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Imagen de apoyo de  Role Of The Scrum Master In Capstone Projects

Role Of The Scrum Master In Capstone Projects

Por: Jhosimar Andrés Aguacía Fiscó | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: Using Scrum as the central process framework for capstone project courses has shown to be beneficial for the learning of the students. However, these capstone project courses rarely focus on teaching students how to become a Scrum Master and do not empower them to assume the role of the Scrum Master. As a consequence, not much is known on the responsibilities that are actually assumed by those few students assuming the role of the Scrum Master in capstone project courses. Moreover, there is not much known about how these students should be taught in order to become a proficient Scrum Master. In this thesis, a case study was carried out in the Software Project 3 course held at Aalto University. The Software Project 3 course is one of the few capstone project courses that allows the students to assume the role of the Scrum Master and supports student learning through complementary teaching methods. This thesis aimed to identify the responsibilities assumed by the Scrum Master in capstone projects, and how successfully the Scrum Master contributed to the teamwork and team effectiveness of the Development Team. In addition, this study attempted to assess the contribution of complementary teaching methods, employed in the Software Project 3 course, to the learning of the students on how to become a proficient Scrum Master. This study also aimed to identify the lessons learnt by the students who assumed the role of the Scrum Master in the Software Project 3 course. In this study, the data was collected through interviews with the Scrum Masters, surveys targeted at both Scrum Masters and Developers, as well as data collected from the course content and artifacts submitted by the teams for the project reviews. They were able to successfully promote teamwork and team effectiveness within the Development Team. In addition, The results of this study show that the students, who acted as a Scrum Master, assumed all the responsibilities of the Scrum Master defined in the Scrum Guide However, in this capstone project course, these students also undertook additional responsibilities that are not explicitly mentioned in the Scrum Guide or should have been assumed by the Development Team or Product Owner. Assessment of the complementary teaching methods shows that the two-day Certified Scrum Master course and the Scrum Game, were highly valued by most of the students who felt that these two teaching methods contributed to their learning on how to become a Scrum Master. Coaching was perceived to contribute positively to the quality of the project. However, the opinion about coaching was not shared by all the students. Experience Exchange Sessions were deemed to contribute little to the learning of students. Although students faced several difficulties throughout the project that hindered the implementation of Scrum, all of them undertook the role of the Scrum Master successfully and learnt how to promote and support Scrum in their teams.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Role Of The Scrum Master In Capstone Projects

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Role of Political Decision-Making Processes and International Cooperation in Promoting Peace and Resolving Armed Conflict in Colombia = Procesos Políticos de Toma de Decisiones y Cooperación Internacional para la Promoción de la Paz y la Resolución del Conflicto Armado en Colombia

The Role of Political Decision-Making Processes and International Cooperation in Promoting Peace and Resolving Armed Conflict in Colombia = Procesos Políticos de Toma de Decisiones y Cooperación Internacional para la Promoción de la Paz y la Resolución del Conflicto Armado en Colombia

