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Reconstructing the limit. Urban revival via architecture and landscape design in war-damaged Mosul, Iraq = Reconstrucción del límite. Renacimiento Urbano a través del diseño arquitectónico y paisajismo en Mosul, Iraq


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2021
  • Idioma Inglés
Abstract: Because there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Everybody is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds.” All wars are atrocious, and the task of incorporating such inglorious events into a nation’s collective identity becomes understandably hard. But it needs to be done, otherwise, the memory of the war might be trivialized and forgotten and, hence, are more prone to be repeated. War is bound to replicate itself without confrontation and awareness. Mosul city was established on the western bank of the Tigris River in the 6th Century, just across the water from the ruins of the Assyrian city of Nineveh. The city flourished during the ancient era establishing itself as an epicentre of the Islamic world, therefore it is rich with ancient ruins and cultural heritage. The war which erupted in Iraq didn’t aim to destroy only its defence, but also its identity. Entire urban blocks of Mosul’s city were damaged so severely, that when it comes to reconstruction it cannot simply restore the former fabrics, either of space or architecture. The war has changed everything, and most critically the structure of society itself. The spatial reconstruction will mostly require more than just physical rehabilitation and restoration of the cities devastated infrastructure and housing. In order to provide sensations for the need of diversity and unity, more urgent concern should be given to restoring public facilities and daily utilities. Architectural and landscape design can be judiciously used in healing the social structure. How can common spaces be rearranged to create conditions for a peaceful and creative coexistence among citizens which survived such horrors? How can the location and the design of such utilities be done in a way as to meet the needs for intimacy and peace? This thesis study intends to recommend an urban and architectural regeneration project, to be taken upon during the redevelopment of the old city of Mosul. Furthermore, a set of strategies that may ensure the preservation of the urban identity of the area, while redeveloping and coping with the environmental, socioeconomic and political changes have been identified for reclaiming the urban identity and promoting the sense of belonging.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Nicolás; Dogari Bello Melo, "Reconstructing the limit. Urban revival via architecture and landscape design in war-damaged Mosul, Iraq = Reconstrucción del límite. Renacimiento Urbano a través del diseño arquitectónico y paisajismo en Mosul, Iraq", Mosul (Nínive, Ikak):-, 2021. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-12-11.

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Reconstructing the limit. Urban revival via architecture and landscape design in war-damaged Mosul, Iraq = Reconstrucción del límite. Renacimiento Urbano a través del diseño arquitectónico y paisajismo en Mosul, Iraq

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