y el machísmo (hipermasculinidad) que expresan? Tanto los productores como los consumidores coinciden en que el reggaetón es mucho más que un género musical y que su atractivo se debe no solo a las características descritas anteriormente, sino al hecho de que representa un estilo de vida completo. Mientras que los productores latinoamericanos intentan comercializar un estilo de vida latinoamericano genérico, los consumidores latinos que crecieron en Estados Unidos entienden el reggaetón como un estilo de vida emblemático tanto de su herencia como de su identidad contemporánea dentro de la cultura estadounidense en general. Esta tesis busca entender cómo diferentes grupos de personas en Estados Unidos, consumidoras del reggaetón, se identifican con el género para así buscar la manera de empezar a explicar el fenómeno de la música pop (y popular) latinoamericana como medio de expresión masivo a nivel global.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros

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Reggaeton: A Latin American Genre as Lifestyle in the United States = Reggaeton: Un genero latinoamericano como estilo de vida en los Estados Unidos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regional state capacity and economic performance in Colombia

Regional state capacity and economic performance in Colombia

Por: Wilfred Alonso Romero Arciniegas | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: The subject of State capacity is a commonplace object of study in the social sciences which in the last few years has garnered more attention from the fields of social research and economics. As state capacity has a close relationship with development the question of how state capacity affects the development of a territory merits our attention. The present work therefore focuses on Colombia’s Regions, specifically using as a unit of analysis the 32 departments into which they are divided. Data on Colombia’s municipalities from the CEDE have been used to construct 4 indexes: Fiscal, Violence, Bureaucratic, and Operational. To create the indexes several variables have been selected and constructed with recourse to the Principal Component Analysis. However, as GDP data are unavailable at the municipal level, Night Time Lights (NTL) data are used as a proxy for economic development. Using a regression model showing the extent to which state capacity indices correlate with economic development as measured by NTL, while conducting robustness checks so as to confirm the expected results, we conclude that where state capacity is greater, then more development is expected.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Regional state capacity and economic performance in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regulación Domestica en el ACGS: Algunos aspectos a futuro = Domestic Regulation in GATS: Some aspects from a prospective view

Regulación Domestica en el ACGS: Algunos aspectos a futuro = Domestic Regulation in GATS: Some aspects from a prospective view

Por: Suzy Sierra Ruiz | Fecha: 2004

This paper is concerned with four aspects in the implementation of Article VI on domestic regulation in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). First, the need to reach a better understanding of the scope of the GATS existing disciplines, particularly, the national treatment and the transparency rule. Secondly, the feasibility of the necessity test to reach the Article VI objectives. Third, the assessment of the international standard’s role in the facilitation of the trade. Fourth, the desirability to evaluate the sectoral testing exercises to determine whether the principles and disciplines developed are relevant and adaptable to other sectors. For GATS domestic regulation development, the mentioned factors are crucial accompaniment to future liberalization of services trade and to fulfil Article VI mandate. Whether this progress can be achieved within a time frame consistent with the duration of the current negotiations remains to be seen.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Regulación Domestica en el ACGS: Algunos aspectos a futuro = Domestic Regulation in GATS: Some aspects from a prospective view