Por: Margarita María Bautista Martínez | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: This thesis analyses the Colombian government’s decision-making process that involved international actors during the Havana peace process (2012-2016). The research highlights the influence of international actors in the government’s decisions that worked to end the armed conflict between the government and the FARC-EP in Colombia. In particular, this study raises the following research question: How, and in what way, was the Colombian government’s decision-making process influenced by international actors, especially the presence and actions of the UN, during the Havana peace process? The hypothesis of this research expects that the decision-making of the Colombian government during the Havana peace process had a key political condition of clearly defined involvement from international actors. It focuses on the Colombian Executive branch as the main actor and its relations with other national and international actors. To do so, the research references the theories of Foreign Policy Analysis, including the Governmental Politics Model and the Two-Level Game Model. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the Colombian government’s decision-making process that involved UN cooperation by applying an interpretative case study. The research methodology is built on data collection gathered by interviewing a number of high-profile individuals involved in the Havana peace process including members of the Colombian government, members of the former guerrilla FARC-EP, United Nations Officials, and national and international academics and advisors who were involved in the decision-making during the negotiations. The conclusion goes on to argue that the Colombian decision-making process implemented during the negotiations was designed precisely to effectively define the role of international support, which improved the likelihood of success of the final peace agreement. The cooperation of international actors, especially from the UN, built trust between the negotiating parties regarding the sustainability of the negotiations. In addition, the international cooperation promoted institutional and political conditions that were necessary to achieve the final peace agreement. Resumen: Esta tesis analiza el proceso de toma de decisiones del gobierno colombiano que incluyó la participación de actores internacionales en el proceso de paz de La Habana (2012-2016). La investigación destaca la influencia de los actores internacionales en las decisiones gubernamentales que facilitaron la terminación del conflicto armado entre el gobierno y las FARC-EP en Colombia. Particularmente, este estudio responde a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo y de qué manera el proceso de toma de decisiones del gobierno colombiano fue influenciado por actores internacionales, especialmente la presencia y acción de la ONU durante el proceso de paz de La Habana? La hipótesis de esta investigación argumenta que el proceso de toma de decisiones del gobierno colombiano durante el proceso de paz de La Habana requirió una condición política de tener claramente definidos los límites de la participación de actores internacionales. La investigación enfoca en la rama de poder Ejecutivo colombiano como actor principal y en sus relaciones con otros actores nacionales e internacionales. Para esto, la investigación se basa en teorías de Análisis de Política Exterior, incluyendo el Modelo de Política Gubernamental y el Modelo del Juego de Dos Niveles. Esta tesis proporciona un profundo análisis del proceso de toma de decisiones del gobierno colombiano que incorporó la cooperación de la ONU, aplicando un estudio de caso interpretativo. La metodología de investigación se fundamenta en la recolección de datos, entrevistando varios individuos de alto nivel involucrados en el proceso de paz colombiano, incluyendo miembros del Gobierno colombiano, miembros de la ex guerrilla de las FARC-EP, funcionarios de las Naciones Unidas, académicos y asesores nacionales e internacionales. La conclusión de la investigación argumenta entonces que el proceso de toma de decisiones colombiano implementado durante las negociaciones se organizó de manera precisa para definir efectivamente el papel del apoyo internacional, que aumentaría la probabilidad de éxito para un acuerdo final de paz. La cooperación de actores internacionales, especialmente de la ONU, creó confianza entre las partes negociadoras en favor de la sostenibilidad de las negociaciones. Adicionalmente, la cooperación internacional promovió condiciones institucionales y políticas que fueron necesarias para alcanzar el acuerdo final de paz.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The Role of Political Decision-Making Processes and International Cooperation in Promoting Peace and Resolving Armed Conflict in Colombia = Procesos Políticos de Toma de Decisiones y Cooperación Internacional para la Promoción de la Paz y la Resolución del Conflicto Armado en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence-based Methods for the Evaluation of Electricity Demand Forecast. Load Forecasting During COVID-19 Pandemic = Métodos estocásticos y basados en inteligencia artificial para la evaluación de pronósticos de demanda de electricidad. Pronóstico de carga durante la pandemia COVID-19

Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence-based Methods for the Evaluation of Electricity Demand Forecast. Load Forecasting During COVID-19 Pandemic = Métodos estocásticos y basados en inteligencia artificial para la evaluación de pronósticos de demanda de electricidad. Pronóstico de carga durante la pandemia COVID-19

