Headless: Season 2 #2
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Acceder- Autor
- Año de publicación 2023
- Idioma Inglés
- Publicado por Scout Comics,
- Descripción
- Demons run wild in Salem causing Rick to end up in Hell. When Chris learns of the tragic event that has befallen his brother, he has no choice but to work with his unholy rivals - Tom and Claw - to save Rick from a fate worse than death.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
- Robert. Ahmad, "Headless: Season 2 #2", -:Scout Comics,, 2023. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (https://www.bibliotecadigitaldebogota.gov.co/resources/3573416/), el día 2024-09-18.