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

Por: Hobeth Isnardo Martínez Carrillo | Fecha: 2016

Abstract: Regarding regulative changes in Latin America, the literature has highlighted a decisive role played by International Financial Institutions (hereafter, IFI's), suggesting a direct influence in determining reforms on policies and particular norms. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and, in the Latin American region, the Inter-American Development Bank, are seen as having a central role in inducing structural and concrete reforms and, more specifically, changes in land regulation. Research on the topic has shown that those transformations occur when there is a conjunction of factors such as economic difficulties in the recipient country (crisis), sympathetic technocrats sharing a common mindset with those of the IFI's and a proper political environment willingly to facilitate the reforms. The changes seem to depend on the country's characteristics and its interaction with international agents, making more complex the process of legal change, rather than on impositions from IFI's based upon their bargaining power. This research tries to answer whether the Colombian land regulation has been determined by IFI's, by focusing on the last legal change introduced in the country: Law 1776/2016, also known as ZIDRES law. It is argued that in the Colombian case the regulative change embodied in ZIDRES law was the outcome of a confluence among interests from local elites, big national and international agro-industrial companies and the general land policy of the country, instead of a direct determination from IFI's. Moreover, it is suggested that the developmentalist discourse played a central role in providing the ideological and rhetoric toolbox for supporting the regulative change. Resumen: En relación con los cambios regulativos en América Latina la literatura ha destacado el rol decisivo jugado por las Instituciones Financieras Internacionales (IFI), para sugerir una influencia directa en la determinación de reformas sobre políticas publicas generales y normas concretas. El Banco Mundial, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y, en América Latina, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, son vistos como actores centrales en la inducción de reformas de diverso nivel y, concretamente, en cambios en la regulación sobre tierras. Investigaciones relacionadas han mostrado que dichas transformaciones ocurren cuando confluyen factores como el surgimiento de dificultades económicas en los países que implementan las reformas (crisis), la participación de tecnócratas locales que simpatizan con los puntos de vista de las IFI y la existencia de un ambiente político dispuesto a facilitar las reformas. Los cambios regulativos parecen depender de las características internas de los países y de su interacción con agentes internacionales, lo que hace más complejo el proceso de cambio regulativo, en lugar de las imposiciones que puedan venir de las IFI con base en su poder de negociación. Esta investigación se cuestiona si la regulación colombiana sobre tierras ha sido determinada por IFI, lo cual se explora teniendo como foco de atención el último cambio regulativo sobre tierras introducido en el país: la Ley 1776 de 2016, también conocida como Ley ZIDRES. Se argumenta que en el caso colombiano el cambio regulativo encarnado en la Ley ZIDRES fue el resultado de una confluencia de los intereses de élites locales, grandes empresas agroindustriales nacionales e internacionales y la política pública de tierras del país, en lugar de ser una determinación directa de IFI. Adicionalmente, se sugiere que el discurso desarrollista jugó un papel central al proveer de las herramientas ideológicas y discursivas para facilitar el cambio regulativo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regulating the blessing: small scale miner´s access to legality in Colombia, Peru and Mexico = Regulando la bendición: el acceso de los mineros pequeños a la legalidad en Colombia, Peru y Mexico

Regulating the blessing: small scale miner´s access to legality in Colombia, Peru and Mexico = Regulando la bendición: el acceso de los mineros pequeños a la legalidad en Colombia, Peru y Mexico

Por: Camilo Sánchez Meertens | Fecha: 2014

This investigation seeks to compare the legal frameworks developed in the 1990-2010 period in Colombia, Peru and Mexico to prevent and tackle informal artisanal/small scale mining. It does so by assessing the impact on the levels of informality of: (i) the incentives provided to miners to operate within legality; and (ii) the mechanisms devised to compensate such miners’ disadvantageous position vis-à-vis large scale mining companies. For such assessment a thorough examination of the countries’ mining codes is carried out. Concurrently, information extracted from semi-structured interviews with experts and triangulated with secondary sources is used to evaluate the codes’ impact on informality. The analysis supports the hypothesis that simple inexpensive mine title acquisition procedures, granting long lasting property rights, as well as guaranteeing technical and financial assistance, are key drivers of formalization. The impact of such incentives is, however, more complex: firstly, as the Mexican case illustrates, the absence of incentives combined with strong police persecution, can reduce informal mining by rendering it an unattractive activity with no prospective of future formalization. Secondly, the Colombian and Peruvian case exemplify how entry barriers also encourage miners to create associations which, in turn, are able to better access information, can comply with formal requirements more easily and can play an important role in influencing policy design. Furthermore, considering the incentives of large scale companies also proved crucial to reduce informality, given that a significant share of mining areas are already under concession. This means that the number of mine titles informal miners could potentially obtain is limited. Therefore, as the Colombian and Peruvian case exemplify, formalizing is to a large degree dependent on the willingness of these companies to voluntarily engage in associative contracts with informal miners. However, so far none of the observed countries has managed to prompt strong alliances between small and large scale miners to fruitfully implement such collaborative models. With regard to the compensation mechanisms, this study supports the hypothesis that granting political voice to small scale miners is of utmost importance to guarantee that differentiated costs, procedures and requirements are contemplated in the law. All in all, such policies have been innocuous and even counterproductive when not accompanied by measures that enhance access to information as well as local bureaucratic competences. In a context of scarce local bureaucratic resources, promissory formalization schemes generate a demand for mine titles that surpasses mining authorities’ capacity and, thereby, potentially incites more informality and social unrest. As observed in Peru, in such cases formalization processes can, paradoxically, induce higher levels of informal mining. In light of these findings, the study recommends the partner institution -Transparency International- to: (i) support the implementation of informational campaigns that explain the benefits of operating in formality and of doing so by means of associating; (ii) encourage policy dialogue spaces in order to prompt mutual monitoring and align the different stakeholders’ incentives; (iii) support capacity building programs targeting local mining authorities; (iv) support monitoring mechanisms in the mine title distribution and contracting processes.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Regulating the blessing: small scale miner´s access to legality in Colombia, Peru and Mexico = Regulando la bendición: el acceso de los mineros pequeños a la legalidad en Colombia, Peru y Mexico