Por: Juan Felipe Chaves Santander | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: Stochastic time series methods for load forecasting are the traditional methods used by electric power companies [1] because they can model seasonal and stochastic behavior of the load [2]. A load time series has patterns that repeat at different time scales such as daily, weekly or yearly. These patterns indicate that load can be predicted and the shortest seasonality component has the highest effect on the forecast. There might be conditions in which load is in different time resolutions, has a different amount of missing data or is under special events such as COVID-19 pandemic. Load forecasting methods should be able to perform well under these circumstances. On the other hand, neural networks are a wide research topic, they can learn [3] and have low forecasting errors [4]. In this work we explain the main characteristics of load demand in time, load forecasting and we compare stochas-tic time series methods with neural networks for load forecasting in terms of the error with respect to the real load. Resumen: Los métodos de series de tiempo estocásticos para pronósticos de carga son los métodos tradicionales usados por compañías de energía eléctrica [1] porque pueden modelar el comportamiento estocástico y estacional de la carga [2]. Una serie de tiempo de carga tiene patrones que se repiten en diferentes escalas de tiempo como diaria, semanal o anual. Estos patrones indican que la carga puede ser predicha y que el componente de estacionalidad más corto tiene el efecto más grande en el pronóstico. Pude que haya condiciones en las cuales la carga este en diferentes resoluciones de tiempo, tenga una diferente cantidad de datos faltantes o este bajo eventos especiales como la pandemia COVID-19. Los métodos de pronóstico de carga deberían ser capaces de llevarse a cabo bien bajo estas circunstancias. Por otra parte, las redes neuronales son un tema de investigación amplio, ellas pueden aprender [3] y tienen errores de pronóstico bajos [4]. En este trabajo explicamos las principales características de la demanda de carga en el tiempo, pronósticos de carga y comparamos métodos de serie de tiempo estocásticos con redes neuronales para pronósticos de carga en términos del error con respecto a la carga real. [1] H. Wang, B.-S. Li, X.-Y. Han, D.-L. Wang and H. Jin, "Study of Neural Networks for Electric Power Load Forecasting," Third International Symposium on Neural Networks - Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 1277-1283, 2006. [2] K. Berk, Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Demand, Siegen: Springer Spektrum, 2015. [3] H. Alfares and N. Mohammad, "Electric load forecasting: Literature survey and classification of methods," International Journal of Systems Science - IJSySc. 33, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 23-34, 2002. [4] M. Singh and R. Maini, "Various Electricity Load Forecasting Techniques with Pros and Cons," International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol. 8, pp. 220-229, 2020.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence-based Methods for the Evaluation of Electricity Demand Forecast. Load Forecasting During COVID-19 Pandemic = Métodos estocásticos y basados en inteligencia artificial para la evaluación de pronósticos de demanda de electricidad. Pronóstico de carga durante la pandemia COVID-19

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Imagen de apoyo de  Dancing Monkeys in a box: The Role of Art and Culture in Time of Crisis = Monos danzantes en una caja: El rol del arte y la cultura en tiempos de crisis

Dancing Monkeys in a box: The Role of Art and Culture in Time of Crisis = Monos danzantes en una caja: El rol del arte y la cultura en tiempos de crisis

Por: Luz Ángela Gómez Aristizábal | Fecha: 2020

Resumen: La crisis mundial causada por la pandemia puso sobre la mesa cuestiones acerca de lo que es esencial y no para nosotros como especie humana. Encuestas realizadas durante la pandemia evidenciaban que si bien el consumo de producciones culturales había aumentado a través de plataformas digitales, las personas catalogaban como no esencial el trabajo del artista. Si bien el arte y la cultura estaban más presentes que nunca en el centro de nuestras vidas aun cuando todo había parado, una especie de disonancia en la percepción de la gente se veía reflejada en las encuestas. Con un título inspirado en las canciones más escuchadas en Spotify durante los primeros meses de la pandemia, (Dance Monkey de Tones and I y The Box de Roddy Rich); Monos danzantes en una caja, alude a lo que fuimos durante el confinamiento: Monos danzantes encerrados en cuatro paredes, y hace un recorrido por el papel del arte en tiempos de crisis. Cuando consideramos el artista como una profesión no esencial, la pregunta que surge es, ¿que entendemos por arte? Acaso ¿quiénes componían las canciones que escuchábamos en Spotify, los guiones o las bandas sonoras de las películas que veíamos en Netflix? ¿Qué factores sociales, económicos, políticos, tecnológicos y sociales influencian nuestra percepción y como damos valor al arte y la cultura? Dentro de la civilización occidental (y esto incluye a una Latinoamérica altamente influenciada por la tradición cultural europea) cultura es entendida entre la tensión del concepto antropológico (cultura como forma de vida), y cultura equiparada al arte: el conocimiento de una serie de objetos culturales privilegiados, un sistema creado en el siglo XVIII ligado a disciplinas como historia del arte, estética y mercado. Este ha sido el discurso dominante durante siglos que ha conceptualizado el arte como algo elitista producido por genios y asequible solo a unos cuantos. A esto se contrapone la visión de la antropología y el psicoanálisis que nos muestran como el arte es una dimensión fundamental en el ser humano. La separación del arte en una esfera aparte de la vida cotidiana, hace además que constantemente se tenga que abogar por el valor de este. En Reino Unido anualmente se realizan decenas de investigaciones acerca del valor del arte y la cultura en un esfuerzo por instrumentalizarlos y para justificar la adjudicación presupuestal. El arte entonces se utiliza para satisfacer intereses externos generalmente políticos como bienestar de la comunidad, diplomacia cultural (soft power), creación de identidad nacional o como una herramienta de transformación social. Otros de los factores que han influenciado nuestra relación con el arte, es por un lado la apropiación de la cultura por parte del capitalismo, quien la utiliza para transmitir sus ideologías y por otro lado la forma en la que consumimos, en donde las producciones culturales son simplemente un medio para sumar clicks y reproducciones, permitiendo que mucho del contenido se vuelva “gratis”, e invisibilizando y trayendo a menos el trabajo de los creadores y artistas. (Recordemos que el verdadero producto es el consumidor y su atención). Después de exponer este panorama general, hago un llamado a volver a entender el arte desde su esencia particular como vector fundamental en el ser humano. ¿Que pasaría en un mundo sin arte? Geertz nos da luces: “No ocurriría nada especialmente destacable (...) De hecho, la sociedad no se desmoronaría; algunas de las cosas que experimentaron simplemente no podrían expresadas -y quizás, después de algún tiempo, tampoco podrían ser experimentadas y, por tanto, la vida sería más gris”. El arte nos devuelve la humanidad cuando solo somos monos danzantes en una caja, experimentando la vida a través de luces enceguecedoras. (pantallas de ordenadores, teléfonos móviles, televisores e Ipads).
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Dancing Monkeys in a box: The Role of Art and Culture in Time of Crisis = Monos danzantes en una caja: El rol del arte y la cultura en tiempos de crisis

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Imagen de apoyo de  The role of spontaneous volunteers and emergent groups during emergency response. A perspective from Covid-19 outbreak

The role of spontaneous volunteers and emergent groups during emergency response. A perspective from Covid-19 outbreak

Por: Laura Ximena Vanegas Saldarriaga | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: Purpose: The aim of this study is to understand the role performed and the challenges faced by emergent groups and spontaneous volunteers during the response of Covid-19 emergency. Moreover, this study seeks to examine if structural social capital wealth is related or no with spontaneous volunteerism during Covid-19 outbreak. To be able to assess and compare if the variation between bonding, bridging and linking social networks from place to place impact volunteers´ management the study will be conducted in United Kingdom and Colombia. Design/methodology/approach: This study comprises of qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. A comprehensive literature review was undertaken alongside an online survey with volunteers in Colombia and United Kingdom and online interview. Analyze survey results: Descriptive statistics, t-test and data visualization and qualitative data analysis were implemented to. Findings: Spontaneous volunteerism during Covid-19 was not relate with structural social capital wealth. A centralized management and communication sharing can improve emergency response and volunteers' performance. The more common volunteering activity was food distribution and the biggest challenge was fear of contagion. Practical implications: The author provide insights to improve spontaneous emergency response in the future. In addition, present the excellent opportunity that official organizations are facing to formally work and train spontaneous volunteers. Originality/value: The author introduces a different of social capital and volunteering relationship. Additionally, offer suggestions to improve volunteers´ management from the strengthening of structural social capital.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The role of spontaneous volunteers and emergent groups during emergency response. A perspective from Covid-19 outbreak