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Imagen de apoyo de  Reintegrating Women, Strengthening Peace: Making the Connexions Between the WPS Agenda and the DDR Process of Female Ex-combatants in Colombia = Reintegrando Mujeres, Fortaleciendo paz: Conexiones entre la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad y los procesos de DDR de mujeres excombatientes en Colombia

Reintegrating Women, Strengthening Peace: Making the Connexions Between the WPS Agenda and the DDR Process of Female Ex-combatants in Colombia = Reintegrando Mujeres, Fortaleciendo paz: Conexiones entre la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad y los procesos de DDR de mujeres excombatientes en Colombia

Por: Sonia Nicol Lesmes Guerrero | Fecha: 2019

This paper concentrates specifically on the reintegration process of female ex-combatants and their role as peacebuilders in the aftermath of war. By privileging the personal experience of two female ex-combatants of guerrilla groups in Colombia, this thesis aims to explorer what are the main obstacles faced by these women in their process of reintegration into civilian life and how to strengthen the role of female ex-combatants as peacebuilders. I argue that DDR processes and reintegration programs are only one dimension of post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation. Notwithstanding, the real challenge is to demilitarize all aspects of social life including the people’s mind, the community, and the state with its hegemonic notions of security. Likewise, a reintegration process designed and implemented from a gender-sensitive approach can be an example of a practical and emancipatory project that brings more equitable relations between men and women in the aftermath of the war. Therefore, women's role as peacebuilders can be strengthened through a political reintegration process that emphasizes their transformative potential as influential citizens in the decision-making processes of their community in terms of reconciliation and national rehabilitation.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencia política

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Reintegrating Women, Strengthening Peace: Making the Connexions Between the WPS Agenda and the DDR Process of Female Ex-combatants in Colombia = Reintegrando Mujeres, Fortaleciendo paz: Conexiones entre la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad y los procesos de DDR de mujeres excombatientes en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Relaciones interpersonales que inciden en el desarrollo humano y valores en el grado noveno de la IEDR Diego Gómez de Mena (Tabio – Cundinamarca)

Relaciones interpersonales que inciden en el desarrollo humano y valores en el grado noveno de la IEDR Diego Gómez de Mena (Tabio – Cundinamarca)

Por: Yolanda Quintero Sierra | Fecha: 2018

This thesis was carried out at the school "Diego Gomez de Mena IERD", where teachers, parents and ninth grade students participated in order to determine the impact of interpersonal relationships on human development and values of educational actors. To do this, interpersonal relationships among educational actors were identified, their human development practices and values were determined, and pedagogical strategies were proposed within the rural context in which they are found. From the analysis of data obtained it was possible to establish that the school lives in a patriarchal culture where interpersonal relationships are marked by necrophilia, a term coined by Fromm (1973), which are adopted and transmitted from generation to generation, normalizing through of a type of conversation that hierarchs interpersonal relationships from obedience. This panorama makes human development and values impossible because it stops the development of people's potentials, the construction of being together with others, care for others and the planet, fostering loneliness, boredom, consumption, addictions, indifference, guilt, instrumentalization of others, devaluation by the feminine. Finally, recommendations are made to sensitize the educational actors involved in the research through reflection.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Filosofía
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Relaciones interpersonales que inciden en el desarrollo humano y valores en el grado noveno de la IEDR Diego Gómez de Mena (Tabio – Cundinamarca)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Relación del clima de aula y violencia escolar. Intervención desde las ciencias sociales

Relación del clima de aula y violencia escolar. Intervención desde las ciencias sociales

Por: Ángela Ligia Gómez Bohórquez | Fecha: 2019

The following research seeks to identify the relationship between the classroom climate and school violence, through an intervention from the teaching of social sciences in the seventh grade of IED Altamira South East. It is a qualitative research under a case study method with ethnographic tools. The results showed that within the classroom climate there are situations of violence that interrupt and significantly affect coexistence and academic processes. The didactic intervention used a methodology from the immediate and immediate means of the students, since it helps them to understand that the social sciences are not knowledge of distant societies, but that they are part of that knowledge (Aguilera & Morales, 2009). This methodology allows the interaction between the environment in which students live and the knowledge of social sciences. The problems of violence that arise in a school allow us to interact and interact with the contents of the social sciences, generating knowledge, resistance and rejection in these situations. However, collective work is necessary to reduce, control and prevent these situations of violence, where the educational community assumes this responsibility with responsibility and commitment.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Ciencias sociales
  • Otros

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Relación del clima de aula y violencia escolar. Intervención desde las ciencias sociales

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