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Imagen de apoyo de  Optimization of the design and scheduling of a biomethane plant integrated with a reversible Solid Oxide Cell and a PV solar field

Optimization of the design and scheduling of a biomethane plant integrated with a reversible Solid Oxide Cell and a PV solar field

Por: Fabrizio Llinás Biava | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: This thesis addresses the numerical optimization of the design and scheduling of a biomethane plant integrated with a reversible solid oxide cell, amongst other technologies, that allow the processing of biogas coming from OFMSW anaerobic digestion as to maximize profitability on a yearly basis under different circumstances. The optimization model is carried out through a mixed integer linear program as to obtain the adequate sizes of the different technologies that compose the integrated energy plant whilst taking advantage of the energy and material stream interactions to reach optimal financial feasibility. The inclusion of a reversible oxide fuel cell allows the system to work in different modes as in Power-to-gas and Gas-to-power, generating interest on to the different services that the system can provide to the gas and electricity grids and most importantly to a future decarbonized energy scenario. Furthermore, inclusion of linear models for an amine scrubbing section for biomethane upgrading, a photovoltaic solar field, gas and heat storage units, a battery energy storage system and a biogas boiler into the MILP is carried out as they are part of the technologies in study for the integrated energy plant. The seasonal variability for gas and electricity prices, part load performances, size effects, weather related data, and technological modelling of components are all part of the challenges to be tackled as to obtain a MILP able to compute accurate, adequate and optimal solutions for the design and scheduling problem whilst subjected to technological, environmental and operational constraints. Resumen: Esta tesis se centra en la optimización numérica del diseño y operación de una planta de biometano integrada con una celda de hidrogeno reversible, entre otras tecnologías, que permiten el procesamiento de biogás proveniente de la digestión anaeróbica de material orgánico con el objetivo de maximizar las ganancias en temporalidad anual ante diferentes circunstancias. El modelo de optimización se lleva a cabo con un algoritmo de programación lineal de entornos mixtos para obtener los tamaños de diseño adecuados de las diferentes tecnologías que componen a la planta integrada de energía mientras se toma ventaja de las interacciones entre cada flujo de energía y/o materia para obtener la mas óptima viabilidad económica. La inclusión de una celda reversible de hidrógeno permite al sistema trabajar en diferentes modos como electricidad a gas o gas a electricidad, generando interés en los distintos servicios que el sistema puede proveer a las redes de gas y electricidad y aun más importante a un futuro escenario mundial de energético descarbonizado. Mas aún, la inclusión de modelos lineales como un sistema de mejora de la calidad del biometano mediante absorción con aminas, un campo de energía solar fotovoltaica, unidades de almacenamiento de gas y calor, un sistema de almacenamiento de energías mediante baterías y una caldera de biogás en el modelo de programación lineal es llevado a cabo pues son parte de las tecnologías en estudio para la planta energética integrada. La variación estacional por los precios de gas y electricidad, desempeño a cargas parciales, efectos de tamaños, data ambiental, y el modelado tecnológico de los componentes son parte de los retos a ser resueltos para poder obtener un MILP capaz de computar precisas, adecuadas y optimas soluciones para el problema de diseño y operación mientras se encuentra sujeto a restricciones tecnológicas, ambientales y operacionales.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Optimization of the design and scheduling of a biomethane plant integrated with a reversible Solid Oxide Cell and a PV solar field

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Imagen de apoyo de  Children’s Independent Mobility. A child-oriented perspective on walking, playing and socialising in Cali, Colombia = Movilidad independiente de los niños. Una perspectiva orientada en la juventud sobre caminar, jugar y socializar en Cali, Colombia

Children’s Independent Mobility. A child-oriented perspective on walking, playing and socialising in Cali, Colombia = Movilidad independiente de los niños. Una perspectiva orientada en la juventud sobre caminar, jugar y socializar en Cali, Colombia

Por: María Clara Trujillo Pérez | Fecha: 2020

Resumen: Informed by broad social assumptions, transport planning has traditionally obliged to the travel needs of the average (Levy, 2013b). In this process, children’s imaginaries and aspirations have been overlooked and dominated by an adult world were mobility is regarded as going efficiently from A to B. Challenging this view, this research considers children’s mobility as a practice that involves walking, playing and socialising, and the means by which children ‘perceive, feel and act in the world’ (Lester and Russell, 2010). Thus, it recognises children’s everyday pedestrian practices, and greater independence significantly contributes to their wellbeing and participation in urban life. Given the lack of attention to children’s independent mobility and play in the global south, this study analyses their impressions in a low-income neighbourhood in Cali, Colombia. Through a socio-ecological framework that incorporates the concepts of attachment and affordance, the study explores independent license, walking perceptions and experiences, community ties and sociability. Findings suggest that in this context, independence is the result of constant negotiations between children, parents and household dynamics. Unlike many cities in the global north, while children have high levels of independence for essential journeys, their freedom to roam, play and socialise is more restricted. While road safety has an important role in their perceptions, the changing circumstances in the social environment with high levels of crime and violence are crucial determinants in their participation in the neighbourhood in terms of play and social engagement. Policies should promote greater freedom and playability through strategies that facilitate rich social and physical affordances with a focus on community participation and the reivindication of the street as a meeting place. Resumen: Informada por amplios supuestos sociales, la planificación del transporte tradicionalmente ha atendido las necesidades de viaje de las personas promedio (Levy, 2013b). En este proceso, los imaginarios y aspiraciones de los niños han sido ignorados y dominados por un mundo adulto donde se considera a la movilidad como ir eficientemente de A a B. Retando esta visión, esta investigación considera la movilidad de los niños como una práctica que implica caminar, jugar y socializar, y el medio por el cual los niños 'perciben, sienten y actúan en el mundo' (Lester y Russell, 2010). Por lo tanto, reconoce que las prácticas peatonales cotidianas de los niños son importantes y una mayor independencia puede contribuir significativamente a su bienestar y participación en la vida urbana y comunitaria. Dada la falta de atención a la movilidad y el juego autónomo de los niños en el sur global, este estudio analiza sus experiencias en el Distrito de Aguablanca, Cali, Colombia. A través de un marco socioecológico que incorpora los conceptos de apego y potencialidad, el estudio explora la licencia independiente, las percepciones y experiencias al caminar, los lazos comunitarios y la sociabilidad. Los hallazgos sugieren que, en este contexto, la independencia resulta de negociaciones constantes entre los jóvenes, los cuidadores y las dinámicas del hogar. En este sentido, a diferencia de muchas ciudades del norte global, mientras que los niños tienen altos niveles de independencia para viajes esenciales, su libertad para deambular, jugar y socializar está restringida. Si bien la seguridad vial tiene un papel importante en sus percepciones, las circunstancias cambiantes en el entorno social en términos de altos niveles de delincuencia y violencia determinan su participación en el barrio en relación al juego y la interacción social. Las políticas deben promover una mayor libertad y oportunidades para el juego, a través de estrategias que faciliten ricas potencialidades sociales y físicas con un enfoque en la participación comunitaria y la apropiación de la calle como lugar de encuentro.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Children’s Independent Mobility. A child-oriented perspective on walking, playing and socialising in Cali, Colombia = Movilidad independiente de los niños. Una perspectiva orientada en la juventud sobre caminar, jugar y socializar en Cali, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regional state capacity and economic performance in Colombia

Regional state capacity and economic performance in Colombia

Por: Wilfred Alonso Romero Arciniegas | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: The subject of State capacity is a commonplace object of study in the social sciences which in the last few years has garnered more attention from the fields of social research and economics. As state capacity has a close relationship with development the question of how state capacity affects the development of a territory merits our attention. The present work therefore focuses on Colombia’s Regions, specifically using as a unit of analysis the 32 departments into which they are divided. Data on Colombia’s municipalities from the CEDE have been used to construct 4 indexes: Fiscal, Violence, Bureaucratic, and Operational. To create the indexes several variables have been selected and constructed with recourse to the Principal Component Analysis. However, as GDP data are unavailable at the municipal level, Night Time Lights (NTL) data are used as a proxy for economic development. Using a regression model showing the extent to which state capacity indices correlate with economic development as measured by NTL, while conducting robustness checks so as to confirm the expected results, we conclude that where state capacity is greater, then more development is expected.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Regional state capacity and economic performance in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  How has the 2016 Colombian Peace Process, Impacted The Farc in Terms of Organization, Ideology, and Transformation?

How has the 2016 Colombian Peace Process, Impacted The Farc in Terms of Organization, Ideology, and Transformation?

Por: Álvaro Hernán Tobon Ramírez | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: The 2016 peace accords between the Colombian state and the FARC created great expectations of peace across the region. However, four years later, Colombia is experiencing a growing wave of violence from numerous actors, including former FARC dissidents. What drove the emergence of splinter groups after the 2016 peace accords? This thesis argues that insurgents’ levels of cohesiveness and ideological commitment during negotiations significantly condition the long-term prospects for successful accord implementation. When insurgencies enter these processes with low levels of these two factors, peace accords tend to transform, rather than end, the conflict. The thesis examines this argument through an analysis of the FARC’s organizational and ideological properties throughout history and finds that while the FARC had traditionally been a cohesive organization, during the 2000s the COIN strategy and Plan Colombia weakened its organizational structure. Furthermore, its incorporation in the drug trade contributed to the dilution of its ideological commitment. When accords were signed, the FARC lacked the necessary levels of cohesiveness and commitment to implement and enforce the accords in their ranks, causing the emergence of splinter groups. This thesis recommends that in an eventual negotiation with insurgencies, governments must give careful consideration to both the organizational and ideological properties of such organizations to avoid splintering and recurrence of violence.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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How has the 2016 Colombian Peace Process, Impacted The Farc in Terms of Organization, Ideology, and Transformation?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Application of scrumban agile project management methodology to the development of scorm-conformant blended learning modules at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Application of scrumban agile project management methodology to the development of scorm-conformant blended learning modules at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Por: Mauricio Enrique; Dyan Camacho Camacho | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: Since early 2020, the challenging conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic had diverse effects on the various fields of the economy worldwide. More specifically, social distancing and confinement measures to avoid contagion disrupted the regular operation of education institutions at all levels. The 2020-2025 Development Plan of the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Fachhochschule Dortmund, FH-Do) considers as an objective of high priority the diversification of their education strategy with a broader online course offer, which was accelerated by the current urging public health scenario, leading the administration to take measures directed to further elearning and Blended Learning (BL) development. This master thesis aims to propose a BL design and development framework that meets the long-term vision of the FH-Do by integrating into the university’s BL ecosystem de facto design methodologies, such as Instructional Design (ID) and User Experience (UX), all under the Agile/Lean project management (PM) methodology known as Scrumban. This is done while keeping a strict focus on learner-centered design and the pedagogical aspect by incorporating the theory of constructivism. Additionally, the proposed framework considers the long-standing e-learning industry standard known as SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) for the development of interactive BL modules, and relevant policies that regulate the operation of the FH-Do’s BL ecosystem. Besides the due literature review in connection with this research, two basic SCORM-conformant BL prototypes were developed, a series of structured interviews was conducted with students of the European Master in Project Management (EuroMPM) for its review, and unstructured interviews were held with BL Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and with the supervisors of this master thesis. The data collection process, their corresponding analysis, and results are presented in this document in connection with the proposed framework. The applicability of the present framework at the FH-Do aims to benefit the digitization of lecture contents, regardless of the program and study level. The scalable nature of the SCORM-conformant BL modules developable under this framework hold great potential pursuant to a standardized online course offer.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Application of scrumban agile project management methodology to the development of scorm-conformant blended learning modules at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts

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